Chapter 29

Great Grand Commander Zacki stood up to speak observing some minutes of silence. Everyone could see he had been put in a difficult position. On one hand was his wife who is under serious accusations and on thr other hand was the king who expects him to give a wise decision.

"Your majesty, I must say you have put me in the most difficult situation I have ever been since I was made even a commander. But nevertheless as a soldier it is expected that we are just at all times so this is what I have to say. "

"We all know the rules very well, any allegation against the royal family must come with full proof beyond any reasonable doubt. To that I will agree that lady Morgana my wife is guilty as she hasn't provided enough evidence in terms of brining the men who brought the seal or questioning them who gave them the seal."

"As for the accusation of allowing werewolves attack our kingdom we have not fully agreed we have them in our kingdom since no one has come out to say he or she was attack by them. To that accusation I will say the matter is inconclusive. For the case of not informing the palace when there was an attack on the border of such magnitude as she described I can't say anything on that because right now the whereabout of the said messenger is not known" Great grand commander concluded with a bow avoiding the gaze of his wife.

"You have all heard him, on the accusation of false accusations, I hereby decree that Grand Commander Morgana be placed in prison till proper investigation has been conducted on this matter" King Atkinson ordered

The soldiers in the palace moved forward to take her with Princess Joan turning back to see the reaction on Lucas' face but he was shocked to see he wasn't behind her.

"You cannot take my mother away like that" she heard a voice say she turned to see Lucas standing in front of his mother.

"What are you doing? " Lady Morgana asked Lucas in whispers.

"Mother no one is placing a hand on you, I dare anyone to lay her hand on her" Lucas half yelled drawing his sword out ready to pounce on anyone that comes near, the look in his face Joan had never seen before even when he came to save her his facial expression wasn't as evil as the one she was looking at right now.

Every other person was shocked at what was happening even the soldiers stood still not wanting to dare Lucas.

"Boy, what do you think you are doing?" King Atkinson asked with a frown on his face.

Joan could tell her father was angry but she didn't know what to about it. She didn't want to be caught in the crossfire that's about to go down.

"I am protecting my mother who doesn't know the whereabout of her son yet this court is more concern about the accusation against the royal family. What other evidence do you want when the royal seal of rare permissions is right in her hand. we should be more concern about the whereabout of the werewolves, the persons behind the seal and the where about of my brother those are the most important things right now" Lucas responded maintaining his stand in front of his mother.

How dare you question the decision of the king Lord Rufus barked.

"Guards seize him also" he ordered

"No one dare touches my Lifeguard" Princess Joan yelled taking everyone by surprise as the soldiers all stopped in their tracks.