Christopher's Invitation to A Fight

Christopher was in a terrible mood the next day, he was out of spirits.

It was the weekend. It was supposed to be a good rest day, a day to relax, but he never expected it to be like this.

Christopher did not sleep for the whole night. He tossed and turned in bed, thinking about what had happened in the livestream yesterday. He could not sleep at all.

This incident was a great blow to him, it made him very restless. He wished that Thomson was now right before him and he could throw a few punches at his handsome face.

He had to find a way to teach Thomson a lesson and vent his anger. He had never suffered such a loss since he was young.

He spent US$688 on a streamer and even got scolded by a bunch of brainless women. They didn't even spare the 18 generations of his family. He was very upset, extremely upset.

He did not understand why, he was the person who had spent money. Not only did he not get what he deserved, he was even treated like this. The more he thought about it, the angrier he got!

That amount of money was enough for him to get a blond woman and enjoy himself for a night. With this comparison, his hatred deepened once again. He wanted Thomson dead!

Christopher called his best friend, Humphrey.

"Humfrey, I've been bullied. Come out and sit with me. Give me some advice."

"Oh, God. What happened to you, Christopher? Did something upset you?"

"Brother, let's have a chat. I'm really furious."

"Christopher, wait for me. I'll come now, your business is my business."

They arranged to meet at a café, Christopher arrived first and ordered two cups of coffee.

Christopher picked up his coffee and took a sip while he sat in his seat waiting for Humphrey.

His mind kept replaying what had happened last night, and suffered blows to his mind again and again.

Humphrey walked in and sat opposite Christopher.

"Brother, why did you me out so urgently? Have you encountered something that is bothering you? How can I help?"

"Humphrey, my good brother, listen to me."

Christopher began to tell Humphrey what he had encountered.

He happened to enter the livestream of a streamer named Thomson. In the live-stream, the streamer was performing punching sandbags. This was not a big deal, it was just swinging punches at a sandbag.

But in the last round, he made use of livestream tricks to make a scam. Something must have been done to the sandbag. In the livestream, he had punched through the sandbag with his fists, using dirty tricks to deceive the female audience.

To a boxing expert, breaking through a sandbag was not a difficult task. However, Thomson was a weak monkey and did not know how to box at all. This proved that he had used a special method.

Christopher was an upright person and couldn't allow such a thing to happen. He also couldn't bear to see those women be deceived by him and sought to expose his ugly doings in the livestream.

Especially during the livestream, he discovered that while Thomson was punching the sandbag, there wasn't a single mark on his fists. Christopher was also a boxer. That was completely impossible, so Thomson was definitely faking it.

In order to prove that Thomson was faking things, he spent $US188 on the first occasion to have Thomson perform again. He examined the sandbags and confirmed that they were fine.

Thomson punched through the sandbag once again. Christopher watched the recording countless times and saw clearly that Thomson's hand did not touch the sandbag. This was definitely illogical. It was impossible to explain from a scientific point of view, so he wanted Thomson to give him an explanation.

However, Thomson was defended by a person named Alice who wanted Christopher to produce evidence to prove that Thomson had committed fraud in livestream. He was cursed at by countless women and was humiliated.

There was no other way. Since Christopher couldn't produce any evidence, he could only spend money to get Thomson perform one more time. Of course, it could not be with a sandbag anymore, the object had to be changed. After observing for a long time in the livestream, he decided to spend $500 to get Thomson to punch the sofa. He definitely couldn't tamper in advance with something that was randomly chosen.

Unexpectedly, Thomson punched a hole through the sofa as well, five holes at that. That was an act of scorning Christopher and showing off himself.

Christopher found a serious problem. Thomson's hand wouldn't touch the object, yet the object would be destroyed. This was too exaggerated.

In the end, Christopher speculated that Thomson was definitely a magician who had used magic tricks to distract people's attention and confuse the audience in the livestream.

Humphrey finished listening to his best friend's account and was furious.

Humiliating Christopher was equivalent to humiliating him.

He began to ponder. He had to stand up for his brother. He couldn't let this Thomson continue to cheat people.

He thought of a key matter. Thomson was boxing in a livestream.

His good buddy Christopher was a professional boxer, the two of them happened to be able to go up against each other. They could just have a match between the both of them!

Humphrey asked, "Christopher, does the Thomson you mentioned know how to fight?"

"Dude, Thomson doesn't know how to punch. He doesn't even have a bit of muscle."

"He does boxing live and you're a professional boxer. Then why don't you challenge him in real life?"

Christopher perked up when he heard this.

Why not ask Thomson to fight in real life? This was a good idea. Both of us are boxers, only one is boxing in his livestream while the other is boxing in reality.

In reality, Thomson won't be able to fake it anymore. When the time came, he could get Thomson to stream the two of them sparring in real life. Then, he would beat Thomson until his teeth were all over the ground. This was a great idea.

Christopher said to Humphrey, "Buddy, your idea is fantastic. I'm going to ask Thomson out for a boxing match tonight in his livestream. I'm going to knock his teeth out one by one."

"Make him lose face in front of his brainless female fans. I want him to remember the consequences of deceiving others."

"Buddy, thank you. When I haved defeated Thomson, I will definitely treat you to a feast."

Humphrey finished his cup of coffee. The two of them had been chatting for a long time, he said, "Brother, I believe you. You must let me know when the time and date has been set, I will go to the scene to cheer for you."

The two of them left after the chat.