Thomson Must Be a Cheat!

Christopher yelled at the screen, "Hold on, Thomson. I need to check this sandbag."

"You can only punch the sandbag after I am done."

Thomson heard what Christopher said. He returned to his seat and spoke into the microphone. "I can cooperate with however you want to do the check."

Christopher had Thomson walk over to the sandbag and shake it.

He even asked Thomson to strike the sandbags with several hard hits using both ends of a baseball bat. Only after seeing the sandbag sink in was he more or less convinced that there was no problem with it.

Thomson felt very helpless. I can really punch through a sandbag. Why was this person so distrustful of me? However, since he had rewarded me, I'll just do as he says.

Christopher checked repeatedly and confirmed that there was indeed nothing wrong with the sandbag. Thomson could now begin.

The people in the livestream started to denounce Christopher.

"Why don't you trust my husband? Is it a big deal just because you're rich?"

"Exactly, don't think that you can make my husband do this and that just because you've given him some money."

"Sisters, let's get the tips rolling and let him know how powerful we are."

Instantly, a bunch of female fans started giving rewards.

"Jasmine tipped US$5."

"Brooklyn tipped US$5."

"Katherine tipped US$10."

"Abigail tipped US$20."

Within moments a bunch of female fans in the livestream started to tip him. The amount was close to US$200.

Since this wasn't a lump-sum reward, it didn't trigger the treasure chest. However, it still gave Thomson a large amount of revenue.

The fans who'd entered the livestream through the one-time tip from Christopher didn't know what was going on in this livestream.

All of them started questioning in the comments of the livestream.

Only after doing so did they find out that the streamer could actually punch through a sandbag. This was not something an ordinary person could do.

This streamer looks thin and weak and has no muscles. Could he really have such strength?

They had planned to leave after picking up the items in the treasure chest but all stayed behind to watch this moment upon hearing that the streamer had punched through the sandbags

The livestream was filled with comments, asking the streamer to quickly perform.

The number of fans in the livestream soon reached 10,000. The majority of these 10,000 fans were Tomson's little fangirls, while a small portion of them were people who believed that he was playing tricks.

There were also more than a thousand new viewers who had just entered to watch the fun.

In the distance, Thomson saw tips coming in one after another and he walked over to the computer.

He typed on the keyboard, saying, "Everyone, I, Tom, am an honest person. I will never lie to you. Since this gentleman wants to see me punch the sandbag, I will prove it to him."

As soon as he said that, the livestream erupted again.

All the women were crazy about him. Thomson could have ignored Christopher, but he wanted to prove himself with his actions.

This kind of man was definitely rare in this world!

When a person was handsome, everything he said was the truth.

Looks were everything!

Everyone in the livestream was praising Tom.

When Thomson was ready, a voice rang out in his mind.

"Congratulations Host on receiving God's reward, Combat Energy System."

"You can increase your ability just by punching. Currently, Combat Aura is at three stars."

"If you punch constantly, you will continuously gain advancement."

It was only then that Thomson realized that he had been constantly punching sandbags in his livestreams for the past few days. That was how he had obtained such power.

He also knew that he had really received the grace of God. The gas he had seen around his hands was actually the power of Combat Energy.

He was secretly delighted. This was the power of a god, it was absolutely unique.

He also learned that Combat Aura was divided into one star to five stars. Every increase of a star could nourish the muscles and bones and strengthen the body.

Combat Aura could be promoted to Combatant, which was also divided into one to five stars. It gave one the ability of inner sight, the ability to condense Qi into a cyclone, and one's strength could be improved qualitatively.

The power of Combat Energy would gather a green gas around the fists and increase the strength of the punch. It would surpass that of an ordinary person's punch.

Only then did Thomson understand why he felt the changes in his fists recently.

Thomson walked to the sandbag and stared at it.

Everyone in the broadcast room held their breaths as they watched Thomson.

Christopher sat in his own home and stared fixedly at his screen. He purposely maximized the window, determined to find evidence of Thomson's fraud. He had even turned on the recording function.

He refused to believe that Thomson could punch through a sandbag with his thin and frail body.

Thomson entered a state of self-oblivion once again. His fist was filled with energy as he gathered a faint green gas onto his fist.

The feeling in his hands grew stronger and stronger, and he felt his strength growing.

In an instant, a fist shrouded in azure gas shot forth once more.

10,000 viewers were all watching this punch.

With a "bang", the sandbag was torn through once again. Sand constantly spilled out of the hole and flowed onto the ground, forming a small sand pile.

Finally, the sandbag shriveled and swayed gently.

The livestream was in an uproar again.

When the female fans saw this punch, they started to comment crazily.

"Did you see that? How could my husband lie? This is the second time he has punched through a sandbag."

"Tom is definitely God's messenger. This is God's power. It allows ordinary people to use this power as well."

"Christopher, where are you? You did not believe Tom, do you see now? The sandbag has been penetrated again, what else do you have to say!"

"Exactly. How dare you question my husband? Get out here and apologize."

All at once, one sentence was repeated on the screen, calling for Christopher to come out and apologize to Thomson.

Christopher had been staring at the screen. He'd even done a recording. When Thomson's female fans attacked him,he completely ignored them.

Instead, he watched the video recording over and over again.

He could clearly see that when Thomson struck the sandbag, the sandbag had broken before his fist even touched it.

This guy's hand did not touch the sandbag!

He must have worn some invisible knife or used some method to deceive everyone.

He typed on the public chat, "I have video evidence, Thomson didn't touch the sandbag at all. He's a cheat!"

Christopher also asked Thomson to show his hand to everyone. When a person touched a sandbag, the effect of force was mutual. It was impossible for his hand to be completely fine.

When the people who picked up the treasure chests heard what Christopher said, they also called for Thomson to show his right fist.