Christopher Are You Mute? Explain!

Christopher was very helpless. He had spent money but was still being scolded.

Was there still justice in this world? Was there any law? What did I do wrong to deserve such treatment?

His heart was in great pain, as if a knife was stabbing it. If he were to use this US$500 to find a racing model, it would definitely be enough to make him feel good for an entire night.

Now that he had used this sum of money to tip Thomson, not only did he not get any benefits, he was even being scolded by these female fans.

Christopher sat in front of the computer without moving. He didn't want to say anything more. He just wanted to see how Thomson would lose face in front of so many fans.

The image of Thomson failing constantly replayed in his mind.

The US$500, to buy Thomson's downfall. It was worth it.

Thomson said into his microphone, "Christopher, do you want to confirm the authenticity of this sofa?"

Christopher replied, "There's no need, Tom. You may begin."

More and more people entered the livestream. The newcomers did not know what was going on.

After asking around in the livestream, they found out that the streamer was going to perform punching through the sofa.

The sofa was different from a sandbag. The sofa was a very soft object. A punch on the sofa would cause a depression in it. At the same time, it was sponge on the inside, it would absorb the force.

Using a fist to punch through the sofa was not something an ordinary person could do. The man on his phone screen did not look like he had practiced boxing before, no matter how Christopher looked at it.

He had no muscles at all. Except for his handsome face, he had nothing else.

Those who had just come in to pick up the items from the treasure chest had stayed behind. They were curious if the streamer could really break through the sofa.

Thomson left his seat, adjusted the camera in front of his computer, and pointed it at his black leather sofa.

He walked to the front of the leather sofa and touched it with his hand.

The sofa was really soft. If an ordinary person were to punch it, the force would definitely disperse, let alone breaking through the sofa.

It was not difficult for Thomson to punch through the sandbag, but he had never attempted to punch through the sofa before. He did not know if it would work.

Once again, Thomson entered a state of self-oblivion. Using the power of this miraculous Combat Energy, an invisible gas wrapped around his fist.

He had fallen into his own world. Everything in the outside world had nothing to do with him.

It was this familiar feeling that made him extremely certain that this punch would definitely succeed.

Thomson stood before the sofa and stretched out his right hand. His strength constantly increased.

Everyone in the livestream watched their screens and held their breaths, not daring to blink.

All for the sake of watching this intense moment, can this punch break the sofa or not!

Thomson pulled back his right arm and punched out without any hesitation. His punch was extremely powerful.

A hole the size of a fist was punched through the sofa.

"Bang, bang, bang." Five consecutive sounds were heard, they were extremely loud.

Just listening to this sound through one's mobile phone screen, one could tell how powerful this strength was.

The sofa was struck by a powerful force. In an instant, a hole was pierced through, followed by another and another. Since he was already making a hole, he added more. After a few consecutive punches, five fist-sized holes appeared on the sofa.

Thomson retracted his fist and looked at his own right fist. This punch was simply too powerful. If this punch was to land on a body of flesh and blood, the scene would be unimaginable.

Everyone in the livestream was looking at Thomson.

Christopher looked at Thomson's right hand. It was still unscathed, why was that so?

He slumped weakly into the chair and stared blankly at the computer screen. He was unable to explain anything!

He was the one who had actively chosen the sofa and five holes had been made in it. This could no longer be explained by science.

He saw this truth but refused to believe it. This must be the power of magic, he must be a magician!

The entire audience was shocked.

Punching the sandbags was a head-on tackle, as long as one had enough strength, it was indeed not difficult to accomplish.

However, breaking through a sofa was not something an ordinary person could do. It required a lot of strength.

It was the first time the livestream was so quiet. No one posted any comments.

Everyone was thinking in their heads.

Did he really punch through the sofa??

And it was five consecutive times. How was that possible?

Everyone was shocked by the scene in front of them. After a minute, they finally reacted.

Thomson's female fans cheered non-stop in the livestream, their gazes began to have some changes.

At first, everyone would only covet his looks. Subsequently, they were conquered by his strength.

Right now, they were filled with curiosity towards Thomson and wanted to get to know this man more.

A few seconds later, the female fans went crazy for him. The comments in the livestream scrolled past even faster.

"Hubby, you're so handsome. You're the god of this world and the entire universe."

"Christopher, explain it to me. Use your science to analyze this. Are you mute?!"

"Some people just like to be jealous of other people's good looks and ability. Why aren't you guys saying anything now? Are you ashamed?"

There was only one sound in the live-stream, and that was the voice of the female fans.

They were frantically tapping on their cell phones to post comments for Thomson.

All the male fans didn't dare to say a word. They didn't know how to refute, nor could they find any explanation.

All of them chose to remain silent. They could only allow the comments in the livestream to keep rolling.

Christopher didn't have the face to stay in the live-stream room. He silently clicked to close the voice chat.

Then, he clicked to leave the livestream. He didn't dare to stay in the livestream anymore.

There was nothing to be said. Thomson had indeed succeeded. Regardless of what method he had used, it was something that science could not explain.

Christopher turned off his computer and laid down on his bed. He had lost US$688 and was scolded badly. He almost cried.

Thomson's live broadcast was about to end soon. There were only a few minutes left.

In the past, this last hour should have been spent chatting with fans.

In the final few minutes, Thomson chatted with his fans in the livestream to use up the time.

When it came to the moment to turn off the livestream, countless female fans were very unwilling to part. Happy moments always pass very quickly.

Thomson knew that he now had something even more important to do. That was to practice boxing!