Chapter 18

Princess Joan sat down close to Lucas on the bed lost in thought. She thought of how she was going to regret her decision of not listening to him. She thought of the many things they would have done together if he was to survive this experience. She had already prepared her her heart for the heavy blow of lossing a lifeguard she just got. A lifeguard everyone admires and respect. Even the thought of having to explain how he did kept troubling her mind.

Saying he died of a werewolf bite will confirm the rumours there was really a werewolf attack also exposing the fact that she sneaks out of the palace from time to time risking her life.

Her mind also drifted to the scene of the attack as fear immediately gripped her when she remembered the werewolves were able to track her because they had one of her scarf. They had used her scent to locate now. The question on her mind is who would have given the werewolves her scarf and why. What possible reason to abduct her or to kill her. The thought of being killed by a werewolf sent cold chills through her spine..

" I announce the presence of the king of King Atkinson as he enters the Princess's chambers now"

Princess Joan immediately snapped out of her thought when she heard those words. She quickly covered Lucas with a long clothe while drawing a curtain that separates her bed and the other part of her room to also shield her bed from being seen.

Rose quickly rushed to her side pretending to be making some patterns on her head.

"My father the King, Princess Joan saluted as she bowed slightly to the ground. Her father rarely visited her personally in her chambers.

"My Princess how are you today? " King Atkinson asked holding her by her hand and staring deep into her eyes.

"I am fine father, why are you suddenly worried about me?" she asked curiously.

"I am sure you must have heard about the werewolf attack in the market although the reports say they are just rumours but I just need to be sure the news hasn't suddenly made you feel scared or anything" King Atkinson spoke making sure to study all her reaction.

She was the only person alive that reminds him of the first love of his life so he will always worry about her.

"Father I am fine you worry too much. I heard the news but I ak sure they are just rumours. Werewolves wouldn't dare come to this kingdom knowing fully well it will be the end of them". Joan declared confidently trying to hide her nervousness. She prays silently that nothing takes her father to her bed.

"Yes you might be right but your aunt Freya seem to think otherwise."

On the mention of Freya Joan's eyes open wide in shock and fear. She felt she must have been betrayed by her aunt to her father no wonder he was here.

"She suggests that we should tighten up security everywhere as we should take such news seriously."

"I agree with that" Joan said noding her head .

It was then it occured to the king that he had not seen her lifeguard since he came around

"Where is Lucas?" King Atkinson suddenly asked looking around curiously.

That was the question She had been praying not to come up. How was she going to explain his absence from her chamber for over five minutes. A totally unacceptable situation.

"Hmm.. He... is.. at.. the armory" She stammared looking nervously from Rose to her father in a quest for clue form Rose but none was forthcoming.

"Armory? What is your life guard doing at the armory" King Atkinson asked suspiciously.

"He should never leave your side for no reason you at all". king Atkinson roared

"Its my fault father, I agreed for him to train me in sword fight so I sent him there to get a special sword for me" Princess Joan lied hoping she wouldn't need to lie more to cover her tracks.

"Oh so you finally agreed to learn how to fight. That's a good news" King Atkinson exclaimed in excitement.

Suddenly there was a deep groan from Lucas on Joan's bed.

"What's that sound" King Atkinson asked at once his face turning to a frown as he moved towards her bed. Joan's heart immediately skipped because she understood she will be in trouble soon.