Reasonable Use of Livestream Duration Is Really Great

In his own livestream, Thomson sat with his legs crossed as he ate a hamburger.

After finishing the hamburger, he ate a chicken drumstick and took a sip of coke. Life was very comfortable.

Christopher ate the instant noodles in his bowl as he looked at Thomson on the computer screen. He was furious. Why should I be eating instant noodles?!

He was unable to believe everything before his eyes. Why exactly is this so?!

Thomson taking big bites of his fried chicken and burger with one leg over another was actually being so favorably received by the fans too. It didn't make sense. It didn't make sense at all.

What are the brains of current women filled with? Are you all idiots?

Don't you think that Thomson doesn't care about his image at all? Besides, he's clearly trying to pass time to account for his livestream duration. He has been eating for almost half an hour.

Why didn't anyone criticize him? Why do they keep praising him!

The female fans in the broadcast room didn't find anything wrong with Thomson. Even though he was sitting with one leg over another, he was still so handsome and so charming.

On the contrary, they felt that Tom was very real. He dared to show his true side without any restraint.

Unlike many of the celebrities on television who package themselves very well and give off very positive feelings.

But once they step out of the television, they become so unreal in their social circles, like they are two different people on-screen and in real life.

Thomson was different. He was very casual and talked about everything in his livestream. He dared to say anything and do anything. He gave off a very affable feeling.

All the female fans were delighted simply by watching Thomson eat dinner. They felt very happy!

Thomson chatted with his fans while he ate his burger, chicken wings, fries, and finished his Coke.

When all the food was finished, an hour had passed. He had slacked off for another hour.

Such a livestream was wonderful . His livestream was named 'Punching Sandbags', but it was not suitable to exercise after eating, so he shall continue to let time pass.

After finishing his meal, Thomson continued chatting with his fans, planning to pass more time.

After another half an hour, it was time for Thomson to do his daily mission and punch the sandbag.

He stood up from the computer, walked to the center of the room, and re-hung the sandbag.

He adjusted the camera on the screen and pointed it at himself. In front of the camera, Thomson punched the sandbag. Not just to complete his daily routine, but to improve himself every time he swung a punch.

After boxing for 50 minutes, he only had 10 minutes more to go. For the next half an hour of livestream would be frequent, he would take 10 minutes to take a shower and continue chatting with his fans in the last 20 minutes.

With such a reasonable arrangement, today's livestream would be completed. At the same time, he would also be living up to his livestream name of Punching Sandbags.

Each time he swung his fist, he felt his strength increasing again and again. He was getting stronger and stronger. However, he did not mobilize the strength of his Combat Energy today.

This force was too powerful. He did not want the sandbag that he had just bought to be torn through again. It was very costly!

His fist came into contact with the sandbag. He had used a lot of force today, and his hands were in great pain.

Thomson admitted that he hadn't used much force when he was boxing previously. He'd just wanted to perform in front of the camera.

Without the protection of Combat Energy, his hand began hurting more and more. Without utilizing the power of Combat Energy, he could not break the sandbag with his own strength.

It was too difficult to break the sandbag using just his own strength. It should be impossible for an ordinary person.

The power of God was still formidable. It allowed an ordinary man to possess strength that surpassed that of the common man.

Thomson's hand was already red. This was a sign that his hand was touching the sandbag.

Thomson, who was in front of the camera, was sweating profusely. His hair was drenched in sweat, and his sweat fell onto the ground like rain.

He struck the sandbag punch after punch, the sandbag shook violently.

After finishing the last 10 minutes, he had boxed for exactly an hour.

Thomson stopped and walked over to the camera. He told everyone that he was going to take a shower and wash off this stinky sweat.

How could the fans in the livestream reject Thomson's request?

They pressed Thomson to quickly go take a shower and come back earlier. They would be unhappy even if they didn't see Thomson for a minute.

When Thomson went to take a shower, the female fans started chatting again.

"Why isn't my husband back yet? He left for a minute but I feel like a year has passed. Time is moving so slowly!"

"I can't imagine this. If there comes a day where I don't get to see Thomson, I'd definitely become lovesick."

"Tom has been gone for nine minutes. Just one minute left before I can see my husband. Happy!!!"

Ten minutes later, Thomson came out with a towel wrapped around him.

Thomson controlled his time perfectly. If something could be completed in the livestream, he would not do it outside of it.

His time was very precious. Besides, he was so handsome. No matter what he did in the live-stream, he would be forgiven by his fans.

When Christopher watched the live broadcast this time, he realized that something was amiss with Thomson. This time, all his punches had landed on the sandbag and his hands were extremely red. This was how it was supposed to be when one punches a sandbag.

The sandbag wasn't broken today. From a professional boxer's point of view, he could tell that Thomson was extremely serious in his boxing today.

That would all the more be able to prove that Thomson had used magic to deceive everyone previously. He was a good-for-nothing without magic.

Christopher, who was originally a little worried, feared that Thomson really had some capabilities. If he were to challenge him to a match and get beaten up, that would be even more embarrassing. But he now knew the truth.

He must challenge Thomson and beat him up in front of his fans.

Christopher was commenting in the live-stream. "Thomson, aren't you very good at boxing? Are you very strong? I want to fight you in real life. Do you dare accept it?"

This sentence was instantly covered by the rolling comments, Thomson couldn't see it at all.

Christopher spammed his comment, repeatedly sending this message just to get Thomson's attention.

"Thomson, aren't you very good at boxing? Are you very strong? I want to challenge you in real life. Do you dare accept it?"

"Thomson, aren't you very good at boxing? Are you very strong? I want to challenge you in real life. Do you dare accept it?"

"Thomson, aren't you very good at boxing? Are you very strong? I want to challenge you in real life. Do you dare accept it?"

While Thomson was chatting with his fans, he saw a comment repeatedly appearing on the screen. The ID was very familiar.

Isn't this the unlucky kid who gave me money yesterday? He had tipped me US$688 yesterday.

This was a big client. Thomson could not allow him to flood the comments like this either, he had to maintain a good image in front of his fans.

Thomson selected Christopher's ID and started a voice chat with him.

Christopher quickly accepted!