Chapter 28

King Atkinson quickly summon his palace guards to himself to have a private discussion. Even Lord Barak was involved in the discussion were words were spoken in harsh whispers.

Princess Joan was also having a private discussion with Lucas to understand what was happening.

"You never told me you have a brother" she whispered into his ears as he lean forward placing his ears close to her lips.

"I am sorry my Princess, my family is a complicated one we were all adopted by Lady Morgana and hardly see eye to eye that's why I never mention them. " Lucas apologized

"What do you mean them?" Joan asked with a frown on her face.

"We are three, Luca, Lucian and I," Lucas replied her.

"Funny how all your names start with the letter L " Joan noted as she waved him to take his normal position as she noticed the King was done with a little conversation.

"Lady Morgana, I have just confirmed from my officials that no such messenger came to the palace so there was no way we could have known" King Atkinson stated.

"Your majesty, I speak the truth if my son is not here it only means he was intercepted on the way by this same werewolves". Lady Morgana replied bitterly.

Lucas could tell she was struggling to stay strong.

"Your majesty do I have your permission to speak? " Lord Rufus the minister in charge of laws and persecution raised his hand to speak.

"Go ahead" King Atkinson permitted him with a wave of his hand.

"Until we have confirm the stories of the grand commander I suggest we put her prison for the crime of accusation against the royal family without proper evidence and negligence of duty in allowing werewolves into our kingdom. She is also accused of not giving a clear warning to the king if it is really true we have werewolves in our kingdom. Till these matters are properly investigated I will suggest you should be kept in prison for those crimes" Lord Rufus submitted his words stiring up the lords and Ladies present.

Some nodding their heads in agreement while others disagree with his suggestion.

Lord Barak raised his hand for permission to speak and he was immediately acknowledge by the King.

"Your majesty, I don't think we should focus on those matters now. What we need to do is fish out the werewolves in our land and from them we can get to the root of these other issues. No one has to go to jail now" Lord Barak spoke in opposition to Lord Rufus.

Princess Joan couldn't understand why Great Grand Commander Zacki was perfectly quiet since the interrogation started. The honour of his wife was under trial and she felt he should do more. She could already tell from the little gnashin of teeth from Lucas behind her that he was angry. She only prayed silently he wouldn't do anything stupid.

Asif reading her mind the king called him out.

"Minister of war and strategy what do you have to say? " King Atkinson asked all attention shifting to The great grand Commander.