Chapter 8

Princess Becky moved furiously from one end of her mother's chamber to the other. Queen Veronica and her sister Princess Vanessa have been trying in vain to calm her down.

"I don't understand, how was he able to go effortly block my blows without even taking his sword out. It took me a year to master that move I made. And no one has ever blocked it not even father when we trained together. Who is he and where did he come from She continued ranting in anger.

You need to calm down and stop getting yourself stressed up about this whole issue. I have told you I will make enquiries about him Queen Veronica tried to persuade her. But she wouldn't want to hear anything. She was more angry with herself for choosing someone else instead of him.

"I suspect a foul play here" Vanessa spoke after observing for sometime.

"I hope you are not about to say something foolish. You were part of the reason we had to choose early" Becky attacked her with words.

Instead of getting angry Vanessa decided to ignore her.

"I feel there was a foul play somewhere. You will remember Princess Joan made her choice before she even saw him. Are we to believe that she incidentally chose the best commander? No I don't think so" she insisted.

Her words made instant sense to both Queen Veronica and Princess Becky as they both pondered on what she had reason . It made little send to them that Princes Joan's ended up being the best. She suspected a kind of collaboration from princess Joan and her father.

"I need to know something" she said as she temporarily stepped out of the chamber. Her life guard Commander and Vanessa's lifeguard commander Zod were both standing outside the chamber.

They quickly bowed their head when they saw her outside.

"Tell me something, which of you here know a thing or two about commander Lucas" she asked staring at them in disgust.

"My Princess I know nothing about him" commander Zod replied.

"And you?" She asked turning to Caleb in frustration.

"I have some little details about him." Caleb spoke without looking at her.

"Then speak "she ordered.

"Back then we enlisted in the army together. He had always been faster than any of us and he learnt faster than any of us. He was quickly promoted before any of us as they masters say he was more efficient than any of us. He did things ordinary vampires cannot do. Which made some rumours to move around thag made be he was vampire of true blood.

"Vampire of true blood my foot" Becky thundered in reply to his suggestion.

Vampire of true blood refers to vampires that were not made vampires by other vampires. They were either given birth to by parents who where true vampires themselves or parents who came from the first linage of the original vampires. Details of the original vampires were scarcly known as they were rare but people believe they exist.

"My Princess, one of our masters at the academy was of the opinion Lucas must be from the linage of an original vampire hence his faster speed. "

"Who are his parents?" Becky asked immediately not wanting to believe Lucas was an original vampire.

"No one actually knows of his parents for real as they were nrumours he was an orphan. Others say Lady Zacki is his guardian. I am sure of the later because she was the one who brought him to the academy. And he was never published because of her. Nobody wanted to be in her bad books. "

"Lady Zacki you say?" She asked conviced on how Lucas must have learnt his act of swordmanship. Anyone who learnt directly under Lady Zacki was sure to come out a very good warrior.

"Thank you for you not being completely useless" she said as she walked into her mothers chamber.

"Mother, I have got some information about Lucas. I think we need to invite Lady Zacki to the palace for questioning privately. She might hold the key to our questions. "

"Why do you think so? " Queen Veronica asked suspiciously.

Becky narrated her discussion with commander Caleb to which even Queen Veronica became amazed at the rumours surrounding the young man.

"Indeed, we need to invite her to clear the air on alot of things I will send for her secretly" She declared.