Thomson, Please Provide a Reasonable Explanation!

Christopher started to share his views in the livestream.

He told everyone that he was a professional boxer and knew more about boxing than anyone else.

He used his professional knowledge to explain to everyone how unreasonable Thomson's punches were. He also told everyone that Thomson definitely did not know how to punch.

Then, he began to explain using science that Thomson didn't touch the sandbag at all. He had the video recording as evidence.

There wasn't even a need to provide the video recording. As long as Thomson dared to show his right fist, the mystery would be solved.

A hole had appeared in the sandbag before his fist had even touched it. This didn't make any sense, so there was only one logical explanation.

Thomson was definitely faking it!

With Christopher's reasonable explanation, everyone except Thomson's die-hard female fans unanimously believed his point. They thought Thomson was a complete cheat.

Playing tricks in the live-stream to attract female fans.

Everyone started denouncing Thomson in the livestream.

Thomson finished the punch and looked at the punching bag.

He mused inwardly. This is the power of God. Gosh, this power is amazing.

After the punch, Thomson returned to his seat and looked at the rolling comments.

The comments were divided into two groups. One was his female fans who completely supported him.

The other group was the skeptics, led by Christopher, who had the greatest doubts about all of Thomson's actions.

On the public chat, the people led by Christopher were all commenting, calling for Thomson to display his hands.

When Thomson saw that everyone wanted to see his hands, he extended them and showed them to everyone in the livestream.

Both the front and back of a pair of fair and tender hands were displayed before the screen for everyone.

When the back of his hands were shown, there weren't any wound marks, nor was there any trace of it hitting the sandbag at all.

The men in the livestream saw this scene, and especially paid attention to Thomson's right hand. There were really no signs of his hand touching the sandbag, so much so that it wasn't even stained with a grain of sand.

The fist pierced through the sandbag yet there was no sand on it. How could you explain this!

They were now even more convinced of Christopher's logical explanation. This right hand that had delivered the punch had not struck anything no matter how they looked at it.

Since he hadn't hit anything, how could he have punched through a sandbag? There was only one explanation. Thomson was a liar.

His hand must have hit the air earlier and not the sandbag!

Christopher directly questioned Thomson on the live broadcast.

"Thomson, please explain why the sandbag was punched through before your fist even touched it."

"Thomson, please explain why the sandbag was punched through before your fist even touched it."

"Thomson, please explain why the sandbag was punched through before your fist even touched it."

Christopher kept repeating this sentence in the livestream.

Thomson was still in a voice chat with him. He continued to listen to his voice without answering.

Thomson fell into deep thought. He had indeed used his fist to punch through the sandbag.

However, he really could not explain himself because his fist was covered with a layer of Combat Energy that was only visible to him.

How should he tell everyone that his body was covered in a layer of gas?

This was indeed a difficult problem to explain, it was no longer within the scope of science.

Thomson began to explain in his livestream.

"I think it's very hard for you guys to believe that I can punch through a sandbag."

"However, I have indeed managed to do so. As for the explanation you want, you guys might not believe me if I were to say it."

"I can mobilize the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and gather it on my fist. From there, I can punch through the sandbag without letting my hand be affected one bit."

"Everything I say is true."

When Thomson said these words, the livestream was in uproar again.

The skeptics, led by Christopher, listened to this explanation. It made no sense to them at all.

The male fans unanimously agreed that Thomson had watched too many Chinese martial arts films, causing him to become delirious.

There was no such thing as spiritual energy of heaven and earth in this world. It was definitely a bunch of nonsense. This Thomson must have had too much to drink.

Meanwhile, when the female fans saw Thomson's explanation, they were extremely convinced that Thomson was absolutely able to mobilize the spiritual energy of the universe. He was a divine being!

The two different voices in the livestream room attacked each other, neither wanting to give way.

The skeptics led by Christopher constantly called Thomson a liar.

The other group was the female fans in the livestream. They backed Thomson up and condemned Christopher.

"Oh my god, did women like you get your brains caught in a door. How can you believe such words?"

"You guys are just jealous of Tom's divine power. He's definitely not lying."

"That's a completely unreasonable explanation from Thomson. All of you stupid women, do you have no brains?"

"Slandering my husband? My husband is a divine being of this world, are you people not convinced! You trash, you bastards."

"Stupid streamer and moronic women!"

The people in the livestream started to curse at each other. The curses from both sides became increasingly vicious as they went on . They reached a state where both sides could not tolerate each other.

People from both parties kept tapping on their phones.

The screen was filled with one comment after another rolling past in the livestream. No one wanted to give in.

The livestream was also getting more popular. Many people clicked into it but did not know what was going on.

They just saw two factions cursing at each other.

The female fans who clicked in had no idea what was going on. They only saw that the host was very handsome.

How could he be wrong? Even if someone was wrong, it was this world.

As they cursed, the female fans gave Thomson tips and gifts.

When the popularity of the livestream reached a certain level, it would ignite a small flame and the livestream would be pushed to the front page.

Even more fans flooded in. The moment they entered, they saw comments rolling non-stop in the livestream.

The new fans really wanted to know what had happened here. Why were things so heated!

While the two sides continued their curse war, a female fan named Alice came forward and said, "You claim that Thomson played tricks in his livestream. Then how do you explain that the sandbag was tested multiple times by Christopher and it was confirmed that there was no problem before Thomson started livestreaming?

"There is no problem with the sandbag. You have also watched Tom punch through the sandbag and there wasn't the invisible blade that you speak of on his hand. It is impossible for such an article to exist.

"You don't have any evidence that Thomson is faking it. Everything is your suspicion."

Seeing these rebuttals, Christopher didn't know what to say, but he simply insisted that Thomson was playing fakes.

This was no longer a matter about explanations. This was a war, a war that revolved around Thomson.

Thomson watched everything happening in the live stream. He didn't know what to do. Or maybe he didn't have to do anything.

His female fans would settle everything for him!