Humphrey Is Getting Someone to Break Thomson's Hand

Blood constantly trickled from the corner of Christopher's lips. He knew that he had lost, and he sincerely accepted it.

It was indeed because he was inferior in his skills, Thomson was also really strong.

The audience was extremely shocked. They never would've imagined that someone as weak as Thomson would have such strength.

That punch just now simply contained boundless power.

It was truly a feast for their eyes to have witnessed this duel.

Even though they had lost money, they didn't care.

Everyone cheered for Thomson, marveling at his strength.

"Thomson, you must be a Superhuman. Do you know how shocking your punch was?"

"What a match, superpowers really do exist in this world."

"Good fight, Thomson. You're amazing."

Everyone cheered for Thomson and for absolute strength.

This was how the world worked—— the strong would be revered. Someone as strong as Thomson would definitely be respected.

When the people in the livestream saw that Thomson had won the match, an uproar arose once more.

No one expected Thomson to win so easily and so handsomely.

They started screaming and cheering for Thomson through the screen.

Although they knew that Thomson could not hear them, they didn't care. That was what they wanted to do.

His fan started giving tips.

The tips notifications flooded the screen again. One by one, the tips entered Thomson's account. The female fans went crazy.

"Katherine tipped US$10."

"Emily tipped US$10."

"Abigail tipped US$20."

"Brianna tipped US$20."

"Caroline tipped US$100."

The female fans gave another round of tips to Thomson, and the gifts began flying in livestream.

The female fans could no longer control their emotions.

They were typing furiously on her phone screen.

"My mother asked me why I was kneeling. I told her that I was kneeling to a divine being. My husband is definitely a divine being!"

"Ever since I started watching my husband's livestream every day, I have had to take two showers daily. Then, I recommended Tom's livestream to my mother and she now takes two showers every day too!"

"My husband looks so handsome when he's boxing. I can't help it anymore. I was drooling while I watched him just now. He obviously has the looks, why does he still need to have such strong boxing skills? What am I going to do without you in the future?!"

"I'll see who dares to bully my husband in the future. You bunch of bad guys, now you know how powerful my husband is."

The female fans could no longer control their emotions.

Thomson every move tugged at everyone's heartstrings.

At this moment, all of them belonged to Thomson. They had become his fans, and the dream of countless girls.

The male fans in the livestream were also unknowingly surprised by Thomson.

They chose to remain silent again, not daring to speak in the livestream.

In the past, they were jealous that Thomson could have the love of so many female fans.

At this moment, they were also jealous, jealous of Thomson for being so handsome and so strong, absurdly strong.

When God closes one door, he opens another. Previously, they had thought that these words made a lot of sense.

But now, no one thought so. God had opened all the doors for Thomson. He was so lucky.

Thomson had to be God's illegitimate child. God was so good to him. He'd given him such a handsome face and such formidable strength.

Thomson knew that he had only used a tenth of his strength to unleash that punch, but it was still so powerful, how rare.

At this moment, a voice sounded in his mind.

"Congratulations Host, Combat Energy has reached Combat Aura 4 stars."

When Thomson heard this voice, he was very surprised.

His combat ability had improved once again, and his strength had become even greater.

Every time his Combat Energy advanced by one level, he would see a significant improvement. He did not know how much strength he could now unleash in one punch.

Thomson stood where he was, aware that the US$2000 that Christopher had left with him was in his hands.

Money was entering his pockets every day and he was getting increasingly powerful. He had a bold idea.

To hell with going to work. He had originally wanted to earn a basic salary through livestreaming, but did not expect that livestreaming would bring him so much income. This income was enough to support himself!

He no longer had to go to work and could sleep in every day. This feeling was really great.

He thought about the company. At the thought that his vicious superior would lose his temper at him every day over small matters, he felt really displeased.

He had long been dissatisfied with him. If it weren't for the fact that the finances didn't allow it, he would have resigned long ago. This wicked company only knew how to oppress and exploit newbies. They gave newbies the lowest salaries, yet demanded for them to do the most work.

I must throw my resignation in his face tomorrow and yell at him that I'm done.

Thomson could already imagine how shocked his superior would be. He wondered if he would beg him not to leave.

Even if my boss begs me, I will never go back to work.

I want to be a full-time broadcaster in the future. I just need to practice boxing everyday. As my strength grows, I can also rely on my own strength to earn money in the future.

I want to buy a villa and a super sports car. I want to have more women. All of these wouldn't be too far away.

Thomson walked off the ring. Everyone was cheering at him, treating him like a god.

He ignored the crowd and walked to his phone, wanting to see what his female fans thought.

As expected, he saw the comments in the livestream room rolling non-stop, all of them praising him.

What he paid the most attention to was the rewards. He went to the back-end and saw that he had gained another considerable amount of tips.

He had earned another US$1,000 in tips tonight, this was not a small sum.

Thomson noticed the ID of this woman, Caroline . She would tip him every time, and her tips were huge.

She had even mentioned in the livestream before that she wanted to provide for him. She must be a rich lady, she must be wealthy. He could try adding her as a friend first.

If she was pretty and rich, that would definitely be good news. He sent a message to this ID, including his contact details.

After bidding farewell to his fans, Thomson turned off the livestream.

Thomson didn't forget his bet, he walked towards John.

John had already prepared US$500, seeing Thomson walk over, he said,

"You're doing so well, Tom. You deserve this US$500."

"Thanks, John."

John handed the US$500 to Thomson.

Thomson was in a very good mood after receiving the US$500. He had directly earned US$500 today. It was amazing.

This US$500 need not be divided as was done with the platform. The entire sum was entering his pockets.

Humphrey ran over to his best friend and saw that he was badly hurt.

He could not tolerate this. He was not someone to be trifled with, he had to avenge his brother.

He walked to a remote corner and made a call. He was going to get people to corner Thomson, how could he let him leave so easily?

He had to give him a good beating and then break his hand. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to vent his anger.