Christopher Is Afraid!

Christopher ran to the sandbag and began to examine it. The sandbag had been punched through from front to back.

The tear was extremely large, much bigger than a normal fist, and it was a direct penetration. The power of the strength and extent of the might was evident.

Christopher began to fear. He began to fear Thomson. If such a force were to land on a person, that person would definitely be gone.

He trembled and shrunk, wishing he could run away at this moment. He didn't even want the US$2000 anymore!

John knew there was going to be a fistfight here and had gathered over forty people. They loved to watch such fights.

At the same time, they could start a gamble and place their bets.

John walked to Christopher and asked, "Hi, my friend, when are you guys going to fight? I've helped you gather people to come and spectate the match."

"You don't look too well. What's the matter, my friend?"

Christopher definitely didn't look too good. What kind of freak is Thomson? He clearly couldn't break a wooden board, yet he could punch through a sandbag. Is he even human? Who wouldn't be afraid of such strength?

Christopher was shaking. He wished he could run now, as far as he could.

"John… I don't know how to tell this to you." On top of his frightened expression,Christopher's legs were also trembling.

John looked at Thomson, who was standing at the side. He was very thin and weak. Other than a handsome face, he didn't have much muscles. He probably had just one pack of abs. He didn't look like he trained regularly, so he was definitely very weak.

He continued speaking to Christopher. "Friend, are you going to fight with this skinny kid? Aren't you bullying him? You're too mean, hahaha."

The onlookers only realized then that these were the two people who were going to fight.

Looking at the figures of both parties, Christopher had an overwhelming advantage over Thomson in all ways.

Just by looking at the muscles on Christopher's body, one could tell that he had trained for years. He must be a skilled fighter.

"John, you told me there was an exciting boxing match. Why do I feel like this is bullying?"

"That's right. Does that skinny monkey know how to fight? He's definitely not a match for this muscular man."

"I hate pretty boys the most. Beat him up, muscle man. It would be best if you can beat him until his face is covered in blood."

The people John brought over were all shouting, wanting to teach this pretty boy a lesson. They liked to watch fights.

And even more so, ruthless and hot-blooded fights.

Christopher was very helpless. Who was bullying who here? All of you did not witness that instant when Thomson punched through the sandbag, you did not see that shocking explosive power.

That exaggerated strength simply would not allow anyone to survive.

Christopher valued his reputation. With so many people cheering him on, he was in a dilemma.

If he doesn't fight, he would lose all his face. If he were to fight, he would lose his life!

How am I supposed to choose? It's a matter of picking my poison.

He began to recall, recall why he wanted to expose Thomson, why he'd come here, why he was going to fight Thomson. And then he began to doubt life.

What exactly did I do wrong? I'm going to get beaten up after spending money!

He could clearly see that there was a green-colored gas swirling around Thomson's hand. If Thomson was not lying…

It meant that he could really utilize the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. That was the power of God, an unparalleled ability.

Thomson looked at his right fist with pleasure. He could feel that he was about to make a breakthrough. His current Combat Aura was at 3 stars and was very close to 4 stars.

He was already at the entrance of the 4-star Combat Aura, he was only one step away. His strength would definitely improve significantly after his advancement.

Excitement, joy, anticipation was what Thomson was feeling right now.

He was delighted that he had earned US$100. Christopher was his God of Fortune.

He has been giving me money all this while, and this guy still has a US$2,000 bet staked in my livestream. As long as I give him a good beating today, that sum of money would be mine.

He said to Christopher, "Let's start. Let's have a fight between men."

Christopher looked at Thomson with fear. He wanted to refuse, yet he didn't dare to. There were all sorts of expressions flashing across his face, he was very strange.

No one knew what he was thinking. They only knew that he looked pained.

Christopher said, "Thomson… I…"

Christopher started to stutter. He was terrified!!!

In Thomson's livestream, the men who saw Thomson punch through the sandbag were also afraid.

They knew that Thomson was even stronger now. It was already terrifying previously when he had punched through the sandbags at one go.

Right now, the power of his punches was even stronger and more frightening. It was unknown just how much his strength had increased. This was a hole the size of three bowls!

They chose to remain silent. They already had a premonition that Christopher would have a terrible end. They were originally supportive of him.

But now, the style of their comments had changed.

"Christopher, you are brave. I am proud of your spirit. May God bless you, amen."

"Brother, run away quickly. Don't sacrifice yourself for nothing."

"Christopher, did you see the power of Thomson's punch? It's too scary. Don't fight with a monster!"

While the men in the livestream hated Thomson, seeing him being sought after by the female fans every day, and had started cheering for Christopher, hoping that he would beat up Thomson in the livestream, they were starting to worry about Christopher. He was sending himself to his doom!

When the female fans saw the comments from the male fans, they couldn't help but laugh. They also saw that Christopher had intentions of withdrawing, so how could they let that go?

They filled the livestream with comments.

"Christopher, are you still a man? Weren't you very arrogant before and even wanted to bully our husband? What's up with you now?!"

"That's right. Hurry up and fight my husband. Do you have guts? Don't tell me you want to run away, you piece of trash."

"My husband has become more powerful again. Sisters. a wave of gifts to cheer for my husband."

The female fans in the livestream went from feeling worried for Thomson initially to being worried for Christopher. Their attitudes had changed drastically.

They were worried that Thomson might kill him with one punch. After all, their husband was too outstanding.

There were even a bunch of female fans who started to give tips.

"Katherine tipped US$5."

"Emily tipped US$5."

"Abigail tipped US$5."

"Brianna tipped US$10."

Thomson received another US$50 in tips. This money came so easily!