I Don't Care About This US$500!

The female fans in the livestream were typing furiously.

"My husband is simply great. He's using his beloved item to prove his innocence!"

"Christopher, doesn't your conscience hurt? My husband has been constantly giving in to you."

"You must be a shameless villain, you actually wanted to persecute my husband."

Countless female fans in the comments once again voiced their support for Thomson. They were also extremely touched.

Thomson hadn't really given it much thought. He had indeed used his sofa for a long time. Now that someone was paying for him to get a new one, why not?

He did not know if Christopher would agree, but US$500 was not a small sum.

Christopher was sitting in front of his computer, drinking water when he heard Thomson's words.

The mouthful of water was spat on the computer screen. Why was there such a shameless person in the world? This was obviously a scam.

He even come up with such good excuse and made all the stupid women in the livestream take his words to be the truth. He was simply a cheat with a slick tongue.

This move made Christopher even more convinced that Thomson was a fraud. Isn't it just spending US$500? I don't care!

Christopher said into the microphone, "Thomson, I'll give you US$500 and you will perform punching through the sofa. Do you dare to accept this!"

When the many male fans heard this in the livestream,

they became jealous.

This was US$500, it was not a small sum.

Christopher first gave a tip of US$188, and now, he was going to tip US$500 to watch Thomson perform again.

Is this person the stupid son of a rich man? He is so unconcerned about money and is throwing in US$500 over a fight in the livestream???

In just 10 seconds, the livestream was filled with comments.

"Christopher, don't be rash. US$500 is not a small sum. You can't spend money like this!"

"Brother, listen to me. There's no need to spend so much money because of these brainless female fans. Them giving tips is their business."

"A voluptuous blond only costs US$200 for one night. US$500 is enough for you to get a racing model. Isn't it great to go have fun with a woman if you have such money? Think again!"

"Everyone is right. Don't be rash. Don't let Thomson gain both the people and the money !"

The comments flooded the live-stream.

Christopher was very touched when he saw these. He knew that he wasn't fighting alone. There were still his good brothers supporting him in the livestream.

However, he was indignant. He couldn't stand the fact that Tomson was being sought after by so many women.

He had to expose the hypocritical person hidden beneath his mask. $500 to let everyone know that Thomson was a cheat was definitely worth it!

Christopher continued,

"I appreciate everyone's concern. I know there are still so many good brothers supporting me, I'm very happy."

"It's not about money. I just want the truth. If I can buy the truth with this US$500, then everything will be worth it."

Christopher had spoken so well merely for the sake of his reputation. He wanted the people in the livestream to support him.

His heart was bleeding. This Thomson had cheated him of US$500. That kind of ordinary leather sofa could only be worth US$100 at the most.

There was no such thing as feelings, it was just a trick that he used to cheat me. Scoundrel!

Thomson didn't expect that there would really be such people who were stupid and rich. He had spent US$100 to buy his leather sofa. He had made a killing this time.

It was just a casual remark, but Christopher had actually agreed to my request. Then he cannot blame me for taking his money.

Thomson said, "Dear viewers, since someone doesn't believe me, I can only use my actions to prove myself. I agree to Christopher's request of performing another punch."

"My poor sofa. Even if I couldn't bear to do so, I'd have to sacrifice you."

The female fans in the livestream heard what Thomson said.

They became even more agitated. In order to prove himself, Thomson was giving up his beloved item. How righteous was that?

We must not let our husband suffer.

They typed furiously on their phone screen, and comments flew through the livestream.

"My husband is simply amazing. He gave up what he loved just to prove himself with his actions. I love you forever!"

"Go, Tom. I'll always support you and be your little fan."

"Christopher, give him the tip first. If not, what will we do if you run away after my husband has completed the punch? How can we trust you?!"

"Well said. Christopher, you'll tip first!"

The people in the livestream kept spamming the same comment, they called for Christopher to give the tip first.

Christopher did not expect that he had become a person without credit in the eyes of these female fans. He was indignant!

As a matter of fact, he really did have such a plan. US$500 was not a small sum. He would first trick Thomson into boxing and then expose him.

No one would remember the tip, but it was different now. The people in the livestream were all speaking to him in the comments on him. There was no other way out.

He reluctantly opened the rewards page and entered US$500.

This money might be a lot to others, but to him, his monthly salary was only US$4,000. US$500 was equivalent to a week's salary. His heart ached!

I am using a week's worth of earnings to expose the hypocritical Thomson. It is worth it!

Instantly, the US$500 tip floated in the livestream.

According to the rules of the platform, a reward of US$500 would trigger a large treasure chest. The rewards were more plentiful, and it would also attract more people to enter the livestream.

Bringing in more traffic and popularity for Thomson.

The men in the livestream were extremely envious. That was US$500, and he had tipped it just like that.

Thomson looked at the US$500 that he had received. According to the divisions in the livestream, he would get 250 US dollars. This was not a small sum.

Together with the tips he had received over the past few days, he had already earned quite a bit of money.

The female fans in the livestream room only spared Christopher after seeing his tip.

However, even if Christopher had given the tip, it could not change the fact that female fans were flaming him.

Countless comments were cursing Christopher madly, calling that he was a despicable man who was jealous of Thomson's good looks!