Chapter 24

"Yes about the attack, how did you find us in the market when we didn't go together. Princess Joan asked curiously looking at Lucas.

"The most important question should be how did I know you were in trouble. Tracking you down was the easy part" Lucas replied her.

"Yes that's true, how did you know we were in trouble? " Princess Joan asked curiously

"You wouldn't believe it if I tell you I over heard voices having a discussion about this attack on you from this palace. It seem someone from this palace is behind the attack" Lucas replied speaking in whispers this time.

Everyone present widen their eyes in surprise when they heard those words.

"It is absurd to think someone from this palace wants to hurt the princess, everyone loves the princess " Rose spoke out first while Princess Freya didn't seem completely surprise.

"I think Lucas is right, I saw my scarf on the hand of one of the werewolves that attacked me. He could only have gotten it from someone in this palace Princess Joan pointed out.

"What exactly did you hear? " Princess Freya asked Lucas wanting to hear everything in details.

Lucas had to narrate his whole experience from the moment he stepped out of the chambers to make himself scarce to when he heard the voices discussing in whispers.

"Hmm if this is true then we have a big problem at hand" Princess Freya noted pondering on all she had just heard. She knew a time like this will come when Princess Joan will be in trouble because of the politics of the throne.

"Can you recognize the owners of the voices?" Rose asked curiously.

"No I can't, I am new here I can't tell apart voices of different people" he replied in frustration.

"Could you tell what room or direction it came from" Joan asked this time.

"Yes I can, I can show you if you want" He replied getting up on his feet immediately.

"No not now, we will do that later to avoid suspicion. For now we have to stay low and watch our backs. If the werewolves were really sent from this palace then they must have reported to whoever sent them that you were bitten meaning they will be shocked to see you alive when you come out. We must watch out for people like that" Princess Freya advised them.

"We must also find out any other person that knows about the princess sneaking out of the palace from time to time that person could be responsible for leaking out the information. We actually have a lot to do and we cannot tell the king because telling him about this attack also means telling him you have been sneaking out of the palace" Princess Freya pointed out to them.

"For now, we should all keep low profile, anyone with werewolves under his or her command should be very powerful. We just need to find out who" Princess Freya advised again before walking leaving Lucas, Princess Joan and Ross lost in their thought.

The possibility of someone trying to kill the princess was too much for them to bear. Lucas was determined from then to never leave her side again