That Fellow, Thomson, Must Be Training Hard Too

The sky had just lit up and the fog had yet to dissipate.

A breeze rustled the leaves, the birds foraging for food were still chirping on the branches.

They seemed to be telling the humans that a new day had arrived.

Thomson was still fast asleep under the covers.

Christopher, on the other hand, could no longer sleep. He got up from the bed.

Today was the day of his arranged fight with Thomson. He could not afford to make any mistakes. He had to defeat him today.

After getting up, he went to his training room, which was specially designed for him to practice boxing by his father.

It was a very spacious room with four sandbags and various training equipment to practice boxing.

Christopher punched the sandbag a thousand times. He was sweating profusely, he didn't know why he was working so hard either.

He had to adjust his mental state to its best state so that he could win against Thomson in the afternoon.

At this moment, Thomson was still sleeping. He had yet to wake up and was sleeping soundly in his own bed.

He didn't look like he was going to wake up at all.

The two of them formed a strong contrast. One was training diligently while the other was sleeping soundly on his bed.

Only at noon did Thomson open his blurry eyes.

He opened the curtains and let the sunlight in.

After washing up, he thought about what to have for lunch.

Meanwhile, Christopher was still swinging punches inside his room, making pre-match preparations. Every time he punched, he imagined that Thomson was right in front of him.

Hence, the more he punched, the more excited he became. Like every punch was landing on Thomson's face, chest and abdomen, he swung even harder.

He became increasingly excited, as though he was really beating up Thomson.

Christopher was wondering, that brat Thomson can't be training diligently too, can he?

Yes, he must have had a sleepless night because of today's match and is also trying to get into the right condition.

When he thought about it this way, waking up so early to train became very worth it

He did not know how many punches he had thrown or how long he had been training. All in all, everything was for the sake of defeating Thomson.

At this moment, Thomson had decided on his meal. He went to a nearby western restaurant and ordered a serving of pasta and a cup of milk tea.

He sat alone by the window and enjoyed the view.

His food wasn't served yet so he went on his phone and scrolled through his messages.

The waitress came over with his food and looked at Thomson in surprise.

"Oh my god, are you the streamer who streams himself punching sandbags?"

Thomson lifted his head to take a look. It was a very average-looking woman, she had very thick make-up on.

He smiled and replied, "I'm Thomson, also the streamer of that livestream. Nice to meet you."

The waitress looked at Thomson with a delighted expression. She did not expect Thomson to be so handsome and charming in real life too.

She had thought that those streamers in the livestream would always use some filters to beautify themselves, but Thomson hadn't done so.

It was as if he had walked out of the screen, he was so handsome.

"Tom, you know what? Every day, after I get home from work, I'll be waiting to watch your live stream. You have to add my contact information."

"That would be an honor. What is your number? Let me add you."

The waitress gave her contact information to Thomson. She never expected to meet her idol outside.

Her luck was exceptional today. She had probably spent all her good luck in this lifetime.

Thomson added this waitress into a special category. This group consisted of his alternatives for him to vent his beastly desires.

He didn't mind playing with more women, especially women who came to him.

The waitress went to the kitchen specially to get a sandwich for Thomson.

If it weren't for the fact that it was working hours, she would have liked to chat more with Thomson. Unfortunately, time didn't allow it. She had her tasks at work.

Of course, Thomson wouldn't mind this free sandwich. It was a gift from his fan, he happily accepted it.

He played with his phone, ate the sandwich, drank the milk tea, and enjoyed this beautiful afternoon. Everything in the world was so wonderful.

Meanwhile, Christopher was exhausted from training. He was already in his best condition. He must work harder than Thomson.

That rascal must still be training to get into condition. Otherwise, how would he defeat me, who is so professional?

He looked at his phone, it was almost one in the afternoon, and he had been starving since the morning. He had been training so hard that his hunger had slipped his mind.

He quickly checked his fridge and found that it was very empty. Other than a few bottles of beer, there was nothing else.

He had no choice but to go to the carton in the living room and grab a bowl of instant noodles. He still had ten bowls of instant noodles left.

It had only been a few days since he received his salary. Christopher didn't know how he'd get through the coming days.

He went to the kitchen to boil some water and prepare the instant noodles. He had no idea what Thomson was eating at the moment.

In any case, he would definitely be eating better than I am. Christopher didn't dare to continue thinking. The more he thought about it, the angrier he got. His fists were clenched tightly.

I really can't wait for the afternoon to come, I am going to teach Thomson a lesson.

After finishing the instant noodles, Christopher gave Humphrey a call.

The two of them chatted on the phone.

Christopher said, "Brother, I'd be competing with Thomson this afternoon. Do you want to come with me?"

"Is that so? Call me when you're going. I'd love to see how you beat up Thomson. I'll take a video for you.'

"I'll set off after I finish this bowl of instant noodles. We will leave at 2PM, just enough time to reach the appointed venue."

"Brother, why are you eating instant noodles? That has no nutrition."

Christopher sighed, "Humfrey, I'm already eating instant noodles, so would I still care about nutrition? It's already good enough that I can fill my stomach. I'd given Thomson another tip of US$2,000 to Thomson."

"Christopher, are you out of your mind? Your tips are getting bigger and bigger each time."

Christopher finished his instant noodles and asked his good friend, Humphrey, out.

The two of them sat in the car on the way to the appointed venue. Along the way, Christopher recounted his misfortune.

He didn't want to give Thomson the US$2,000 tip, but he had no choice. Without this bet, Thomson wouldn't accept his challenge.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained. The money will come back after he'd won the competition. It was merely being left in Thomson's possession.

After listening to everything, Humphrey then learned of the whole story. He kept encouraging his good friend, telling him to give Thomson a good beating in the afternoon.