Thomson Uses the Power of Combat Energy

Below the ring, people who had placed their bets on Christopher started shouting.

"Christopher, you can't go easy on him. You have to fight properly. I bet twenty dollars on you."

"That's right. It would be best if you could punch this skinny monkey in one punch. Let's end this quickly, for the sake of my US$50, hahaha."

"Go for it, Christopher. I have faith in you. Defeat that pretty boy and beat him to death."

All the spectators outside the ring cheered for Christopher because they had placed their money on him.

No one cheered for Thomson. Everyone was pessimistic about his chances. After all, the difference in their figures was too great. No matter how they looked at it, Thomson would never win.

However, in the ring, even though Christopher was listening to everyone cheering, he was under a lot of pressure. Before he could even throw a punch, he could feel Thomson's aura growing.

Christopher spoke quietly, his voice was extremely soft, as if he was whispering a secret, only Thomson could hear him.

"Tom, be gentler later, okay? Let's not go any further than necessary."

"Christopher, that's not what you said in my livestream. You started bragging about being a professional boxer. Why are you so afraid of me now? Didn't you scold me? Didn't you continue trying to prove that I was a fraud?"

"Tom, have you forgotten that I've given you so many tips? I'm also your loyal fan. You can't do this to me."

"Alright, Christopher, I will go easier on you. At the least, I promise not to kill you."

Christopher thought to himself, this is the fortune in a misfortune. No matter what, if he couldn't win in terms of strength, he would try to use his techniques.

Having practiced boxing for so many years, his skills were still pretty good. His father was an expert in boxing and had given him a lot of training since he was young.

It had not been easy for him to achieve this body of muscles. He had worked hard to train them.

For Christopher, it would be best if he could beat Thomson. If not, at least he won't lose his life!

He was still young. How could he die at such a young age?

Thomson looked at Christopher. I definitely cannot beat him to death, I don't want to go to prison. This is a society ruled by law. If not for that, I really want to deliver my punches with all his might.

However, I won't let him off so easily since this fellow dared to openly provoke me. But because of his existence, I have earned a lot from my livestream.

In this match, I will definitely still use the power of Combat Energy. If not, I definitely won't be able to defeat him.

Once again, Thomson entered the state of self-oblivion. He closed his eyes and began to separate himself from the world before him. He entered his heart, the world deep within him.

When he closed his eyes, everything was pitch black. He could not see anything. He began to feel the power of nature surging in this environment.

Slowly, the surrounding air converged towards Thomson. More and more, and increasingly powerful, they surrounded him.

The surroundings seemed to have frozen, everything slowed down.

Christopher could feel it. The wind currents in the air were moving very quickly, everything was heading towards Thomson.

This fellow was really scary. He could borrow the power of nature. He was really God's favorite.

Thomson could feel this force coming towards him. He began to gather this Combat Energy on his fists. They were surrounded by a green-colored gas,

forming a green boxing glove. It was very powerful and increased his strength significantly.

When Thomson opened his eyes again, his aura was completely different. It was frightening!

His aura continued to expand, the entire boxing ring was filled with Thomson's terrifying aura. It gave off a domineering feeling.

Christopher felt a chill run through him. He was afraid of Thomson. He looked at Thomson as if he was looking at a monster.

There were no rules in the competition between the two of them, only victory and defeat.

Regardless of the method used, as long as the opponent is unable to stand up, it would be considered a win.

Thomson threw his first punch at Christopher.

Christopher was a professional boxer and had a certain level of reflex. Although Thomson's punches were fast, he could see the trajectory of the punches.

He turned and dodged this attack, but for some reason, he felt a very powerful fist attack coming at him.

When his face came into contact with this strike, it began to distort, as if a strong wind had directly blown onto his face.

Thomson did not lie. At this moment, Christopher was extremely certain that the spiritual energy of the universe that he spoke of was real!

After Christopher dodged Thomson's punch, he turned and delivered one towards Thomson.

This punch was very powerful and was aimed at Thomson. If it were to land, he would be finished.

With Combat Energy, Thomson's entire person had changed. His reaction speed had increased and he could clearly see the direction and trajectory of Christopher's punch.

He easily sidestepped backwards and similarly dodged this punch.

However, Thomson had never been trained in boxing nor had he learned any techniques. All he did was out of instinct, instinctively dodging these attacks from his opponent.

His strength was powerful and destructive, but he had to hit Christopher first. Otherwise, everything would be useless.

The two of them fought for a few minutes, but neither of them managed to hit the other. However, Christopher was clearly at a disadvantage. Sometimes, while he had clearly avoided Thomson's attacks, he would still be injured by the wind from the punches!

As Thomson's fists carried fist wind, he had been hit by the wind several times. He had suffered internal injuries. There was a bloody metallic scent surging in his stomach.

He felt extremely nauseous. He knew that he could not continue like this. If he continued fighting, he would be extremely disadvantaged. He had to either quickly finish off Thomson or surrender.

Actually, he knew that Thomson had already held back and had not used his full strength. If he had, he would have been long gone.

This evil person, he's using me as a test subject. He must be experimenting with his own power. He is not familiar and skilled in the use of it.

Christopher pulled away and hid in a corner of the boxing ring. He increasingly sensed a metallic stench coming from his lungs. Then, it reached his mouth.

After a bout of nausea, he spat it out. It was fresh red blood.

He stared blankly at the blood and knew that he had suffered severe internal injuries.

Everyone below the stage was stunned. The two of them attacked and defended against each other, but Christopher's reaction was very agile. He had dodged every attack.

Why was he injured? What was going on? It could even be seen that Christopher's foundation was very good. It was obvious that he had been practicing his footwork and every movement of his was very professional.

The delivery of his punches was also excellent. Where did things go wrong? Why was Christopher vomiting blood?

On the other hand, it was obvious that Thomson did not know how to fight. He did not know the steps of boxing and his punches were very casual. He didn't have any technique.

He was simply very nimble and agile. He was also very fast. He could always dodge Christopher's attacks. This was something that no one had expected.

The audience thought that this match would be an overwhelmingly one-sided match where Christopher would be the one beating Thomson up.

Unexpectedly, the two of them were locked in a fight. This was how a competition should be.

Everyone shouted towards the ring and applauded!