I'll State a Bet, Do You Dare Agree to It?

The moment Christopher connected to the voice chat, he said into the microphone, "Thomson, I want to issue a challenge to you. Do you dare to have a boxing match with me in real life?"

"If you do not dare to do so, I won't force you, but you'll be very disgraced in front of your fans."

Thomson listened to Christopher's words and pondered for a while. I cannot agree so easily. I have to take advantage of him one more time.

Thomson said into the microphone, "Christopher, why should I agree to your request? I don't think we know each other."

When Thomson said this, many female fans came forward.

They agreed with Thomson. So what if our husband rejects you? Why would it be disgraceful?

As they typed furiously on their mobile phone screens, countless comments started to roll by once more.

"Christopher, why do you still dare to come to my husband's livestream? Have you got any shame?"

"Exactly. Why must my husband agree to your challenge? Who do you think you are?"

"Christopher, get out of the livestream. You're not welcome here."

The livestream was filled with ridicule, all targeted at Christopher.

He looked at the screen that was full of people cursing at him. He was indignant.

No matter what, I have to succeed in getting Thomson to fight me. I will pay any price.

Christopher continued to speak into the microphone, "Thomson, what would it take for you to agree to my request? I will fulfill any requests you have."

When Thomson heard this, he was inwardly overjoyed.

The fish had already taken the bait. I have to think of a way to continue cheating him and also make the fans in the livestream think well of me.

After thinking for a while, he finally thought of it.

Thomson said into the microphone, "Christopher, I accept your challenge. But since it's a challenge, there has to be a bet, right?"

"How about this, you'll tip US$1,000 in my live-stream first, as your bet. If you were to win, I'll return you US$2,000. If you lose, this US$1,000 reward will be mine."

When Christopher heard this, his expression changed. Thomson was looking down on him!

When the female fans in the livestream heard Thomson's words, they felt that he was really heroic.

The female fans had heard that Christopher was a professional boxer in the livestream.

He was clearly trying to bully Thomson by getting an ordinary person to fight against a professional boxer.

Not only did he not reject someone's provocation, Thomson even accepted it so calmly. What kind of courage would this take?

The fans were very worried about Thomson and were trying to dissuade him.

"Tom, you really shouldn't have agreed. Christopher is a professional. Don't be like this, my heart will ache!"

"That's right. Christopher, you're so shameless. You're clearly trying to scam my husband. Get out of here."

"Also, this bet doesn't make sense at all. Tom, you're too nice to Christopher. It's unfair for you to bet US$2000 against his bet of US$1000."

The livestream started denouncing Christopher once again.

The comments came one after another, the condemnations increased, continuous rolling by.

Thomson sat in front of his computer. He was very pleased, his plan was very successful.

Everything was progressing entirely according to what he had in mind. I am someone who is able to utilize the power of Combat Energy. I was just feeling troubled over the lack of an opponent to test my strength on.

Christopher, you came to me on your own. So what if you're a professional boxer? You still won't be able to withstand my Combat Energy.

In the livestream, Alice was also very worried when she heard Thomson's response.

She knew that Thomson must be doing so for his reputation. Christopher had challenged him openly on the live-stream, he could not refuse for the sake of his fans.

She picked up his cell phone and sent him a message. "Tom, don't promise him, don't!"

Thomson heard his phone ring. He picked it up for a look. It was a message from Alice.

He knew that Alice was also watching his livestream right now. He was very happy, knowing that she was so worried about him.

He replied: "Alice, don't worry. I'll be fine. I will defeat him with my strength."

Seeing this reply from Thomson, Alice knew that he had to have a plan, so her worries eased a little.

At the same time, her nervous heart also calmed down.

Everyone in the livestream saw that Thomson was replying to messages on his phone. They were very curious about who he was replying to.

They questioned madly in the livestream.

Thomson surely wouldn't answer them, he quickly changed the topic.

He continued speaking into the microphone. "Christopher, if you do not dare to agree, I won't force you. If you're afraid, you can leave my livestream now."

When Christopher heard this, he couldn't take it anymore. Isn't it just money?

He opened the top-up page, entered US$2,000 and sent out the tip.

I will not accept an unfair bet. You'll give me US$2,000 if you lose, then I will also take US$2,000 to gamble with you. I must save face.

The large reward of US$2,000 triggered the super treasure chest, attracting countless people into the livestream.

The popularity of the live-stream was growing increasingly. The number of fans exceeded 30,000. Right now, 30,000 people were watching the livestream simultaneously.

The livestream also became more and more popular, bringing great popularity to Thomson.

This was exactly what Thomson wanted. Not only was he going to defeat Christopher, but he was going to do so in front of a lot of spectators.

When the fans who picked up the items from the treasure chest came in and found out that this was actually a real-life challenge, everyone quickly clicked 'subscribed' and stayed in the livestream to wait for the information.

After giving the US$2,000 tip, Christopher said into the microphone, "Thomson, I've tipped US$2,000. You should accept my challenge now."

Christopher thought to himself, this US$2000 is merely being left with Thomson. I will eventually get it back.

At that time, not only would Thomson have to return this US$2,000, he would also have to give me another US$2,000. This was definitely good news.

Christopher could already imagine the scene of him beating up Thomson during the arranged fight. He had to beat the crap out of him. Just the thought of it made him happy!

"Of course," said Thomson. This is very fair. Set a time. You're the challenger, it's up to you."