Chapter 7

"Why did you join the army?" Princess joan inquired of Lucas after they had retired to her private chambers with Rose making braids on her hair. He was the only male allowed to enter her chamber all others except the king have to always stand outside to state their intentions. She had to pinch herself from time to time to remind herself she wasn't dreaming. The most handsome man she had ever come across was a lifeguard to her. He wasn't only handsome, he was also strong and fast like every vampire a quality she needed on her side considering she drinks animak blood and that means functioning with half of her original power.

"It has always been my dream to be among the protectors of this kingdom since my childhood days. This kingdom offered me something I was missing, a home and a family. So I had always wanted to protect it." He explained to her..

"You speak like you are not from this kingdom" she noted.

"Yes I am not my lady. I was picked up by vampire woman on the werewolf border when I was younger with the inscription ABOMINATION wrriten on a tag hung around my neck. I was left to die on the borders but was rescued by the woman I call my mother today Lady Zacki, sister of greatgrand commander Zacki. "

"I am fancinated on hearing that, I am guessing that accounts for brilliant fighting skills because I hear she is also a skilled warrior. "

"I have been fighting since when I was little thanks to her" he replied..

"That explains that but what I don't understand is why you decided to work in the werewolf border. Most commanders dread being sent there but I hear you chose to go there and have been staying there for over five years. What's the secret behind that?" She asked curiously.

"Those borders, were the same place from which I was rescued by lady Zacki. So I decided to make it my duty to safe guard it. Yes we always have some werewolf attack from time to time but it have never been anything serious. "

"Doesn't it border you that you have to leave that post to stay with me as a life guard" she asked curiously.

"No my lady, there comes a time in every mans life when change comes. I have lived all my life on the borders I think it is only fair I move to the palace and what better position than to be the lifeguard of the most beautiful woman I have ever come across with in this kingdom. "

Princess Joan's face turned red when she heard those words. Did he just compliment me she asked in her head quickly trying to hide the the smile on her face.

"You flatter me Commander Lucas, I can see you are also good with words" shechuckled.

"No my princess. I speak the truth, even from the borders the story of the beautiful princess who had refused to marry anyone is told everyday. I have always imagined how beautiful you will be till I finally met you. I must say the stories are true."

"If I may ask may I know why you have refused to marry anyone? " he asked innocently. Rose quickly cleared her throat as she gave him a stern look an indication to him that he was crossing his boundaries.

"My apologies my princess" he quickly apologized Falling on his knees.

"Don't be silly, get up and please stop calling me Princess Joan when are alone like this. The gods know I hate that title. I just want to be like every other girl on the streets."

"My princess I can only do that if you also stop calling me commander Lucas. Lucas will do for me" he pointed out with a smile on his face.

"Alright deal" she agreed.

"Thank you princess, sorry Joan," Lucas quickly corrected himself.

Joan just smiled as she heard him fumble wirh those words.

"Back to your question, on why I have turned down several proposals. I will say I haven't found the one I love for myself or that even loves me outside the fact I am seen as a means for power by many of those princes and kings out there." She responded feeling sad when the thoughts came rushing into her mind.

"What about you, have you any wife or someone you have in mind already? " she suddenly asked turning the table on him.

"No, not at all. There is hardly a place for love in a soldier's life. Most of us are married to our duty" he replied with a straight face which made Joan feel sorry for him immediately. She wondered what it must have felt like to be a soldier out there. But she wasn't ready to continue that discussion as it was already too sad for her.

"Rose I really need to feed at this moment. Get a cup please Joan instructed Rose who quickly went out to get her what she requested.

"I will like to speak to your mother, do well to invite her to the palace as soon as possible" Joan also instructed Lucas she waits for her cup.

Lucas was surprised when Rose returned with a single cup of blood instead of living human being as other vampires do when they say they need to feed in such manner. He thought all those mannerisms was just for a single cup of blood. From the scent he could tell it wasn't human blood and that was the most surprising thing.

"Is that what I think it is?" He asked as shock was seen on his face.

"What do you think it is?" Joan asked in reply.

"That's animal blood, the blood of an antelope to be precise" he replied. This time it was the turn of Joan to be surprised at how accurate he was about the blood.

"How did you know all that, don't tell me you have extra sense of smell too." She asked jokely.

"Let's say I do too" he responded surprised at the fact she will find it extra ordinary. He guessed it was the animal blood that must have been tempering with her own powers.