Why Is Thomson So Good at Fighting?

The moment Henry hung up the phone, he started hurrying his brothers to rush over.

There was only one opponent. Fifty men was definitely enough. Everyone rode their motorcycles and swarmed over.

When people saw the members of the Flying Cars Gang, they quickly avoided them. These people were unreasonable and did all sorts of evil. They were extremely wicked.

However, people were extremely scared. They were furious, but they didn't dare say anything. It was because no matter what, they were still a group of people. Their attacks were also vicious, they won't show any mercy.

As the two chatted, Humphrey's phone rang.

The caller ID showed that it was from his big brother, Henry.

He was delighted because his big brother was really coming over with his men. The members of the Flying Cars Gang were people to be bullied. They were very famous in this area.

They could also be described as notorious.

Humphrey told Henry over the phone that Thomson was still in the basement and asked him to hurry over with his men.

After Henry received that information, he asked his 50 underlings to park their motorcycles and grabbed their tools that were used for fighting. Then, they all rushed down.

Instantly, footsteps could be heard. Henry walked right in front with a cigarette between his lips.

There were more than 50 people behind him. They looked fierce and overbearing.

John and the rest were stunned when they saw him. Weren't these members of the Flying Cars Gang?

"Oh my god, why are the people from the Flying Cars Gang here? Their appearance spells nothing good."

"Don't tell me they're here for Thomson. With so many people bullying one, they're really ruthless. Thomson's finished."

"Keep your voice down, Jack. Don't let them hear you. They won't let anyone who speaks bad about them go."

"All right, John, I think we'd better stand further. After all, I don't want to get involved."

John and the others didn't want to get involved in this matter. They all made way for Henry's group.

They knew that Thomson was very formidable, but no matter how powerful he was, he wouldn't be able to go against so many people. He was hopelessly outnumbered. No matter how skilled he was, there was bound to be a way to defeat him.

Henry saw Humphrey and the man slumped on the ground beside him. He had seen this man before, he was Humpty's friend. This revenge was necessary.

The group was very imposing. When Humphrey saw his big brother, he was overjoyed and quickly ran over.

"Big Brother, you're finally here. I've been waiting for you for a long time."

"You have no idea how badly my buddy was beaten by Thomson. You must avenge us."

Henry had a cigarette between his lips and both his hands in his pockets. One could tell that this person was definitely the leader amongst the crowd.

Hampshire stood in front of Henry and pointed at Thomson, who was sitting on the bench playing with his phone. He said, "Brother, it's that kid. He's really arrogant. After beating up my brother, he even came over to mock him."

Henry looked in the direction his underling pointed. There was a handsome man with fair skin sitting there, playing with his phone leisurely.

This man was truly bold. He had beaten someone up, yet he still didn't leave. He actually dared to sit here and wait. Just how much did he look down on them?

Henry led the way and walked towards Thomson.

He had finished half of the cigarette between his lips. Smoke rings were constantly released out of his mouth and nose. It was obvious that he was a heavy smoker.

He said to Thomson, "Kid, you're quite arrogant. You're not leaving after beating someone up. Are you looking down on us?"

Thomson put down the phone in his hand. He was just trying to kill time, they'd really kept him waiting.

He looked up and saw a very fat man with short hair staring at him. There were more than 50 people standing behind him.

All of them were dressed strangely. One look and he knew they weren't good people.

Thomson put away his phone and looked at the crowd in disdain. "Are you guys going to fight me one by one or do you plan to come altogether?"

"Forget it, you guys had better come at me together. I'm in a rush. I'll take care of you people early and then I'll have to go."

Henry had heard from his underling that this man was arrogant, but he didn't expect him to be really arrogant. His tone was filled with disdain and contempt for himself.

Who was he? He was a sub-chief of the Flying Cars Gang. When has he ever been insulted like this? He could not stand it!

Thomson cannot really be thinking he can beat so many people on his own, can he? The Flying Cars Gang has never been reasonable, we're definitely going to attack him together.

Henry saw Christopher's appearance and knew that he had been beaten up badly. He also heard from his underling that this fellow knew some Chinese Kung Fu.

We must attack together. Otherwise, all my men would have been called over for nothing.

Thomson closed his eyes slightly as he entered the realm of self-oblivion. He began to separate himself from the world in front of him. He entered his heart and explored the world deep within it.

When he closed his eyes, everything was pitch black. He could not see anything. He began to feel the power of nature surging in this environment.

Slowly, the surrounding air converged towards Thomson. More and more, and increasingly powerful, they surrounded him.

The surroundings seemed to have frozen, everything seemed to have slowed down.

Henry could feel it. The air was moving fast, all flowing toward Thomson. He knew this kid was really something.

He shouted, "Everyone, attack! Don't hold back! Beat him to death!"

In an instant, more than 50 people rushed towards Thomson. They didn't care about outnumbering him or whatnot, they just had to beat him up.

After gathering his Combat Energy, Thomson was now at 4-star Combat Aura. His strength and agility had improved significantly.

He looked at the crowd that was swarming towards him. In an instant, more than ten people took the initiative to attack Thomson.

Under the encirclement of the crowd, Tomson brandished his fists and controlled his strength. He was afraid that he would kill them if he used too much strength, but he would not let them off easily.

He only swung his fists lightly and with one punch, he flipped and sent a person to the ground. He directly collapsed, convulsing.

More people surrounded him. Henry and the others didn't believe that more than 50 people couldn't beat one person. Everyone took their baseball bats and swung them hard at Thomson.

Thomson didn't panic at all. He used his fists, which were surrounded by Combat Energy, to punch the baseball bat. He had used great strength and he bent the baseball bat of one person.

Henry couldn't believe what he was seeing. He watched as Thomson bent the baseball bat with a punch. What kind of power could do that?

Does this Thomson know magic? His fist was surrounded by a strange gas that protected him well.

More and more underlings laid on the ground twitching. They were sprawled out in all directions and rolling around without end.

All of them looked like they were in great pain and even let out cries.

Henry was a little afraid. Thomson had finished off more than twenty of his minions yet he was completely fine.

He must be a monster. He did not expect him to be so good at fighting. He was also very agile as he dodged all the attacks perfectly.