The First Contest, Breaking Wooden Boards

Christopher and his best friend, Humphrey, arrived at the appointed place first.

The two of them surveyed the underground boxing club and happened to meet a person at the crossing. The two of them then began to inquire about the situation here.

The person they met was called John. He told them some basic information about this place.

Usually, no one would come to this underground boxing club in the afternoon. At night, there would be a lot of people. This was because there would be illegal boxing competitions held here, so many boxers and gamblers would come.

Hence, there would be many spectators and some gamblers.

John looked at Christopher's figure and asked, "Friend, you train often, don't you? You have such a good figure."

Christopher told John that he was actually a boxer himself and had invited someone to fight a match here.

He even told John that he was going to teach a hypocrite who only knew how to lie to women a lesson here, and also shared his story with him.

When John heard this, he expressed great sympathy and promised to bring an audience to watch Christopher's fight and cheer him on.

After saying that, John left first to attend to his matters and will be back soon.

After understanding the situation here, Christopher and his buddy, Humphrey, walked down from the first floor to the underground boxing arena.

This place was huge and very empty. It was pitch-black and nothing could be seen clearly.

The two of them switched on the flashlights on their mobile phones and surveyed the area. They saw a row of switches on the right.

Turning on all the switches, the lights lit up one by one and illuminated the entire basement. It could be seen that this place was extremely big.

The ground was a mess. There were all sorts of rubbish, including beer bottles, cigarette butts, fruit peels, and so on.

After checking out the area, Christopher thought that the environment here was quite good. It was definitely enough to teach Thomson a lesson.

There was a boxing ring in the middle. When the time came, he could spar with Johnson on the ring, just the thought of it was very interesting.

There was also some training equipment, such as sandbags around the place.

Christopher as he walked towards a sandbag with an itch to test it. He bounced up and down as he stretched out his hands and punched the sandbag a few times. The sandbags here were pretty good.

They were the ones that weighed 300 KG, made with good materials and workmanship. It was nice that he could warm up his hands here first before Thomson arrived.

Christopher looked around and saw some boards on the ground. He had an idea, he could use these boards to test Thomson's strength.

This wooden board was 30cm thick. Without a certain amount of strength, one definitely won't be able to break it. He thought to himself, that rascal Thomson might not even be able to break even this wooden board.

Christopher handed his buddy a board and got him to hold it while he tried out the strength of his fist.

Humphrey grabbed the board with both hands and held it in front of himself. He indicated to Christopher that he could begin.

Christopher stared at this wooden board and then gathered all his energy into his right hand before striking it.

His fist landed on the wooden board and released a loud sound. Then, a crack appeared on the wooden board and it was split into two.

Humphrey exclaimed, "God, brother, your punch is so powerful. Aren't you afraid of killing Thomson? Haha."

"Don't worry, I will show mercy. But I will knock out all of Thomson's teeth one by one. Otherwise, it would be difficult to dispel my hatred."

"This really is a good suggestion, I can imagine Thomson looking for his teeth all over the floor. It will definitely be interesting."

Christopher said, "I will first test Thomson with this wooden board later. If he doesn't even have the capabilities to break the wooden board, he'll be finished."

The two of them laughed out loud, holding onto the wooden board, waiting for Thomson to come over so they could embarrass him.

After finishing his food, Thomson looked at the time and headed out.

Sometimes, when he was bored, he would come over here to take a look. It was only when he saw the people boxing that Thomson came up with the idea of doing boxing in his livestream.

When Thomson arrived at the underground boxing club, he saw the two people standing together.

I only arranged to meet one person, why were there two of them?

He walked right over.

Thomson said to the two people, "Which one of you is Christopher?"

Christopher replied, "I am. You must be Thomson. I'm so happy to see you."

Thomson replied, "I'm very happy to see you too."

Christopher studied Thomson closely. He was very thin and looked very refined. He certainly didn't look like he trained often.

Wearing a short-sleeved shirt, his fair arms were revealed. He did have some muscles, but these muscles must have been gained recently.

Christopher asked his buddy to pick up a wooden board again. He easily broke it into two using his fists in front of Thomson and then said sarcastically,

"Would you like to give it a try too, Thomson? Take it as a warm-up."

Thomson looked at the wooden board. It should be about 30cm thick. He had punched sandbags before, but never a wooden board.

A wooden plank is a little less difficult than a sandbag. This fellow must be testing me.

But it doesn't matter, I can also test to see how strong I am.

Thomson asked Christopher to raise a plank with both hands. He agreed to give it a go.

Christopher picked a random piece off the floor and held it up with both hands as he faced Thomson.

After gripping it firmly, he indicated to Thomson that he could begin.

Thomson raised his right hand. Without using the power of Combat Energy, I should be able to break the wood with my own strength too.

He gathered his strength on his right arm, pulled back, and then struck forcefully.

The punch landed on the wooden board. It did not break.

Only then did Thomson realize that he was still very weak. He still had to rely on the power of his Combat Energy.

Christopher held the board in both hands. He knew that Thomson had used all his strength, but he hadn't broken the board. In that case, there would be a good show coming up.

He turned to look at the sandbag beside him and had a brilliant idea.

He did not believe that Thomson had the ability to punch through sandbags. He wanted to see how Thomson could continue to fool him using deceptive tricks right here.

He had been bitter over the matter of Thomson punching through the sandbag in the livestream all this time. He could not forget it. That was the beginning of his painful memory. Furthermore, Thomson had cheated him of US$688 of tips, he must continue to expose him.

Christopher checked every sandbag and determined that they were all fine. Right now, he had a chance to ask Thomson to continue punching the sandbags. He simply loved to split hairs, he had to expose Thomson or he wouldn't be satisfied!