Chapter 35

Immediately a guard rushed into the house panting seriously

What is the matter Lucas asked expecting the worse.

There has been an attack in the main palace. The werewolves have struck directly into the heart of the palace.

"What!!" Joan screamed heading out immediately with Lucas following behind her.

Mother please stay here and lock the doors. "Don't open it for anyone" Lucas instructed her

He was about to leave when She held him by the hand.

'Stay away from the politics of that family, your work is to protect the Princess do that and never get involved. I didn't inform you early of the selection for lifeguards early because I didn't want you to go but now we can no longer avoid it. Stay away as far as possible from any other member of the family" She advised him In whispers before letting him go.

Lucas hurriedly followed Princess Joan while pondering on what his mother said. He concluded she definitely knew more than she was telling them.