Chapter 25

Princess Joan knew trouble was lurking around her and was bound to happen due to the politics involve in getting the throne. She was the elderest daughter of the king who has refused to marry automatically killing her now will be better than when she eventually gets married hence the attack on her life. No one was willing to say it out but the first suspects in a situation like this will be her sisters who are the only ones who stand to achieve something from her death.

"Do you think your sisters will be able to pull something like this" Rose asked curiously speaking what was already on her lips.

"I don't know, I know we don't go along with each other easily but doing something like this I cannot just easily place it at their feet." Joan replied refusing to pull her half sisters will be able to do something like that.

"We cannot remove anybody right now, as it is everyone is a suspect till we get concrete evidence saying otherwise. My only doubts about your sisters is that I am not sure they have the powers to control werewolves into working for them. That will be a high task even for a princess" Lucas pointed out to them.

"My major concern is how did werewolves even come into our kingdom. If there was a border break it should have been reported to the king immediately that is the protocol" Lucas said thinking aloud in frustration.

"I heard the grand commander for the werewolves borders have been summoned to the palace this morning by the king to give a report on what has been happening in the borders" Rose informed them.

Her information coming from the usual palace gossips that goes around in the palace.

"You mean my mother" has been summoned to the palace Lucas asked her to be sure of what he had just heard.

"Yes, your mother" Rose replied slowly on realizing Lucas had actually told them the grand commander was his mother.

"That's wonderful, I will get a chance to meet with your mother finally" Joan exclaimed excitedly.

Lucas gave her an undefriendly look which finally quickly vanished from his face but one which Joan saw clearly

"Of course it will be after her meeting with the king, why are you not happy she is coming around" she asked suspiciously.

"When summons of this nature happens, the blame is always hung around the commanders neck even if they know nothing about the situation. Considering my mother is hot tempered I have always been the one speaking for her whenever we come for questioning like this, I wonder how she will fair this time without me on her side" Lucas said worry written all over his face.

"Greetings to Princess Joan, there have been a message from the king requesting the presence of every member of the immediate royal family to be in the king's court right now"

An announcement came from the door which brought an end to their discussion.

"My mother is here already" Lucas announced taking Joan and Rose by susprise.

"How do you know that?" Joan asked curiously.

"She is my mother, I can sense her presence when she is close by" He replied with pride