Thomson's Strength Has Grown Again!

Christopher was very upset. These women were crazy. What kind of drug did Thomson give them?

What did he give them that caused them to become like this? He was not only envious, but also jealous.

This time, he will first off Thomson's sinister mask by challenging him to punching through a sandbag. He could even get US$500 from that. This was killing two birds with one stone.

Christopher walked over to the sandbag and touched it with his hand.

It required a lot of strength to punch through the sandbag. It was impossible to do so with boxing gloves on and could only be done with one's bare hands. Strong explosive power and great strength were required.

Although he had punched through sandbags before, he was not successful all the time. There were also times when he failed.

May God bless me, I must successfully break it this time.

Christopher looked at the sandbag. He stood with his feet apart, one behind the other and his body in a half crouch. That would make his punch more powerful.

Retracting his right fist, he gathered all of his strength into his right hand, his strength grew stronger and stronger.

This punch can only succeed, it must not fail!

Christopher let out a shout and poured all the power from his right hand, then struck towards the sandbag.

With a "bang", the imprint of a fist was left on the 300 KG sandbag and it was torn.

However, he only tore through one side of the sandbag instead of the entire thing.

Sand kept flowing out and fell onto the ground like flowing water.

Christopher retracted his fist in satisfaction. The sandbags here were clearly of better quality than the ones he had at home. He could feel it from the moment he struck it.

His fist really hurt, but he couldn't show it.

This was because everyone in the livestream was watching. He definitely wanted the honor. After defeating Thomson, he would also start a livestream and also perform boxing.

And then attract many, many women to come in to watch him. At the thought of this, the pain on his hand was no longer considered painful.

Christopher imagined that the women in Thomson's livestream would praise him. He foolishly believed that they liked Thomson because he had punched through a sandbag.

When he took out his phone and entered the livestream, another round of cursing comments had come.

"Christopher, that's all you've got. How could you dare challenge my husband?"

"Look at that small hole you made. Is it as small as the one on your body?"

"Christopher, you're a good-for-nothing. Get lost, okay? I don't want to waste my husband's time."

Christopher was very helpless. He didn't want to read the comments anymore. The more he did, the angrier he got.

He said to Thomson, "Thomson, are you ready? It's your turn."

Thomson walked over to the sandbag and touched it. This sandbag was of very good quality. It was different from the ones he had at home.

He had seen Christopher's performance. He threw his punch very quickly and with great force, but he only managed to break one side of the sandbag.

He did not punch through the sandbag. If I want to take the US$100, I have to break both sides, only that would be considered a win.

Thomson closed his eyes and focused. He could feel the spiritual energy of heaven and earth around him. He gathered these gases.

At the same time, he entered a state of self-oblivion, guiding the spiritual energy onto his fists. His fists were even wrapped in an invisible air bag.

A layer of green gas appeared on his fists. It was very faint.

Christopher looked at Thomson, not knowing what he was doing. He only saw him close his eyes, and then sensed a very powerful aura in the surroundings.

It was becoming more and more obvious, the surrounding air seemed to be moved and the entire space area was tumbling.

Finally, he saw that there was a green-colored gas on Thomson's hand.

He shouted, "Look Humphrey! Look at Thomson's hand! What is that?!"

Humpty looked over to where his buddy was pointing and really saw a gaseous mass swirling around Thomson's hand, it was surging non-stop.

The air in the entire underground area gathered towards him. It was very magical.

"Humphrey, I knew Thomson must be a magician. I wasn't wrong, was I? He really can do magic. Let's walk closer to watch."

"Christopher, I can't believe my eyes. This magic is too strong, isn't it? It can even gather air."

The two of them quickly took out their mobile phones. It was rare for them to have such a good opportunity to record this up close. They had to capture this strange scene.

In his own world, Thomson was isolated from the rest of the world, unaware that his actions were being filmed by the two people.

His strength continued to rise. He could feel that the power of this punch was far stronger than before.

All of his power gathered on his right hand. He pulled back his fist and swung forcefully.

With a loud "bang", a powerful punch was sent towards the sandbag.

A massive hole was created in the sandbag. It was as big as three bowls and almost blew up this 300 KG sandbag.

Sand kept spilling out and piled on the ground.

Thomson knew that his strength had increased once again. The next time his strength increased, he would not only be able to punch through the sandbags, he would be able to blast them into smithereens!

He retracted his fist in satisfaction. He was extremely happy to see such a powerful force emerge through his hand.

God's power was indeed extraordinary. He couldn't imagine what it would be like if this force had landed on Christopher.

Christopher and Humphrey were both stunned. What kind of power was this? It was simply too frightening.

That punch just now was definitely not something an ordinary person could deliver. The damage and destruction was extremely strong.

He started to fear this man in front of him. He was afraid of his ability. Regardless of whether he believed it or not, he dared not take this risk. What if it was real?

When Thomson threw this punch, everyone in the livestream was stunned as they watched the scene before them.

It took them two minutes to return to their senses.

Then they tapped frantically on their phone screen.

Countless comments flooded the livestream.

"My husband is indeed strong. Look at the size of this hole, and look at what Christopher made. They cannot be compared!"

"Tom must be the messenger of God, only a man chosen by God can have such powerful strength."

"Christopher, you have nothing to say this time, have you? Who are you to compete with my husband? Are you even worthy?"

Right then, John walked into the underground boxing club with a group of people.