Chapter 34

"So you don't know if my brothers are like me for certain" Lucas asked again to be sure

"Yes I don't know" Lady Morgana replied.

Did you make any effort to know where these babies come from? Princess Joan asked interested in knowing knowing where he came from.

"Yes I made efforts. I hired a private local investigator to do that for me but for years he couldn't get any concrete evidence. There was only one thing that was sure. Lucas is a result of supernatural manipulation. I think someone tried to temper with the natural course of magic during child birth and hence he came to be. I would have said maybe he is a werewolf but then he has never shown any sign of being one. And it has never been heard that any one is capable of being a vampire and a werewolf at the same time. It will be an abomination as he will be rejected by both communities" Lady Morgana explained to them hoping they both get what she was explaining.

"Wow, this is really a lot for me to take in Lucas Lamented as he wonders if his life could get better. He had always hoped to hear this story one day but never knew his roots couldn't be traced. "

"Enough of me mother, what do we do about the present situation? " Lucas asked he didn't care much about his own birth parents as he was sure they didn't care about him to leave him for dead on the borders.

First of all we need to find out who wants the princess dead. From the story you told me someone from this palace wants her dead hence the plot to get her killed with the use of werewolves who had access to the seal of rare permissions only given by members of the royal family. I am sorry my princess for being blunt but your enemy is within your very immediate family. Lady Morgana dropped the bombshell.

It was something Lucas also knew about but has been skeptical about saying.

"It will interest you to know I was once friends with your mother before she was sent out of the kingdom". Lady Morgana continued.

"Sent out of the kingdom?" Princess Joan repeated in a question in shock.

She had always asked about her mother but she was told she left the palace one day and never came back, probably dead.

"I don't understand what you mean by that statement Lady Morgana, please can you enlighten me on that she requested.

I don't have the dull details of what really happened. But I know she was acussed of being an abomination and sent out if the kingdom by your father. Your aunt Princess Freya should be able to tell you everything. I expected by now you should know everything. Your family is a very complex one and you are yet to even see it" Lady Morgana responded bitterly.

Obviously she knew more than what she was letting out but she didn't want to be the one to break that news to Princess Joan hence she was reffered to her aunt.

Suddenly Lucas got up on his feet sniffing the air and clenching his sword at the same time.

"What is it Lucas? " Lady Morgana asked alarmed. She knew that look on his face.

Danger mother, I can smell danger and I can also get the scent of someone very familiar.

Who is that Lady Morgana asked as she prepared herself for anything.

"Luca!!" Lucas replied with a hint of doubt in his voice