Place Your Bets, Thomson vs. Christopher

John saw that the two men were about to start their fight, and quickly started a gamble.

He moved a table and a stool in front of the boxing ring.

Thomson vs. Christopher, on Thomson, the bets to winnings ratio was 1:3, whereas on Christopher, it was 1:1.

After all, the gap between the two of them was too great. This was the only way they could attract people to place bets.

John shouted, "Brothers, come and place your bets. What's the point of boxing without stakes? Isn't that right?"

For the forty plus people, coming to watch the fight was one thing, but they preferred to gamble.

Everyone looked at the odds. Even though betting on Thomson gave more winnings, they still put their bets on Christopher without hesitation. There was no doubt about it. The disparity in their figures was too great.

If the difference in strength was too great, it would be very difficult to win, even if one had the skills. Furthermore, looking at Thomson, he didn't look like a skilled fighter at all.

"John, I'll bet US$20 on Christopher."

"John, I'll bet US$20 on Christopher."

"John, I'll bet US$30 on Christopher."

"John, I'll bet US$50 on Christopher."

It was obvious that everyone here to watch the match bet on Christopher. There was no suspense at all.

Win money and watch a boxing match at the same time. Where else could one find such a deal?

John was very depressed. Everyone had placed their bets on Christopher, there wasn't a single bet on Thomson. This was very bad for him.

He had already received US$500 betting on Christopher as the winner. He was very troubled.

John shouted loudly, "Is there no one who dares to bet on Thomson? Let's have one bet on Thomson, shall we!"

"Isn't there anyone supporting Thomson? Can we have some people? One to four for Thomson. Anyone?!"

"One to five, Thomson, one to five, please place your bets here."

John shouted loudly, but still no one placed a bet. He was wondering if he should carry on with this gamble. The situation was overwhelmingly disproportionate, he would die compensating all the winnings.

They were all on Christopher. No one dared to bet on Thomson.

At this moment, Thomson walked over and asked, "Can I place my bet? I'm betting on myself."

John said in surprise, "Sure, sure, of course. But the maximum bet here is $100, it's just for fun."

Thomson tossed John the US$100 he had won from Christopher.

John accepted the money, noted down his name, and asked curiously,

"Thomson, why do you dare accept a competition against Christopher? You're so brave."

"It's probably courage. People have to challenge something stronger than themselves, don't you think?"

"You've changed my opinion of you, Thomson. Good luck, my friend. I have faith in you."

The audience looked at Thomson and actually had some change in opinion. How could there be such a foolish person in this world? He wasn't a masochist, was he?

There was no chance of winning at all. Thomson's flesh was very tender. The punches delivered by such a person would definitely be soft and powerless. There won't be any strength.

Humphrey was startled because his good friend had told him that Thomson knew how to use magic, and he was surprised by Thomson's skill.

However, magic was magic after all. It was just a smokescreen.

His good friend was going to compete, so how could he not place a bet for him? He definitely had to support him. If it wasn't for the fact that the maximum bet was US$100, he really wanted to place a bet of US$500.

Humphrey walked over to John, took out US$100 and tossed it on the table.

"John, I'm betting US$100 on Christopher. Quickly note that down for me."

John recorded his name and the amount, he knew they were friends.

Christopher wanted to stop his buddy, he was giving money away. Thomson was really powerful, but he didn't dare to say that out loud.

There were so many people here. If he were to say that, the audience would kill him. He could only pretend that he did not know anything.

Humfrey patted his good friend on the shoulder and said, "You have to beat up this kid who knows magic later. I definitely have faith in you."

"Humphrey, I'm really sorry… I'm letting you down."

"Brother, what's wrong with you? Where's that confidence you had when you came here? Are you starting to have mercy upon him and don't want to bully him anymore? This is unlike you."

Christopher didn't say anything more. On the contrary, he wished Thomson take mercy on him and not beat him up too badly.

After all, he had spent money. Thomson had to give him some respect.

It would just be the two of us in the ring later. I shall beg Thomson, ask him not to let me lose too badly.

Thomson began adjusting his equipment and pointed it at the platform in the middle of the basement.

The fans in the livestream were cheering.

"Hubby, don't go easy on him later. You must give Christopher a good beating, kill him!"

"That's right. How dare he challenge our husband? Is he even worthy?"

"Good luck, Hubby. I'll always support you. I immediately tipped US$500."

Caroline was the rich lady who had said that she wanted to be his sugar mummy.

She was always the one to send the most gifts. This time, her husband was going to livestream his fight. How could she not give another tip?

The US$500 reward triggered the treasure chest and created traffic for the livestream, attracting a large number of new fans to it.

The new fans saw that it was bustling in the livestream and were very curious about the content. The livestream's name was 'Boxing Livestream'.

They saw the image in the live-stream. It was outdoors and there was a boxing ring. What was happening?

Everyone was asking around curiously. Later on, they found out that someone had invited the streamer to a fight in real life. How could they miss such a good show?

All the fans who came in stayed behind to watch the match, especially when they caught sight of Thomson.

Everyone was stunned. They had originally thought that a streamer who streams himself punching sandbags would definitely be a muscular man. They did not expect him to be a handsome man and fell for him.

But this handsome guy didn't have any muscles. Was he really going to fight with someone? Wouldn't he lose?

The new female fans were all watching the livestream anxiously.

Thomson watched as the livestream received a tip once more, and it was a big sum of $500 in large amounts. This was great. The livestream had changed him.

The livestream put him on the path to getting rich. He thanked this female fan called Caroline in the livestream for giving him tips every time.

He even told everyone that he would definitely win this match.

After saying this, he walked into the ring confidently.

He shouted loudly, "Christopher, what are you doing down there? Come on up."

Christopher had no choice, he had to go on. He braced himself and went ahead.

Both of them stood in the ring. All the lights were focused on them. The match was about to start!