Chapter 86

It will be better you tell us the truth. I have not informed Vanessa that the cake she gave Luca contained the poison that killed him. Imagine what will be her reaction if she finds out. She will probably hold both of you responsible. King Atkinson informed Becky as she thought of what to say. She didn't know how her parents will take the news.

Why did you do it Queen Veronica suddenly yelled at her giving her a slap immediately.

The slap came as a shock to the king who wasn't expecting her to react her rhat way towards her daughter. It will be the first time she will be laying hands on any of her children..

"I am sorry mother, I was jealous Becky confessed holding on to her cheek and looking towards her father for rescue.

You could have killed your sister also, what were you jealous of?" Queen Veronica asked shocked that Becky will be jealous of her younger sister.