Chapter 15

Meanwhile the King Atkinson has not been informed about the werewolves attack as he sits in his chambers discussing with his sister.

"I am very sure Princess Joan made the right choice by choosing Lucas as her lifeguard he is the most competent of all the commanders and the bravest soldier I have ever come across" Princess Freya informed the king.

"How do you know all that for sure? " King Atkinson questioned puzzled on her sudden likeness for Lucas. He already had it in mind to speak to all the lifeguards on a one to one basis.

"There are a lot of things I know brother but for now I cannot say them" Princess Freya replied with a smile.

"I haven't spoken to him personally but from the moment I saw his eyes I knew he is a good choice. But then if Joan could make such good choice about a lifeguard why is she undecided about her marriage partner" The king requested as frustration is written all over his face.

"Trust me when I say you shouldn't worry about that. My niece has set eyes on her life partner but she has yet to understand he is the one. With time she will and you will get what you want. I only hope just as you approved of her lifeguard you will also approve of her husband." Princess Freya pointed out.

"Don't forget a husband and a lifeguard are not the same. A lifeguard is charge of her life while her husband will be in charge of this kingdom. You don't expect I wouldn't be strict in that area" King Atkinson reminded her.

"So you mean the kingdom is more important than her life?" Princess Freya asked with a raised brow. But she got no reply as King Atkinson kept quiet.

She was wondering why kings always thought the welfare if their kingdom was more important than their own family. Even her father then wasn't different than her brother.

"You haven't answered my question" Freya wanted to pursue the matter further but she had to keep quiet when she saw King Atkinson's finger on his lips an indication for her to keep quiet.

"What is this noise I hear outside my chambers? " King Atkinson spoke straining his ears to hear more.

"What do you hear?" Freya spoke in whispers inorder not to offend him.

"I hear footsteps people ruining here and there. I can also hear people discussing in whispers. What is happening that no one is coming to tell me.? "

"Guards!! Guards!" He thundered.

But instead of a guard Lord Barak walked in panting seriously.

"Lord Barak what brings you here and almost out of breath" King Atkinson asked as worry crept to his face but he still managed to keep his cool.

"Your Majesty, the king of kings and my Lady Princess Freya," Lord Barak bowed slightly to acknowledge her presence.

"I have been on a search for some group of miscrants who came to disturbe the peace of the market square. "

"Who are they? " the king asked as worry completely took over him.

"Your Majesty , I have not been able to personally identify them but according to witnesses in the market they said it was a werewolf attack. "

"Werewolves?" king Atkinson asked getting up from his seat immediately. Werewolf attack was totally rare inside the kingdom such things could only be heard in the borders but this time it occured in the market just some distance from the palace.

"Yes werewolves your majesty but we have not been able to personally confirm if its true. We have tried to trace them but they were very good in closing all their tracks so we can't trace them. "

"This is madness, make sure to get them and find out their mission in this kingdom. We all know the werewolves don't attack without an interior motive King Atkinson instructed Lord Barak also as you go out instruct the chief guard to tighten the security around here we must not be caught unaware. "

"Yes your majesty" Lord Barak answered as he made to live.

"One more thing, I hope no one was bitten?" king Atkinson asked with concern .

"No for now, we have not seen or hear any report of anyone that was bitten. "

"Alright then, go now I will need a full briefing before the sun goes down."

"Yes your majesty" Lord Barak replied walking away.

"I will go check up on Princess Joan to see how she is handling this news" Princess Freya stated leaving the King's chambers too