
Thomson clicked into the livestream and found the person called Alice. He had an especially good impression of this girl.

This woman was very smart. He wanted to see what she looked like. If she was good-looking, it would be a good idea to take her in.

He clicked on her ID and sent her a message, including his contact details and then turned off his computer.

He walked to the center of the room and stood there. Looking at his fists, he fell into deep thought.

This strength was really powerful. He threw a few punches into the air, there was nothing in the house for him to hit.

He didn't want to break anything in his house. No one would pay for them now.

Thomson began to look up information. He wanted to understand what kind of power this was. He only gained some understanding of it after searching through the websites online.

Combat Energy is a gaseous field formed by lifting one's Qi using Qigong that wraps around the surface of a person.

It allowed the warriors who practiced physical skills to have powerful abilities. Combat Energy could also become an imposing aura. It was a sign that their emotions were at a critical point.

Only when Thomson entered a state of self-oblivion would he be able to feel this strength and cause the gas to manifest.

Thomson really enjoyed the improvement to his body brought by this power. He entered a state of self-oblivion once again, and every punch he threw felt more formidable.

Moreover, he had also found that when such power reached a certain level, it could be further exhibited, allowing him to accomplish what ordinary humans could not.

Let the gas materialize and reach a stage where he could fly freely in the air like birds or swim to his heart's content in the sea like sharks.

Thomson swung his fists for an hour, sweat ran down all over his body once more.

He did not expect that he, who usually did not exercise, would become a boxing god. This made him overjoyed.

After he was done practicing, he picked up the white towel beside him and wiped his sweat before turning around to pick up his phone.

He had been too focused on practicing his boxing technique that he did not hear his phone ring.

Only then did he realize that he had received a friend request. He clicked on it and saw that it was a request sent by a woman with the ID Alice.

The profile picture was a half-body picture. Golden curls fell over her shoulders like a small waterfall. The waves were like a sea of glittering gold.

Her skin was fair and her facial features were exquisite. She was truly beautiful.

Looking very pure and uncorrupted by society, she gave off the feeling that she was a bright, lively, and youthful girl. She had aroused Thomson's infinite desires.

At that moment, he wished he could straddle her and enjoy her pure body.

Thomson accepted Alice's friend request.

He sent a message. "Hello, Alice. I'm Tom."

Alice had just showered and was drying her hair with a towel when she heard her phone ring.

She ran to his phone naked and unlocked her screen to see that it was really a notification that Thomson had added her as a friend.

A delightful smile appeared on her face. She had never thought that she could really add Thomson as a friend. This was definitely not something that an ordinary person could do.

On the screen, she read the message that Thomson had sent her and immediately replied.

Alice: "Hello, Tom. I'm Alice. I'm a fan of your livestream."

"It's my honor. I didn't thank you properly when I saw you standing up for me against Christopher in the livestream room."

Alice: "Don't say that, Tom. I'm glad I could help you. I don't need your repayment."

Thomson: "Don't say that. I will properly thank everyone who helped me."

Alice was ecstatic. She knew that Thomson was a good person. Not only was he handsome, but he was also such a great person.

Thomson had a different way of thinking. He simply wanted to build a favorable impression of himself with Alice and establish his position in her heart.

He knew that after gaining Alice's favor, he could proceed to the next step. That was to take a look at Alice's appearance.

If she was really as beautiful as her profile picture, he definitely could not let her escape from his grasp.

Thomson: "Alice, your name is beautiful. You should be really beautiful too."

Thomson: "Alice, can I see your photo? I want to get to know you better."

Alice felt as if she were about to fly at the sight of the words. She didn't know Thomson was such a sweet talker. Her own heart was about to be stolen by him.

Anything a handsome man says is true. My husband definitely will not lie to me!

Alice opened her photo album. She loved to take photos and save her most beautiful moments.

She scanned the countless photos, not knowing which one Thomson would like.

She was conflicted, she wanted to send her most beautiful moment to Thomson.

Alice found a photo, selected it, and sent it in the chat.

Looking at the photo Alice had sent him, Thomson was stunned.

The photo Alice had sent was taken at her university field. Her beauty was wonderfully displayed under the cast of the setting sun.

Under the sunlight, the girl had slightly curled long hair that was as thick as seaweed. Her eyes looked limpid like waves in the sea. Her skin was very fair, like ivory.

Her entire being looked languid and indifferent. She was smiling and looked even more beautiful when she smiled.

This photo was even more beautiful than her profile picture. It was even a photo of her without makeup. If Thomson were to give this woman a score, it would be as high as 9 points!

Thomson: "Alice, you're really beautiful."

Alice: "Gosh, Tom, do you know how happy I am when you praise me like that?"

When Alice saw this sentence on her mobile phone screen, she unconsciously smiled. She liked it when people praised her.

It made her even happier that she had gotten praises from Thomson.

Thomson chatted with Alice for a long, long time.

He learned a lot about her. For example, she was a university student who was in her fourth year and was about to graduate.

She was also the campus belle of Princeton University. She had never been in a relationship before. She was pretty and had excellent grades.

There were countless men chasing after her, but she did not take a fancy to any of them. She had high standards and could not accept those ordinary people.

Thomson made further inquiries and obtained a lot of information he wanted. He also learned that Alice was a virgin. A beauty like her was actually still a virgin.

This news was too shocking for Thomson. He must take Alice's virginity and make her scream out beneath him. He was going to turn her from a girl into a woman.

The two of them chatted until late into the night, only stopping when their mobile phones ran out of battery.

Alice was really happy today because this was the first time she'd had a late-night conversation with a man. She enjoyed this moment.