Chapter 10

"Why are the both of you acting like Princess Freya had just scolded both of you" Rose asked when she came immediately she saw Princess Freya leave. She came in to meet an awkward silence between Joan and Lucas.

Joan narrated everything to Rose just as her aunt has said without holing any details back shocking even Lucas who thought she was being too open by relating everything to her made.

"Oh don't give me that look, I tell her everything" Joan pointed out when he saw the look on her face. Her words seem to have some effect as the worry on his face gradually vanished.

"All my life my father keeps telling me I have to get married so I could help in uniting this kingdom with another powerful one but in doing so he had always respected my choice and desire noto be rushed into marriage. I really am confused on what Aunt Freya means by both of us uniting two powerful nations but whatever it is I strongly feel it wouldn't be easy. Joan spoke after thoroughly thinking about the issue.

"I don't know what you aunt meant but my own interpretation is that challenges are coming you way and you need to prepare for it. You already have a lifeguard but that's not enough." Rose spoke selecting her words carefully.

"What do you mean? " Lucas asked ad he thought her words were directed towards him.

"What I mean is, since she is a vampire who feeds on animal blood like you have found out, there is a need for you to not only guard her jealously but also teach her how to fight on her own. Whatever the challenge will be she needs to be prepared both physically and mentally" Rose pointed out.

"Come of it Rose, I don't need any sword practice. You know I don't do well with swords." Joan protested.

"Joan, I hate to admit it, Rose is right, you need to start practicing with the sword. Right now the advantage of speed is not on your side but we can cover that up with being very smart with the sword.

"No, Both of you are crazy, I refuse to practice the use of swords

"I insist you do" Joan Lucas said with a firm voice that shocked Joan and Rose leaving both of them speechless.

Joan felt like arguing with him but a part of her just wanted to give in to his request. Especially when he spoke that way to her. It made her realize she needed a man to speak to her that way sometimes so she doesn't end up as a totally spoilt princess.

"Alright you both win, I will start sword practice first thing tomorrow but for today you are both sneaking with me outside the palace. I want to have a look at the market today again. "

"What?" Lucas asked in shock.

"You better explain to him" Joan said pointing at Rose who quickly had to explain things to Lucas .

"The princess usually sneaks out to the market to watch the group of girls sing from time to time. That's what she wants now" she explained.

"But that's risky Lucas objected. What if something happens to her or she is recognized by people in the market." Lucas objected nor buying the idea at all. He already had a bad feeling about their planned escape from the palace.

"Don't worry, we have ben doing it for over two years now no one has ever caught us or noticed our absence. There is nothing to be scared about we can do it again."

"No, please I object to this. The king will kill me if he finds out I allowed you do this. Please let this idea vanished from your thought today." He pleaded.

"Do you want me to train with the sword? Joan asked

"Yes I do" Lucas answered eagerly.

"Then you must do this for me. There is no other way out of it. You can also decide not to come with us there is no harm in that after all you can say you thought I was in my chambers" Joan suggested to him.

"Alright then, I prefer it that way, I cannot get scolded on just my second day of work. Make sure to come back safe please" he pleaded with her as he held her by her hands.

"I will don't worry, you almost worry like my father that's why I never tell him anything like this" Joan spoke patting Lucas on the head.

"I will be back before you know it, I just need to hear those girls sing then drop some money for some children and I will be back before you know it" she said with a smile on her face.

"Rose, get our things ready, we leave at once before Lucas changes his mind about leting us go."

Lucas watched as they both carried some commoners's clothe inside a bag. He knew those were the clothes they will change to once they leave the palace. He also watch them pack some quantity of gold inside another back. Probbaly for the kids he thought. In less than ten minutes they were done.

"Alright we will see you later, make your self scarce so you don't have to answer questions about my whereabout" Joan smiled as she walked away with Rose sending Lucas into a state of restlessness.