Thomson Is Going to Fight 50 People!

The underlings lying on the ground had looks of agony. After receiving heavy blows from Thomson, they had lost their ability to fight.

They said to Henry, "Big brother, this kid is so strange. I didn't feel him hit me, but his fist is surrounded by a magical power. It's very powerful."

Henry could tell that there was a powerful gas swirling around Thomson's fist, giving him great strength.

I don't believe that I cannot defeat one person with more than 50 men. Today, I must chop off both of Thomson's hands before I will stop.

"Brothers, don't be afraid. We have more people. Everyone, attack. He has just finished a boxing match and his stamina is severely depleted. Now that he's facing so many of us, he definitely won't be able to hold out."

The others held onto their baseball bats and looked at Thomson with fear. Although their big brother had said that, this fellow was really too strong. He was not someone that the average man could move close to.

Big brother, since you're shouting so enthusiastically, why don't you fight him yourself? Are you treating us as cannon fodders?

The remaining 20 or so men did not make a move at all. They only surrounded Thomson. Everyone wanted others to go first and wait until he was exhausted to charge forward themselves.

Everyone encircled Thomson without attacking, holding their baseball bats and pacing non-stop.

They did not dare to attack or retreat.

Thomson stood among the crowd, his fists raised in front of him. He looked like a man who dared to take on 10,000 men. There was a sharp look in his eyes, and he was so intimidating that no one dared to go close.

More than 20 people had already collapsed. They were howling in pain on the ground, trodden beneath Thomson's feet.

Henry stood behind his underlings. He roared at them to attack quickly, but not a single person dared to charge forward.

John and the others watched from afar.

They didn't expect Tomson to be so brave. He didn't seem to be at a disadvantage when facing so many people alone. He had already finished more than 20 people and now, there were only 20 or so people left.

This guy was too amazing. Everyone was enjoying the show.

The people from the Flying Cars Gang had long ignited public wrath. They liked to bully those they outnumbered simply because they had more people. To think they were being taught a lesson today.

However, nobody dared to cheer for Thomson because they were afraid that the members of the Flying Cars Gang would bear the grudge and take revenge.

They knew that regardless of whether Thomson won or lost today, his future days would not be easy. It was a pity!

Humphrey and Christopher were in disbelief too. Thomson was so strong that he could take on 50 people on his own with ease.

This fellow was really too formidable.

Christopher had witnessed Thomson's capabilities before. He knew Thomson was strong, but compared to before,

Thomson's pace and speed had increased again. He was even more agile than earlier.

Had he gone that easy on me earlier? Just how badly did he look down on me?

What Humphrey didn't expect was that he had initially thought Thomson was nothing more than someone who knew some fancy tricks.

Judging from the current situation, he was not only skilled in fancy moves, he was definitely proficient in Chinese Kung Fu. He had only seen such gases surrounding one's body in Chinese fantasy films!

Was China's Kung Fu so formidable that taking on 50 people alone was not an issue?

He had also seen some of the Kung Fu performances in China on his computer. On television, he could see that China's Kung Fu was very powerful. There were scenes of a person fighting dozens of people.

He didn't expect this to be true. Wasn't Thomson fighting tens of enemies alone right now?

Henry saw that none of his men dared to step forward. He snatched a baseball bat from his underling and held it in his hand.

When he was young, he had once dominated an area. He was ruthless with both big or small matters. He had also practiced some fighting techniques.

More than 50 people were unable to defeat one person. He could not afford to lose this face.

He pushed everyone aside and charged towards Thomson with his club.

Thomson's hair was soaked with sweat and sweat kept flowing down his face.

After his first battle with Christopher, he had already expended a lot of stamina. Now that he was fighting 1 to 50, his stamina exertion was massive.

He was panting heavily as he glared at the crowd. He knew that once he relaxed, he would definitely be surrounded and beaten up by them.

His eyes were filled with killing intent as he looked at these people. That was why they didn't dare to go forward. Now, they were recovering their strength.

He, who originally did not know what to do, saw Henry, the big brother of the Flying Cars Gang, rushing over with a weapon. This was a perfect opportunity.

To catch bandits, first catch the ringleader, he knew this principle. As long as he took care of the leader, everything would be easy.

Henry shouted loudly, "Trash! You bunch of trash! You're all cowards and afraid of death!"

"There's only one person on the other side. Look at how scared you guys are. I have to personally handle such a small matter. Get out of my way!!!"

When the members of the Flying Cars Gang saw that their boss was going on personally, they all stepped aside, wanting to watch him perform.

Henry stood before Thomson with an imposing manner. He wore a serious expression on his face as he glared at Thomson.

He gathered all the power within his body into his right hand and dealt a head-on direct blow towards Thomson's head. He had used great force.

Thomson could clearly see Henry's movements. He was quick to attack. Thankfully, his own abilities had improved.

I could not tell that Henry actually has some skills, but he is still too weak for my current self!

Thomson gently extended his left hand to block Henry's baseball bat. When the baseball bat struck his hand, a buzzing sound could be heard.

It was a sound emitted when metal collided with Combat Energy.

Everyone saw this. It was too inconceivable.

Thomson had first bent a baseball bat with his punch. Now, he had used the gas around his fist to block the club.

Henry retracted his club and swung it again. He kept attacking Thomson like mad, again and again, not giving Thomson a chance to retaliate.

He knew that the moment Thomson retaliated, he would be done for. He could only continue attacking and knock him down before anything else.

Thomson used his Combat Energy-filled fist to block the attacks again and again. He found an opportunity and swung a hard punch onto Henry's club.

The fist full of Combat Energy collided with the swinging baseball bat, producing a loud buzzing sound.

Everyone held their breaths as their eyes focused on the fight between the metal bat and the fist.

In the end, Thomson's right punch sent Henry's club flying and another left hook landed on Henry's body.

Henry rolled five times in the air, he kept spinning and rolling.

Finally, he fell heavily to the ground.

Thomson stepped on Henry's head with his right foot and addressed the crowd, "Those who aren't afraid of death, come on. If you come again, I won't show any mercy."

Henry's men were shocked by the scene and dropped their baseball bats on the ground.

Thomson looked at them and knew that they had lost their will to fight. He had expended a lot of energy and had to leave quickly.

He shouted loudly, "Get lost. I don't want to hurt you."

Everyone tactfully made way for Thomson.

Thomson straightened his back and swaggered out of the underground boxing club.

Henry was knocked unconscious on the ground, badly injured.

The members of the Flying Cars Gang also relaxed. This Thomson was too terrifying. They could not afford to offend him!

When John and the others saw Thomson's performance, they applauded and cheered to send him off.