Must Come Along

LuoXiang smiled, kissing BaiYing's forehead gently.

"Erm, what should I bring to SuiLian? How's the weather there? Is it hot? Or cold? And the food must be delicious, just like what Ying'er read last time in a book about people from WahYe country, then…"

LuoXiang let go of BaiYing's embrace, looking at the young man with furrowed brows.

"What does YingYing mean? You must not come along, this journey is very dangerous, so stay in the palace to be safer."

BaiYing looked at the Crown Prince with sharp eyes.

"Your Majesty, how could that be? This is related to me, of course, it should be me who goes there. After all, what does that have to do with Your Majesty? Also, the palace it is not necessarily safe either, what if someone comes and poisoning me? What if someone attacks the pavilion? Then, later if Your Majesty is out there, who will take care of Your Majesty"