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After the young prince out, ShinYa approached LuoXiang who was still standing in front of the window with a distant gaze.

"Your Majesty, emm, may I know what Your Majesty is planning with? Searching for WahYe's refugee base is tantamount to exposing Young Prince's identity, isn't this dangerous? We don't know yet who killed Princess SanNiang and Hua family massacre, this is very risky, Your Majesty, I will say, have a little objection over this matter"

LuoXiang clenched his fists. ShinYa is right, this is so risky, but at the moment he didn't have much choice. When the coin appeared on the surface, ChenMing who managed to find BaiYing in a very short time, so fast. It could be, the real killer also find him soon.