Chapter 17

In the King's court there was a serious uproar and panic. All the ministers were summoned that very night to discuss the the rumoured attack of the werewolves in the market. Even Princess Freya had to go back to the court. The presence of werewolves in the kingdom was always a big threat to the peace of the kingdom.

"So what is the current situation?" King Atkinson asked his question directed to the minister of defence and war Great grand commander Zacki.

"The king of kings" commander Zacki hailed one hand on his shoulder as those in the army salute the king.

"We have no information yet. My men have searched the whole area and they have been no trace of a single werewolf in the market. No one has complained of being attacked neither does anyone know who raised the first alarm about the werewolves. In conlcusion my king I think this was a false alarm" He submitted to the king.

"Does anyone have a contrary opinion to what he had just said? " King Atkinson said throwing the question to everyone this time.

"I think we must look for the person who raised the alarm first in the market. If there was really an attack then whoever it was who explain everything to us" Lord Barak suggested this time.

Princess Freya was undecided if she was to speak or not. The bite on Lucas hand was enough evidence to tell them there was really a werewolf attack but then it will expose Princess Joan and her lifeguard. She then decided to be careful with her words.

"I really think there was a werewolf attack. No one in this kindgom will joke around with a such a thing knowing the gravity of such an offense. We all know the presence of werewolves in this kingdom is highly prohibited so they must always clear their tracks when they attack. I strongly believe we should look harder while making sure we contact those in the werewolves border to tighten up their security because they must have come from somewhere and we should always take things like this very serious. We all know what a werewolf bite can do to a vampire " Princess Freya explained to them her ideas making sense to everyone present.

"Alright then till we have a concrete report about the werewolves attack we should continue searching for other clues.. "

"Great grand commander Zacki I want a report from the grand commander on the werewolves border by tomorrow morning. It shouldn't be a problem since it is your wife make sure to rely the message to her as soon as possible. "

"Yes my King" Commander Zacki replied as everyone filed out immediately. They understood the issue for that day was already concluded.

Only Princess Freya and Lord Barak stayed behind with the king. They were the closest persons to him in the royal court.

"I find it strange that there will be a werewolf attack and no one saw them or were even attacked by them. Werewolves can't just come and go like that. They are always ruthless" Lord Barak lamented.

"I am conviced there was really a werewolf attack. But then maybe they must have taken someone away or they just came to scare us" Princess Freya spoke up.

"If that be the case then they have made a mistake we will make sure to get them soon, My king I also suggest there be a head count around the market incase anyone was taken by the werewolves. Lord Barak suggested.

"That is a perfect idea. I will leave that task in your hand make sure you do that. I want to get a report soon on that" King Atkinson instructed .

"I will like to leave the both of you as I need to see my eldest daughter Joan." I need to know how she is faring with all the news about werewolves." king Atkinson spoke rising up from his throne as he moves out of the court.

Princess Freya immediately became alarm she knew they will be trouble if King walks into the Princess's court without the knowledge of the Princess. She thought of a way to inform Joan but couldn't think of anything besides she was still with Lord Barak and leaving so soon will be disrespectful.