Thomson, Don't Go If You Have the Guts!

Humphrey walked to a corner and dialed his big brother's number.

He absolutely could not tolerate his good friend being beaten up like this.

Christopher had several broken ribs and would be bedridden for the next few months.

Or perhaps, he would have to stay in the wheelchair for a long time. How was this tolerable? Humphrey had also grown up on the streets and knew some big brothers.

After the number was dialed, big brother Henry answered the call.

Henry was a sub-chief of the Flying Cars Gang and had a considerable number of men under his charge.

At this moment, he was in a pleasure town with a blonde girl lying naked in his arms.

Henry looked at the call. It was from his brother, Humphrey. He picked up the phone and answered the call.

"Brother, I'm Humphrey. My friend has been bullied!"

"What! Tell me who bullied you, I will help you get back at them."

"Big brother, my friend was crippled by someone, terribly. You've met him before, he's my buddy, Christopher."

"It's that kid. What happened to him? I remember that he's also a boxing expert. How can he be bullied?"

"Yes, we ended a boxing match. He met a fellow with pretty good skills. He has probably practiced some Chinese Kung Fu before and beat my buddy up really badly."

When Henry heard this, he took a deep breath and finished the cigarette between his lips. He was a loyal big brother, and he would definitely support his underlings if anything happened to them.

In the underworld, loyalty was the most important thing. Slapping his underling's face was equivalent to slapping his own face. He would not tolerate it.

Henry continued speaking into the phone while holding the blond girl.

"Where are you guys now? Is the fellow who beat him still around? I'll send people to go corner him right now."

"Brother, we're at the underground boxing club. I'll send you the location in a while. He's still here."

"Alright, send me your location. I'll call my brother for you. That man must not leave that place alive today."

Humfrey sent the location to Henry and waited for him to send someone over.

What he had to do now was to hold Thomson back. He couldn't let him leave. He had to keep him until his big brother came.

He returned to his good friend and saw Thomson talking to Christopher.

Thomson stood in front of Christopher and said, "You lost this match. Do you accept your defeat?"

Christopher was sprawled on the ground. How could he not acknowledge defeat? He had to.

He stared at Thomson and said, "My skills are inferior. A loss is a loss. You're very strong."

"That's good. Since you lost, the US$2,000 is mine."

"Thomson, thank you for keeping me alive. I know you didn't use your full strength."

"It's no big deal. Drop by my livestream more often in the future. I welcome you to continue challenging me."

Thomson didn't want to let go of such a cash cow. He had contributed US$2,766 to his pockets. That wasn't a small sum.

He hoped that this dense fellow would come by his livestream often during his free time. It would be even better if he took up more bets with him.

Christopher's face darkened when he heard this. Why do I still have to go to your livestream? Do you think I'm a fool?

I gave you so much money, and I'm now in such a state. Who would continue associating with you?

After saying that, Thomson picked up his jacket and prepared to leave.

He had earned his money, finished the match, and leveled up his Combat Energy. It was time to go home.

He livestreams for three hours a day and the match had only been two hours. He still had to go back and make up for that hour.

Humfrey didn't hear their conversation, but he could see that Thomson was preparing to leave, he was already gathering his belongings.

He could not let him leave. He had to find a way to hold him back and wait for his big brother to come.

Then, they would teach him a lesson. He is just a despicable person. He beat my good friend into such a state, and is even mocking him now.

Humphrey walked over and looked at Thomson. "Tom, where are you going?"

"The competition is over. Why should I stay here?"

"You can't leave. We're not done here. If you're a man, you stay."

Thomson sized up the man in front of him. He was muscular, but his figure was nothing compared to Christopher's.

Does this person also want to have a boxing match with me? I was just feeling upset I had not had my share of fun, so come on then.

Thomson continued, "Why? Are you going to take revenge for your buddy? I don't recommend sending both of you to the hospital."

"Tom, I'm not going to fight you. I've called my brothers over. Don't run if you have the guts. Do you dare wait?"

A smile appeared on Thomson's face. Isn't it a good thing that more human sandbags were coming?

It was much more fun to be punching a human body than a sandbag. Since you want to call for people, I'll wait.

Thomson said, "When will your men arrive? You have to get more people over. It'll be boring if there's too few of them."

"Thomson, you're very arrogant. Don't you know how to spell the word 'death'? My big brother will be here soon. He's from the Flying Cars Gang, and he's the overlord of this street."

When Thomson heard this, he felt even happier.

The Flying Cars Gang wasn't a good gang. They had a bad reputation in this area as they merely relied on their numbers to bully and oppress people.

If that is the case, me beating up the men of the Flying Cars Gang would be considered getting rid of evil for the people.

Thomson walked to the side and played with his mobile phone as he waited.

Humphrey chatted with Christopher.

"Buddy, I've told my brother Henry about you. He'll bring his men over to avenge you immediately."

"No, let's end this here, Humphrey. We won't be able to beat Thomson. He's too strong."

"Brother, what are you saying? No matter how powerful he is, he's still one person. Even Hercules himself could not contend against two . My brother has plenty of people. How is he our match?"

Christopher said, "Brother, you're right. No matter how strong he is, he's still one person. Why didn't I think of this? Then you have to avenge me. I want his hands to no longer be able to box."

Hampshire: "Haha, Christopher, you and I are thinking the same thing. I want his hands too, that conceited guy."

The two of them chatted happily because they already knew that Brother Henry would be coming over with a group of men soon.

Big Brother's temper was terrible. He would definitely not let Thomson off.