Chapter 23

"Lucas!! Lucas!! you are awake" Princess Joan screamed as she hugged him tightly her screams made Rose wake up too with a frown on her face which quickly disappeared when she saw Lucas was awake.

"Let him sit upright you are holding him too tight" Princess Freya tapped Joan on the shoulders urging her to give Lucas some breathing space.

Joan reluctantly pulled out of the embrace as she helped Lucas sit up. She looked at the spot where he was bitten to discover there was no longer scare to indicate the bite which greatly surprised her. She called the attention of everyone to it.

"Lucas, how come there is no scare on your arm" She said holding his two arms up to ensure she wasn't looking at the wrong one.

"I really don't know, I can't barely remember anything right now" Lucas said holding on to his head as he could feel severe pains.

Princess Freya quickly prepared a medication for him from the herbs she came with while Joan continued looking at him to be sure her eyes were not deceiving her.

"I have never seen a vampire who survived a werewolf bite, how is this possible?" Rose asked coming herseld to examine him.

Lucas could not utter any word as he tried ro manage the pain he was feeling in his head with the words coming from Rose and Joan.

In no time Princess Freya was done with rhe medication and she instructed Lucas to drink it. Lucas took the medication without any hesitation as he really wanted the pain to go away.

Everyone quietly watched him for about five minutes waiting for him to finally say the pains have subsided.

"I think I feel better now and I can remember everything that happened" he stated with a frown as some incident came into his mind.

"How are you still alive I cried myself to sleep yesterday thinking you will not be able to see this morning" Joan asked curiously.

"I don't know how come I am still alive. Back then it was a battle between death and staying alive for me. I have never heard of a vampire that survived a werewolf bite so this is a big wonder to me" he tried to explain to them.

"You need to see how she kept me awake crying over you like she had already given up on you" Rose stated teasing Joan with a little push.

"You don't need to tell me, I heard everything" Lucas replied with a smile.

"Wait, what do you mean you heard everything?" Joan asked curiously a suspicious look on her face.

"I was unconscious but I could hear everything happening around me since yesterday till this very moment. I don't know how but I could" he murmured.

"Wait does that mean you heard what we were discussing this morning? " Joan asked exchanging glances with Princess Freya

"Yes I heard your conversation this morning" He replied beaming with smiles as he winked at her.

"Oh my goodness!! " Joan exclaimed as she covered her mouth with her hands. Her aunt just smiled withouf saying anything.

"Wait what did I miss? ' Rose asked looking from Joan to Lucas and then Princes Freya but none of them were ready to tell her anything.

"Don't worry about what you missed. The most important thing we need to talk about now is the attack that occured yesterday" Princess Freya spoke changing topics immediately. She could see Joan was already embarrassed by the situation.