Chapter 48

The dagger of thousand years of sleep is used to keep Vampires in hibernation. In the case of Queen Martha Joan's mother it was used by the king to make everyone think she is dead to protect her from those that wish to kill her.

"Then where is her body I want to see her " Princess Joan demanded impatiently.

"Shh my dear those are words you shouldn't speak loudly. If anyone comes to know that she is still alive then that will amount to trouble for me" King Atkinson cautioned her.

"Her body is not in this kingdom, Rose's mother who was also an handmaiden for your mother is in charge of the body. It has been taken to a land that I have no knowledge of that is how I did it so my knowledge of her whereabout doesn't put her in danger" King Atkinson explained.

"Wait so how do you hope to get her out one day?" Joan asked in confusion.