Chapter 9

"My Princess, Princess Freya is here " an announcement was made to announce the presence of Princess Freya the sister of the king.

Lucas immediately became alert placing one hand on the head of his sword as Princess Freya walked in. Princess Freya walked into the chambers as Princess Joan hurried to hug her.

"Aunt you are here, I never expected you back so soon" Joan stated happily.

"I needed to be sure you made the right choice" Freya replied her as she walked towards Lucas who immediately became tensed.

"Relax Lucas, she won't harm you" Joan giggled.

Freya continued her walk toward Lucas and stopped right in front of him. She gazed directly into his eyes circled round him two times in a manner that was even strange to Joan. She wondered what her aunt was up to but she didn't dare interfer.

"Hmm I am satisfied with your choice Joan." You made the right choice but with this choice comes many challenges.

"I don't understand" Joan replied confused on what her aunty was talking about.

"I want to speak to both of you privately" Freya demanded looking at the both of them.

Joan immediately signaled Rose to leave them,

"Make sure no one stands at the door" she whispered into her ears as she walked outside.

Rose instantly made sure no one stood close to her chamber as she ordered everyone out of the Princess Joan's court for the main time.

"We have both the room and court to ourselves " Joan announced after personally inspecting the outside of her room. She couldn't understand why Freya had this very serious look on her face.

"As I said before you made the right choice" Freya repeated.

"Sitdown she instructed Lucas who stole a glance at Joan before he proceeded to sitdown after an assuring look from Joan.

"It will interest you to know I guilded Joan into chossing you as her life guard and that is because of the potentials you have in you. Both of you have a great destiny to fulfill in uniting two very powerful kingdoms together but I tell you the challenges before you are very dangerous and the only way out is if the both of you work together in honesty and trust."

"Aunt you are doing it again, you are speaking in Languages that I don't understand" Joan protested.

"The messages of a seer are never straight forward, it is left to you to discern what I am saying."

"My Lady, sorry to interrupt. I am only a commander with no knowledge of my background, how can I be the key to uniting two powerful kindgoms. Besides i have heard this back then in the borders from a seer also. " Lucas spoke for the first time

"I know, I know everything that have been said to you but right now you are closer to your destiny than ever so the need to reemphasize this message to you. It is not within your powers to determine when everything starts but it is within yours to determine how it will end. "

"I am more confused now" Lucas admitted in frustration.

"I know but with time you will both understand. What thing you should both understand is that there are some levels of your powers that are untapped at this moment. As you walk together you will both begin to manifest these powers but be very careful to keep the knowledge to yourselves because people don't like what they understand. "

"I will be leaving now" Freya said getting up on her feet.

"Aunt you never seize to leave me in confusion whenever you come around" Joan complained in frustration.

"Our messages are never straightforward but make sure to always stay on the right path and you will be led to the light." Freya spoke patting her on the cheek.

"As for you Lucas"she said turning to Lucas.

"I suggest you start asking questions about your birth parents. It will lead you to discovering your true potential" Freya suggested before taking her leave as she heads straight to the king's chamber.

Immediately she left Joan and Lucas stared at each other in awkward silence as different thoughts went through their minds.

For Lucas it wasn't the first time he was hearing a similar prophecy from a seer. He had first encountered a seer back in there borders who told him he was going to be responsible for the unifying of two kingdoms. A prophecy he immediately dismissed as false since he considered himself as just a commander. The most striking part of her talk to him was when she suggested he starts asking questions about his birth. Where will he even have to start from was completely unknown to him.

As far Joan she had always known Lucas was special from the moment she saw him. What bordered her most was the part her aunt said she had some powers that were untapped. She was more concern about her other powers because she was tired of her cravings for blood.