Chapter 21

Princess Joan didn't know when she slept off that night. She had cried herself to sleep due to the pain of lossing Lucas. She had rested on the edge of the bed with one hand on his body when she dozed off. Rose had deliberately left her in that position as she knows she will refuse to leave his side for any reason.

"Wake up wake up" Joan felt a hand on her shoulder and a voice whisper into her ears.

She opened her eyes reluctantly hoping to see someone but she didn't..

She took a look at Lucas who was still sleeping luckly he was still breathing, that was enough to console her. She wonders who must have woken her up.

She looked around to see Rose lying peacefully on a smaller bed close to her obviously stressed from staying awake watching Joan cry.

"Or was it a dream?" She asked herself as there was no one around her.

She adjusted herself to sleep again when she heard the same voice again.

"Joan, wake up it is not the time to sleep again."

"Who is there? " she asked looking tensed and confused. Strange things have sure been happening in her room since Lucas was bitten. First she could not find his body and now she was hearing a voice speaking to her from no where.

She heard a soft chuckle which made her understand who ever it is was making fun of her.

"Who are you? " come out now! she ordered in whispers traces of fear could be heard in her voice.

"I never knew it will work, I am glad it did" she heard a voice say as she turned around to see her aunty Princess Freya standing behind her with a weird smile on her face.

"Aunt? You sacred me I thought we promised not do this again". Joan sighed in frustration

"I am sorry dear, I just needed to try this new form of magic. All this time I could go in and out of buildings but I couldn't make physical contact and even get myself heard. So I needed to try it" Princess Freya explained to her.

"What has this got to do with me Joan asked in frustration. Aunt you know how I feel right now about Lucas and all that is going, its not just the right time for jokes and all. I am sorry I am sounding this way. " Joan apologized knowing her aunt was just trying to cheer her up.

"I know dear one and I am not offended. Infact I am surprise about this new found care you have for him. Who knows maybe its love" Freya teased her.

"No, aunt I just really care about him nothing else" Joan stated looking at Lucas intensely. She was having this unexplainable feelings for a man she just met. Maybe its because he saved herself she thought to herself. An

"Well you should be thanking me. I saved you yesterday" Freya stated with a smile on her face.

Joan became confused at the statement.

"I don't understand, what did you do? " Joan asked curiously.

"I was the one who cloaked Lucas body so it wasn't visible when your father was in your room. It was the first time I was doing something like that. And I was then I discovered you have feelings for him" Freya informed her bemaing with smile.

"Oh aunt, thank you very much" Joan exclaimed rushing to take her aunt into an embrace. She was happy her aunt had helped her hide Lucas and also relieved she could now explain whag happened. But then the last words of her aunt registered in her head and she disengaged from the hug.

"Wait, how does this show I have feelings for him? "