Chapter 22

Princess Joan couldn't deny the fact she was feeling something for her lifeguard Lucas. Something she had never felt for any of the Princes they had tried to match her with in the past. But who was she going to explain to that she was developing feelings for a mere guard. She had cried herself to sleep with a big burden on her mind when Lucas still refused to wake up yet he was still breathing although heavily.

She presenrlt also have another problem. Her present temporary problem wasn't Lucas but her aunt who seem to know about her feelings.

"Aunt Freya how does a silly spell you did tell you I have feelings for him" she asked again trying desperately to prevent herself from blushing.

"It is a very easy thing to know at this stage. You see for me to do a cloaking spell from the distance I was standing, I needed a strong connection to Lucas. Both of us already have a connection through blood so I had to fo through that channel. Now you are not connected to Lucas with blood so I banked on your feelings for him. It was the feeling that made it possible for me to cloak him" Princess Freya explained to a confused Joan who was struggling to understand everything her aunt was saying.

It didn't make total sense to her but her aunt was right about one thing she has feelings for Lucas.

"I can see you don't understand let me put it easily now. If I want to cloak its a piece of cake because we are related by blood. Now to Lucas if you didn't have feelings for him it would never have been possible for me to....." Princess Freya hardly finished when Joan readily agreed.

"Ok Aunt, I get it stop making emphasis on the feeling part I get it now." She spoke out interrupting her aunt.

"I can see you get it because it is very important for the next stage of what is about to happen" Freya stated with a smile on her face.

"What else is about to happen?" Joan asked curiously uneasily shifting position. She knew that smile on her aunt's face meant they were about to do something she hasn't tried before.

"We have to try an experiment, I will do a spell that will connect your heart with his heart so you can possibly see what he is going through right now and if possible convince him to fight back whatever he is passing through now" Freya explained to her.

"So how does it relate to what you said earlier and please tell me have you tried it before Joan asked curiously.

"It relates in the sense that only when you have genuine feelings for the other person does this spell work and yes I have done it before on dying witches but never on vampires but we can try it there is no harm in trying it." Freya conviced her.

"Alright then, how does this work" Joan asked curiously eager to try it out.

"Place your right hand on hia chest and your other hand is his left hand." Then repeat after me Freya intructed.

Joan Proceeded to do as instructed. She placed her right arm gently on his chest but as she placed her left arm in his hand she felt a firm grip on her hand which almost made her scream.

She tried to remove her hand but it was held firmly by Lucas.

"Aunt is this suppose to be happening" she asked with a hint of fear as she showed her aunt what waa happening.

There was confused look on Princess Freya face she clearly told Joan it wasn't suppose to be part of the plan so she tried to remove her hand stubbornly but at that moment Lucas opened his eyes with a weak smile on his face.