Arranged Fight at the Underground Boxing Club

Christopher wished he could start a war with Thomson right now. He didn't want to wait a second longer, the sooner the better. He wanted to knock him down, defeat him, and ravage him.

He wanted to use her fists to strike every part of his body and teach him a lesson.

No words could describe his hatred. Why is this so-called despicable man so popular?

Christopher spoke into the mike, "Tomorrow afternoon then, Thomson. Tell me the location and I'll go to you. I can't wait even a minute more."

Thomson definitely couldn't reveal his address in front of the viewers in the livestream. He added Christopher as a friend.

The two of them sent messages to each other on the mobile chatting app. It was only then that they realized that the two of them lived relatively close to each other. This was really a coincidence.

Thomson thought of an excellent location that could be used for the competition. He had been to that place by chance before.

He sent an address over. It was an underground boxing club near his house. It was good to have that as the venue for the fight, it was about a ten-minute walk from his house.

Christopher had been trained in boxing since he was a child. He had been punching and practicing boxing since he was five years old. Day after day, year after year, he had been boxing for a very long time and was very confident in his skills.

As his father was also a professional boxer, Christopher had been made to practice boxing since he was young and received lots of guidance from his father. He knew boxing better than anyone else.

He could easily break through sandbags too, so he was extremely confident that he could defeat Thomson.

Christopher said, "Tom, I didn't think you'd actually agree to fight me. I'm a professional boxer. Just wait to be abused, scrawny monkey."

"Christopher, don't look down on others. We'll know when we meet."

"Thomson, it's not that I look down on you. I have to tell you my story."

Christopher began to brag about himself in the livestream, telling everyone that he was a professional boxer and had practiced boxing for many years.

I must defeat Thomson in front of all the viewers tomorrow.

The more Christopher spoke, the more complacent he became. He even told everyone about the gold and silver medals that he had won for boxing in his childhood.

The men in the broadcast room were originally silent. They also hated Tomson for being so likable. They kept tapping on their phone screens and posted comments.

"Christopher, you have to properly teach Thomson a lesson, do not spare his feelings. "

"Tomorrow, we'll cheer for you in the livestream and watch how you give Thomson a good beating."

"You're dead meat, Thomson. How can a scrawny monkey like you compare to a professional boxer?"

The livestream was abuzz with comments. The silent men came forward to cheer Christopher on. They couldn't stand Thomson either.

This pretty boy who relies on his looks, on what basis is he able to attract so many women!

They were always waiting for someone who could teach Thomson a lesson, and here he is.

Even though Christopher had failed during his chiding in the livestream the first time round, this was now a real-life fight.

There was no way Thomson could defeat a professional boxer given his skinny frame. Perhaps he would be KO-ed with a single punch.

As the men imagined this scene, they began to laugh out loud. How could they not be happy to see Thomson be humiliated?

When these men began to attack Thomson, the female fans in the livestream couldn't take it anymore. They had to help Thomson fight back.

"Christopher, you despicable person. My husband will never lose, just wait to die."

"Good luck, Hubby. Or you can tell me his address, I know the big brother in the Mafia. I'll get someone to finish him off for you."

"I also agree to get rid of him directly. All he knows is to bully my husband, bad guy!!!"

"Sisters, shall we crowdfund to hire a killer? What does everyone think?"

The female fans in the live-stream were livid. Christopher was simply being a bully. He was actually a hidden boxing expert.

Countless comments flooded the screen, cursing Christopher terribly. There were even fans who wanted to crowd fund to issue a bounty and hire killers to finish him off.

When Christopher saw this comment, he was also shocked. These female fans were too crazy, they really dared to do anything.

He didn't dare to continue mocking Thomson and settled down.

He started explaining to everyone in the livestream.

Saying that this was just a simple exchange of pointers, an exchange of boxing techniques. That was it , there were no other motives.

He kept apologizing to Thomson and asked for forgiveness. He was afraid that these fans would really put a bounty on him. He was scared of dying too!

Thomson sat on the bench, sipping a glass of clear water as he listened to Christopher beg for mercy. He found it particularly interesting.

Christopher was pleading with himself in every tone, afraid that he would not forgive him. If this was in reality, he might even kneel down and beg him.

This group of female fans was really too cute. He didn't need to say or do anything and his fans would help him to resolve everything.

Thomson quietly watched as his fans flooded the screen, completely suppressing the voices that doubted him.

At this moment, there was only one kind voice left in the livestream, and it was the one that supported him.

No one dared to question Thomson anymore. The livestream was coming to an end soon.

Christopher finally made it to the end of the livestream. God knew what he had been through.

It was really frightening. He had only said a few bad things about Thomson in the livestream and he got targeted so badly.

I spent another US$2,000 this time. If I continue to spend money like this, I might not even be able to afford instant noodles.

Tomorrow was the day of the competition with Thomson. I have to rest well tonight and bring out my best condition tomorrow. I must land some good punches on Thomson.

I have to beat him up until he is covered in blood to vent my hatred.

Thomson said goodbye to his fans and turned off the livestream.

He was not as worried as Christopher. He had great confidence in his strength.

It was still early. The tips from the female fans together with Christopher's US$2,000 had earned him US$2,200 today.

This was not a small sum of money. To an ordinary person, this amount of money would be equivalent to a month's salary. Although he could only get US$1,100 after sharing with the platform, it was still a considerable amount.

While it was said that the US$2,000 was the bet, it was already in his pocket.

It was quite late after he played a few games so he went straight to bed and waited for the next day to go fight Christopher in real life.