Thomson, I Want to Challenge You!

Thomson woke up really late. He had a long chat with Alice last night.

He had learned a lot about Alice, the night was definitely not wasted.

Thomson had hinted to her many times, and had even brought up some adult topics.

Alice had grown up in a living environment that was too good and was especially curious about these things. When Thomson shared them with her, she listened very attentively.

She also asked Thomson to continue telling these dirty jokes. Her face turned red as she listened to them.

Thomson knew that Alice was a very coquettish woman at heart, but she hid it well and didn't show it.

In the eyes of others, Alice was an educated and sensible girl, but in her heart, she yearned for a man to conquer her.

Alice's good impression of Thomson grew. She was even extremely trustful of him, believing whatever he said.

They went from chatting through messages at the beginning to subsequently video chatting.

When Thomson turned on the video, he watched Alice in a red negligee that showed off her great figure, especially her long, straight legs. They evoked Thomson's desires.

Looking slim with clothes on but fleshy without was a very apt description for her. Especially the two fair breasts that Alice had revealed in the center of her pajamas. The deep cleavage was very seductive.

Thomson admitted that he was entranced by Alice. He wanted to have a deeper understanding of her, especially of her body.

They chatted from nine in the evening until three in the morning before going to bed. When he woke up, it was already 3PM in the afternoon.

He had swung his fists too many times yesterday and was indeed very tired. However, he really enjoyed this strength, it was worth it to be slightly more tired.

Thomson' strength was powerful, but it was also a waste of sandbags. The two sandbags that he bought had been broken, so he had to buy a few more.

He won't be able to afford breaking even just one sandbag a day. The next time he streamed himself punching, he must not use the strength of Combat Energy. He'd just use ordinary punches.

In any case, he could increase his proficiency and improve himself. It was decided then. In the future, he would not use his Combat Energy during his livestreams if he doesn't need to.

Thomson threw out the torn sandbags and broken sofa in his house that afternoon.

He went to the mall and bought a new leather sofa. He had to thank Christopher's tip that allowed him to say goodbye to his old and shabby sofa.

He spent US$200 on a new leather sofa and it was already delivered to his living room.

Thomson was presently seated on his new sofa. It was a wonderful feeling. The soft leather, the comfort, it felt amazing.

How could he have feelings for a worn-out sofa? If it weren't for the fact that his salary was too low, he would have thrown out this old rubbish a long time ago.

Many of the old furniture in his house had long been an eyesore to Thomson. He wondered if there were any more fools like Christopher who would gift him more money.

Take for example this shabby wardrobe, it's color was already fading. If he had money, he would definitely change it.

Looking at the crappy furniture in his house, Thomson fell into deep thought. At the mention of replacing things, he would have to change all of these!

How was it possible to be attached to crappy things? He was merely lying to those idiots in the livestream. It was just like how he played with women. After he was done with this one, he would move on to the next. Novelty was the most important thing.

Thomson entered the back-end of the platform and looked at the amount of money he had earned from tips these days. Including Christopher's tips, he had already earned US$1000 in rewards.

Following the platform's 50-50 split, he had earned US$500 in just a few days. The platform's minimum payment was only US$500 a month. Now, it seemed that starting a livestream was a very right choice.

The number of fans in his livestream also increased day by day. From the few fans he had when he started streaming to the subsequent tens, hundreds and thousands of fans.

And now, he had already gained 10,000 fans, and his number of fans continued increasing. Now, it has even reached 13,000 favorites. By then, it would not be impossible for him to become a celebrity!

Thomson hadn't eaten all day. He went to a nearby burger place and bought a bunch of food —hamburger, fries, chicken drumsticks, chicken wings, Coke…

He brought all these takeaways back home and looked at his livestream that was about to begin.

Why don't I turn on the livestream and eat while chatting with the fans? I can also get through my required livestream duration at the same time. This is truly a wonderful plan.

Thomson started to adjust the equipment for the livestream, making pre-livestream preparations. When everything was done, it was time to begin.

He turned on the livestream and sat in front of the computer.

In an instant, countless female fans rushed in. The happiest thing for them in a day was to watch Thomson's livestream.

It didn't matter what he was streaming, they just wanted his livestream to be turned on. Even if it was a livestream of him sleeping, they would still enjoy it!

Thomson ate the burger while speaking into the microphone, "Good evening, everyone. I'm really sorry. I was too tired from boxing yesterday, so I woke up late today. I was kept busy until now so I didn't have time to eat."

"But I can't delay the livestream so I will eat while streaming."

After Thomson said those words,the female fans were touched.

What kind of man was this?! He was so dedicated to his work that he even had his dinner during the livestream in order to not affect the livestream timing.

The female fans' hearts ached badly as they posted comments in the livestream.

"Hubby, treat yourself better. It's not good to eat so late."

"Tom, you're making my heart ache, do you know that? You should find a girlfriend. If you don't have one, I'm willing to cook for you every day and take care of you."

"Don't snatch my husband. Tom is mine. If there should be anyone to take care of him, it'll be me."

The comments in the live-stream kept rolling. The female fans were clearly fighting to be Thomson's spouse.

In the livestream, Alice was beaming as she read the comments.

They would never have imagined that she had chatted with Thomson late into the night. During that time, he definitely belonged to her alone.

Thomson wanted Alice to keep the chatting between the two of them a secret. He told Alice that if this got out, those female fans would be jealous and might even attack her.

Alice took him at his word and believed that Thomson was trying to protect her and be good to her.

Actually, Thomson just didn't want everyone to know.

Christopher was eating a bowl of instant noodles at home. After spending the colossal sum of US$688 yesterday, the broke man was forced to cut his living expenses.

When he entered the livestream, he saw Thomson eating hamburgers, fried chicken, and drinking Coke.

Looking at the instant noodles in front of his computer, he was furious. Wasn't the food that Thomson was eating from the money that he had tipped him?

In a while, he must challenge Thomson in the livestream. He didn't believe that Thomson would reject him in front of so many female fans.