How Dare You Reproach My Husband!

Thomson sat down and sent a message on the livestream software.

"Ladies and gentlemen, today's boxing time is over. Next up is my interaction time with the fans."

"Let me go take a shower and wash off this stinky sweat, then I'll come back and chat with everyone."

After saying that, Thomson walked away from the computer.

He headed for the bathroom and began to take a shower and change his clothes.

When Thomson sent out this message, the comments in the livestream exploded.

Countless female fans were tapping on their phones and sending messages to Thomson.

"Tom, I want to shower with you too."

"Darling, your figure is so good. I covet it, I want it…"

"Ah… ah… ah… why is my husband still in the shower?"

An ID named Christopher kept flooding the screen with the same comment.

"Thomson is a scammer. Didn't you guys notice that the sandbag is a prop he made in advance?"

"Thomson is a scammer. Didn't you guys notice that the sandbag is a prop he made in advance?"

This sentence appeared repeatedly on the screen and many female fans saw it.

All the female fans stopped vying for their rights as Thomson's spouse. At this moment, they only had one goal, and that was to unite and fight against the outsiders.

"Christopher you're an idiot, aren't you? Who are you to reproach my husband?"

"Well said! How dare you talk about our Tom like that! Who do you think you are!"

"Get out of here, Christopher. You're not welcome here."

"Sisters, let's curse at him together. Sisters, follow me."

"Whatever my husband does is right. Who cares whether he's feigning it, I just want to watch him."

The livestream began to fill with the women's praises for Thomson.

After Christopher appeared, the women in the livestream attacked him verbally.

In just a few seconds, the livestream screen was filled with comments, all of them of the female fans condemning Christopher.

Christopher had only wanted to raise some doubts about Thomson and did not have any other intention. He did expect to be attacked so badly.

All 18 generations of his family were cursed at, which made him very angry. It was all Tom's fault.

Christopher decided to expose this hypocritical fellow. He was a professional boxer and knew boxing very well.

He looked at the punch that Thomson had thrown. It had to be fake. How could his hand be completely fine when his fist had collided with the sandbag?

He even felt that the sandbag had been punctured even before Tom's hand had touched it. It was definitely a prop prepared in advance.

He wanted to expose Tom and ruin his reputation in the livestream, even if it would cost him some money!

Thomson came out of the shower with water still dripping from his head. Wrapped in just a bathrobe, he was dressed very casually.

He did not expect the livestream to become this lively in the mere five minutes he had taken to shower.

The comments in the livestream were rolling past extremely quickly. Thomson could only see many fans scolding Christopher.

But did not know what was going on.

He had seen this kind of thing many times. There would be people scolding him in the livestream every day, but the fans were rational.

Once someone dared to flame him in the livestream, they would definitely be mercilessly ridiculed by the fans. Just like what was happening now, they could not stop at all.

Thomson had only been livestreaming for less than a week. At that time, he had only done so for the benefits meant to support newbies. He hadn't expected that his number of fans in the livestream would increase by the day, and he had now reached 10,000 favorites.

Once he turned his livestream every day, people would immediately rush in. He received rewards every day. In just seven days, he had already earned US$200.

"Dear fans, sorry to keep everyone waiting. I'm back."

"What are we going to do next? Shall we start the voice chat?"

"What does everyone think?"

When Thomson sent out this message, the livestream exploded once again.

All the female fans stopped attacking Christopher. At this moment, all they wanted was to have a voice chat with Thomson. This was their most-desired thing in a day. If they could succeed, they would be as lucky as having won the lottery.

The female fan quickly turned on their voice queues and started to queue up.

In less than three seconds, the queue was filled with 99 IDs. Those who were a little later were not even able to get into the queue. They could only envy those who were already in line.

Christopher knew that Thomson was back.

He commented repeatedly, "Thomson, I'll tip you US$188. I want you to perform breaking the sandbag with a punch again."

"Thomson, I'll tip you US$188. I want you to perform breaking the sandbag with a punch again."

"Thomson, I'll tip you US$188. I want you to perform breaking the sandbag with a punch again."

Christopher's comments kept rolling across the screen. It was the only way to get Thomson's attention.

Clearly, Thomson had seen these lines of text.

Actually, he was more concerned about the US$188 reward.

The platform had a rule that a lump-sum reward of US$188 would bring out a treasure chest that could be opened 999 times. Various small items could be found inside this treasure chest and it would also attract fan traffic into this streamer's livestream.

Tomson had been livestreaming for seven days. The biggest tip he had received was US$50. He had not received one that was $188. This was good news for him.

He directly invited Christopher to do a voice chat with him.

Christopher said, "Tom, I'll give you US$188 and you'll perform breaking the sandbag at one go. Do you dare to do so?"

"No problem, just give me the reward and I'll perform for you right away."

"Okay, Tom. I'll be waiting to see you perform."

As soon as he finished speaking, Christopher tapped the rewards button on his phone screen. He entered the amount of $188 and sent it out.

In an instant, a treasure chest appeared and a bunch of people started snatching it.

Fans continuously surged into Thomson's livestream to vie for the items in the treasure chest, it was a growing number, more and more.

When Thomson saw that the reward was already in his account, he was delighted.

He left his seat and first went to his room to take off his bathrobe and changed into a simple outfit. He then headed to his livestream room and rehung a sandbag in the middle of the room.

  1. Refers to nine generations above him and nine generations below