Chapter 26

Princess Joan hurriedly prepared herself. She wasn't expecting to be called so early to the king's court. Lucas waited patiently for her as he got ready before he knew he will have to go with her as her lifeguard.

"Are you still not ready? " he called out to her impatiently. He disliked being late for anything but now he was always going to be moving with a princess he knew he will either learn to start appearing later or try to force her to start going early.

"Give her few minutes, she will be out soon" Rose replied in place of Princess Joan as she quickly dressed her up.

True to her words in few minutes Princess Joan stepped out dressed in her official royal garment for meetings like this. Lucas couldn't help but to admire her for seconds forgetting for some time they had a meeting to attend. He could feel an inner beast in him being triggered. He swore on the spot he will willingly give his life for her.

"Can you do me a favour? " She asked snapping her fingers in his face to being him back to reality looking all serious.

"Oh what's that my Princess? " He asked eagerly.

"Remove your eyes from my body before I separate your eyes from your eye balls" She threatened breaking into a smile as her words caught Lucas off guard. He immediately felt ashamed as he apologized.

"I am sorry my Princess, I never meant to stare" he apologies bowing slightly to her.

"You can either continue apologizing or you will lead the way for us to move to the king's court. As it is we are already late" she teased as they immediately set out for the king's court in quick steps.

As they got to the door from which Lucas heard those words the last time. He slowed down a little and nodded his head towards the door to show Princess Joan.

"What's that? " she asked in whispers as she understood he meant to tell her something but she didn't know what.

"That's the room I heard those words from, the. Conversation about your attack" he replied her in soft tone too.

Joan looked at the door for a second time and nodded her head in negative gesture.

"What's the problem? " he asked curiously.

"That room is not occupied by anyone. It is the armory room for the palace."

"It was heavily guarded that day but today I can only observe two guards at the door. I am sure a meeting was held inside that room yesterday" he stated.

"Alright I won't argue with you, we will look into it when we come back can we hurry now?" She asked biting her lips in frustration as she took one more look at the door. She concluded the guards on duty yesterday will have to be found to throw more light.

When they got to the king's court Joan relaxed, adjusted her clothes and was about to enter when Lucas held her back. He brought out small napkin and before she could protest he cleaned sweat off her face.

"You are sweating too much already, calm down we are here already" he whispered into her ears.

Strangely she loved the fact he just did that to her.

As she wanted to enter she noticed the announcer at the door already gearing to announce her presence but she stopped him with her hand on her lips. She was already late and didn't want add salt to injury. She casually walked in as all head turned in her direction.

She noticed every member of the royal family was already present together with the Lords of the kingdom. What caught her attention was a woman on both knees at the middle of the council fully dressed in military attire.

She slowly proceeded to take her seat with Lucas standing right behind her. It was when she sat down she saw the face of the woman for the first time together with a laboured breathing she could hear from behind her.

Lucas was cursing silently and struggling to hold himself together.

"Why is my mother on her knees" he whispered to no one in particular but she could hear him clearly.

It was then it dawned on her the woman on her knees before the king was Lucas mother, grand commander Morgana, wife of Great Grand commander Zacki.