Why Does My Husband Need to Explain? Christopher, You Have to Give My Husband an Explanation!

Thomson stared at the screen. He wasn't a liar, and he couldn't tolerate others calling him a liar.

If it were anyone else, they would definitely have a mental breakdown from being condemned by so many people.

However, it was different for Thomson. He wasn't fighting alone. He had his absolute die-hard fans in the livestream who would face the doubts of others.

His female fans would desperately defend him. He did not need to explain himself, there would be countless female fans standing up for him!

Alice was a year four university student. She was pure and beautiful in appearance, had excellent grades, and great intellect. She was also a loyal female fan of Thomson.

She had never known how to get Thomson to notice her. This was a perfect opportunity. She confronted Christopher directly.

She posted on the live-stream: "Christopher, we need evidence for everything. What right do you have to suspect another person with your own guess?"

"If you think that Thomson is in the wrong, then bring out your evidence. Otherwise, I'll think that you're slandering him."

When the female fans saw Alice's comments, they instantly felt emboldened.

Christopher didn't have any evidence to prove that Thomson was faking it. Everything was just their speculation, and they were merely speculations.

All the female fans maintained their formation and targeted Christopher.

"Who are you to demand an explanation from our husband? You're the one who's suspicious of our husband. Shouldn't you be the one who should explain yourself?"

"Who are you to demand an explanation from our husband? You're the one who's suspicious of our husband. Shouldn't you be the one who should explain yourself?"

"Who are you to demand an explanation from our husband? You're the one who's suspicious of our husband. Shouldn't you be the one who should explain yourself?"

Christopher sat at home and looked at the rolling comments, he looked a little nervous.

All the comments were directed at him. He really couldn't stand this group of female fans.

Initially, he thought that he had an absolute advantage. He even believed that he had succeeded in exposing a faker.

As there were countless people helping him and criticizing Thomson, he felt a great sense of superiority.

Now a rational female fan who was very clever had appeared and she had thrown all her questions at Christopher.

Now all the questions were on Christopher's side. They wanted an explanation from him.

The people who were helping him didn't speak anymore. They were deliberating, what Christopher said made a lot of sense, but everything was just his speculation!

Christopher had no evidence to accuse Thomson of fraud, and his conjecture was completely groundless.

Alice made a lot of sense. When you suspect someone, you have to produce actual evidence.

In an instant, Alice had led the female fans to gain an absolute advantage, suppressing the skeptics until they were speechless.

All the female fans even gave Alice likes and cheered for her. She had completely suppressed Christopher.

Thomson sat down in front of the computer and poured himself a cup of coffee. He stirred it gently with his spoon and took a sip.

Looking at the comments on the livestream, he was in a very good mood. He was originally just an insignificant broadcaster who wanted to muddle along in the new livestream platform. He was doing this for the minimum payment of US$500 per month that the livestream platform gave him.

He didn't expect to be able to receive some pretty good tips every day and even receive the fervent support of a bunch of female fans. This feeling was really great.

Thomson typed in the livestream.

"Thank you, Alice. Thank you for being so supportive."

Right at this moment, the livestream erupted again.

All the female fans were envious of Alice. She was actually named and praised by Thomson.

Alice saw Thomson thank her on the screen. She held the phone to her chest with both hands. In front of the screen, her face was flushed and she felt she was walking on air.

Christopher had become the target of all the female fans. He was now being criticized by countless people.

He had to regain his dignity and not allow these people to continue attacking him.

He stared blankly at the screen, watching the recording over and over again.

It really didn't make sense, but he couldn't explain why this was so.

Since that was the case, he could only spend money again to test Thomson.

Christopher began to observe the live feed. He couldn't ask Thomson to punch the sandbags anymore. Thomson must have tampered with every single sandbag.

If that was the case, there was a sofa in the livestream. If Thomson could break the sandbag, he would definitely be able to break the sofa.

Yes, that's it. I'm going to have Thomson punch through the sofa to prove himself.

Christopher shouted loudly in the livestream.

"If you are a man, Thomson, you will punch through the sofa next to you. I don't believe you'd dare do that."

When Thomson heard this, he also spoke.

"Why would I punch through my sofa? You're not welcome in my livestream."

When Thomson finished speaking, he was about to kick Christopher out of the voice queue and the livestream.

When Christopher saw this action, his face was filled with fear. If he were to be kicked out now, he would not be able to explain himself.

He shouted, "Thomson, don't kick me out! I'll tip you!"

"I have a lot of money. Just perform one last time. I beg you."

"I'll give you another tip of $200 US dollars. You have to agree to this request."

"Or you can state the amount you want, I can promise you any amount, as long as you dare to accede to my request!"

Christopher shouted loudly in the live-stream. He didn't have much money. Although he was a professional boxer, he did not have many sources of income. US$188 was already a heart-aching amount, and now he had to spend money again.

He wanted to save face and expose Tomson. He didn't believe that he wouldn't be able to expose Thomson, the hypocritical villain today.

Thomson looked at his sofa.

"Do you know that this sofa has been with me for many years? How can I bear to break it?"

"I am already attached to this sofa. It is an item that I can't part with in my life. How can you make me abandon my beloved item!"

When the female fans heard Thomson's words, they then realized that their husband was someone who valued relationships.

They were extremely touched. These few words had touched everyone's hearts.

Christopher had sunk into despair. He did not know that Thomson had such deep affection for this sofa. He definitely would not agree to his request for money.

Thomson went on.

"Christopher, I'm not faking anything. I don't know why you don't believe me."

"But this sofa is something I love. If I break it, my heart will really ache. US$200 is definitely not enough."

"If you're willing to give me US$500, I can break it, then I'll buy a new sofa after that."

"I really can't bear to part with my sofa, but I'm willing to break it to prove my innocence."

When Thomson said these words, the livestream exploded again.

  1. In Chinese internet language, "formation" here refers to that of the comments. To maintain a formation means to spam the same comment so that whatever the group wants to express looks very neat