Chapter 16

'Thank goodness Princess Freya I was coming to get you myself' Rose felt happy when she bumped into Princess Freya. Princess Joan had sent her to go find her to see if there was a way to help Lucas.

"What's wrong? " Princess Freya asked suspiciously. She could sense the fear and urgency in her voice.

"Please just come with me" Rose begged her trying not to draw attention to herself.

"Princess Joan needs your help right now. "

"I hope she is fine? " Freya asked as she moved in haste to the Princess Chambers.

"Yes she is" Rose assured her walking behind her as they walked to the chambers. She knew a little drama was about to play out before her.

Freya walked in to see Princess Joan moving around restless.

"Are you okay? " Freya asked holding her by the face immediately she walked in.

"Yes aunt I am fine, I am not the one that needs help "Joan replied leading her instantly to her bed where Lucas was lying barely moving but in serious pain.

"What is this" Freya asked alarmed at what she saw. Lucas lying on the Princess bed.

"Aunt, we were in the market when the werewolves came to attack me. They came specifically for me but Lucas came to save me but was bitten up by one of them in the process. "

"I don't understand anything you are saying. You are not making sense how did you even get to the market sqaure? " Freya asked with anger in her voice.

"Aunt please forgive me. I sneaked out of the palace without the knowledge of anyone' Joan pleaded dropping on her knees.

"It was while I was in the market that this happened" Joan repeated the story slowly this time.

"I will have to tell the king abour this" Freya made to leave but was stopped by Joan.

"No aunt my father cannot know about his please. I hoped you won't tell him anything that's why I sent for you. Please help Lucas" Joan pleaded still on her knees.

"He is in this problem because of me so please help him. '

"Rather he is in this problem because he didn't perform his duties well and get up on your feet" Princess Freya hissed as she walked up to his bed side to access his health.

"He must have been bitten long ago why didn't you send for me earlier?" Freya asked as concern immediately occupied her thought. She knew Lucas was the right lifeguard for Joan and they could not possibly loss him now.

"This is how fast we could bring him since we had to sneak with him into my chambers" without raising suspicion Joan explained

"Lock your door and don't open for anybody I will be back soon" Freya hurried out of the chambers leaving a trembling Joan and Rose.

Joan kept blaming herself for the predicament Lucas was facing presently. She wished she had listen to him and not gone to the market that day.

"Have you ever heard of a vampire who survived a werewolf bite?" She suddenly asked Rose .

"No my Princess I have never heard of it. There have been no cure for it except the blood of the suppose werewolf" Rose replied softly not wanting to dash the hopes of Joan.

Suddenly Freya appeared in the room startling them.

"Oh aunt, not again you shouldn't do that' Joan frowned at Freya.

"Teleporting was the fastest means for me to get here."/She said ignoring her protest as she brought out some mixed herbs from a bag she carried along.

"Hold him still, this will hurt alot" she stated as Joan and Rose held Lucas down on the bed.

Freya applied thr mixture she brought into the spot where he was bitten making some incantations as she did so. Lucas Shaked violently as the medication seem to be having an effect on his body as he suddenly went numb and totally blanked out.

"Aunt! aunt what just happened Joan questioned curiously.

Joan it has never been heard that vampire survived a werewolf bite. In all mh years I have tried different formulas and mixture but they have never been any success. I cannot assure you of success either. The only sure way of getting him back is if we can find the werewof who bit him and then get his blodd that's the only way he can be healed.

"What I just gave him is a temporary relief for this night. It is unlikely tha he will see day break. " Freya's words cut into Joan's heart shattering it into pieces. She knew there was no way she will be able to get those werewolves before day break without telling her father.

"What do I do aunt Freya, I cannot tell father about this. "

"You will eventually have to tell him. For now you can only say your goodbyes to Lucas. "