Chapter 20

"What is that noise" King Atkinson questioned curiously as he moved the curtains aside to have a proper look at the direction the sound came from.

Princess Joan was confused on what to say she knew in a matter of second her father will find Lucas lying on her bed.

"Where did the noise come from?" King Atkinson asked again this time already touching her bed and looking around suspiciously.

Joan herself became confused because she good no longer see Lucas on her bed. She wondered where he must have gone to, while exchanging puzzled look with Rose who also had no idea what just happened.

"Father I think, you heard wrongly because I didn't hear any sound" She replied nervously although she had also heard the deep groan.

What about you Rose you didn't hear anything too? "He asked turning to Rose.

"No my king I heard nothing" She lied too

King Atkinson looked around one more time to be sure because he was conviced he heard a groan. His vampire hearing couldn't have been that wrong but maybe it was because he was thinking too much about werewolf. He could swear that was a werewolf groan.

"Alright then, if you say so he sighed. I will take my leave now, take care of yourself and tell Lucas never to leave your side again King Atkinson ordered as he walked away majestically .

Immediately he stepped out Joan and Rose rushed to the bedside to look for Lucas again almost tearing everything down in their bid to search for him.

"Where could he have gone to?" Joan asked curiously and how could he have left this room without any of us seeing him she questioned in frustration as she was totally lost on what was happening.

"Joan, I am as confused as you are first of all he shouldn't even be in a shape to stand up so how is it possible he left the room and there is no other door outside this room" Rose stated sharing in her frustration as they had no where else to check. She had even gone the extra mile of checking the washroom but he was nowhere to be found.

"Ah!! what is this? " Joan exclaimed as she glance at her bed one more time to see Lucas lying on her bed peacefully.

"What just happened?" Rose asked curiously as some hint of fear crept in her mind.

"My Princess how is this possible, he wasn't on the bed just now how come he is there right now Rose asked wide eyed. I can see he is even still sleeping She noted as they both drew closer to him to check well both using the back if their hand to clear thier faces in a bid to be sure they were not dreaming.

"I am very sure he wasn't on this bed some minutes ago even my father did not see him on the bed. How could this have happened?" She questioned her questioned directed at no one because she knew even Rose had no answer for the strange happening in the room.

She advanced to touching Lucas on the face to ensure he was really sleeping but he didn't stir making her believe he was still very much asleep.

"His disappearing and appearing abilities is only possible for a witch and even a witch has to be awake to do something like that" Rose pointed out trying to find out a possible explaination for what just happened. She was already scared but was trying hard not to show it before Princess Joan

"What should we do?" Rose asked again but Joan gave no reply as she was in deep thought thinking about Lucas. She couldn't help buy admire him while he slept.

"I wish you could be awake in this final moments of your life" she lamented softly