Chapter 12

Joan and Rose were having a good time in the market sometimes walking or running like little children. It was one of those things she misses in the royal palace as everyone is uptight in the palace. Even her sisters were distant from her as thier minds have been poisoned by their mother.

They stopped at the square to listen to some girls sing as usual before moving to an orphanage home where she spends most of her time with Madam Maria the guildian of the children. As usual she came with cash gift for the upkeep of the children.

"Ladies you are here again" Madam Maria greeted them on seeing them again.

"Yes ma'am we are here as usual" Joan replied with Joy. No one recognizes her outside the palace and she was okay with that provided she was able to provide for people in her own little capacity.

"Rose please bring the bag over "Joan instructed Rose as the bag of gold was placed in front of madam Maria.

"Please accept this gift from us, Its for the upkeep of the children. Remember anything you need you can make it known to me anytime I come " Joan spoke softly to madam Maria .

"What more can we ask for, we have already made use of the last bag of gold you brought for us how then can you now ask if we need anything. We have everything we need, although there is just one thing I desire." Madam Maria spoke using her fingers to indicate how small the favour was.

"What is that mention anything we will provide it" Rose spoke eagerly this time.

"Your names and where you come" Madam Maria requested staring into their eyes. She could tell they were not the persons they always claim to be.

"We have told you before we are just..... "Joan tried to speak

"Yes you are just business women who trade in gold moving from one kingdom to another." Madam maria competed the sentence for her.

"That's what you have always said but at the same time I know its not the truth. I am a witch and I can tell when you lie to me" Madam Marie confessed to them. They were taken aback by her words. They had always thought she was just an ordinary human helping kids survive in a vampire world. It now occured to them why she was able to really survive in their kingdom.

"We will be going now" Joan said suddenly feeling uneasy. She knew if they continued to stay Madam maria was going to continue with the question about their true identities.

"No stay more, I promise I won't ask you about your names again" Madam Maria pleaded.

"So you said the last time we were here" Rose reminded her as she chuckled.

"We would have loved to stay but the longer we stay here the closer we are at putting Lucas in trouble" Joan blurted without thinking.

"And who is Lucas? " Madam Maria asked looking at the both of them as confusion is clearly written on her face.

"Oh I am sorry, do not worry about that" Joan spoke closing her mouth with her hand as she dragged Rose along for them to go outside. The day was already far spent

They both came outside laughing at the little incident.

"Is it that bad?" Rose asked with a mischievous smile on her face.

"I don't know what you are talking about" Joan responded in pretense.

"Common, don't think I have not noticed how you look at him. All my years of knowing you you have never looked at any man that way" Rose pointed out.

"And then today I guess you were thinking about him so much that you didn't know when you blurted out his name" Rose added as she giggled at the idea.

"Rose stop it I don't know what you are talking about. I don't even like Lucas. He is like every other man to me." Joan objected in pretended anger.

"And who said anything about you liking him, see you were already thinking far ahead of me" Rose continued as they took sharp bend that was suppose to take them to tunnel that lead directly to a secret passage under the palace.

"Stop!!! Rose half yelled.

"What's that? " Joan asked with concern in her voice when she saw the worried look on Rose's face.

"What is it? " Joan asked leaning close to Rose. She knew Rose had better sense of hearing than she has because of her dependence on animal blood.

"I can sense danger Joan, Some group of men are walking towards us from the tunnel. But they are not normal men.

"What do you mean by not normal men? Inside our secret tunnel?" How is that possible.

"Oh my goodness" Rose suddenly screamed holding her mouth at the same time.

"What's that?" Joan asked as fear crept into her mind.

"Werewolves!! " Rose screamed