The Rich Lady, Caroline

Thomson walked out of the underground boxing club and returned to ground level.

Seeing that no one was giving chase behind him, his nervous mood eased.

That was really close, his stamina was almost exhausted. He really couldn't last that long.

When his strength increases, it would definitely be possible for him to fight 50 in the future.

Thomson walked slowly down the street and headed home.

He was very happy today. It could be said that he had obtained both strength and money. He was really blessed by the Goddess of Luck.

After returning home, he would first take a shower and then order a takeaway.

After showering, he just needed to finish up his last hour of streaming for the day while eating his takeout.

When Henry woke up again, he found himself in a hospital bed with bandages all over his body.

His injuries were very severe and his entire body was in great pain. He knew that the punch from Thomson was very powerful.

That kind of strength was too terrifying. It could even bend a baseball bat, he didn't even know how many bones in his body were broken.

It seemed like he would have to spend the next few months in the hospital. He was infuriated.

He definitely would not let Thomson off. This brat actually dared to injure me so badly. Does he know who he is facing?

I am the famous Brother Henry and a member of the Flying Cars Gang. Who wouldn't give me face?

When I walk on the streets, everyone greets me as Brother Henry. This feud had been formed. I am certainly not done with Thomson. When I get better, I certainly will continue to talk to the chiefs in the Flying Cars Gang about this.

The Flying Cars Gang is a large organization with many capable people. I don't believe that I won't be able to find someone who can defeat Tomson.

Thomson finished his shower and ordered a luxurious steak dinner.

After receiving so many tips today and winning so much money, of course he had to treat himself better and have a good meal.

Thomson could imagine that he would definitely be a very wealthy man in the future, living in the best house and taking the most beautiful women.

When he opened the chatting app on his phone, a person with the ID "Caroline" had sent him a friend request.

Thomson knew that this was the rich lady in his livestream. Great, he was getting more and more female fans.

He quickly added her and sent the first message.

"Hi, I'm Thomson."

"Nice to meet you."

Caroline was from a rather well-off family. Her parents were small entrepreneurs who ran a company. It could be said that the family's finances were enough for them even if Caroline didn't work.

But Caroline did not like living with her parents or spending her parents' money. She was a very independent girl.

Her parents gave her a villa to live in. She was a freelance writer. At this moment, she was sitting in her study room, reading books and learning some professional knowledge.

When the notification on her phone sounded, she quickly checked it.

It was a message from Thomson. God, Thomson had added her as a friend.

She was very happy. She had been following Thomson for a long time and had also given him many tips in his livestream. She realized that he was really a great man.

He was so perfect, like a man who had walked out of a book. He was so outstanding, so charming, and so irresistible.

Caroline replied, "Tom, it's nice to meet you. I'm Caroline. I've been following you on your livestream for a long time."

My takeout has yet to arrive, I still have plenty of time. Of course, Thomson wouldn't let this opportunity slip by.

He started chatting with Caroline. Thomson was an expert conversationalist, and he directly asked for some information that he was interested in.

The two of them chatted happily. They talked a lot about life, ideals, and the future.

In the end, Thomson directly asked Caroline for a photo of her. He was curious about what this woman looked like.

Caroline found a photo in her album and sent it to Thomson.

She was wearing a light blue, greek-style chiffon dress with a pearl necklace around her neck. Her hair was long and beautifully curled around her waist like seaweed.

She did not dress up too much, nor did she apply a lot of cosmetics like other female celebrities. It was just a simple outfit, but it made her skin look smooth as jade and her eyes, like the morning stars, displaying her elegant beauty.

She had exquisite facial features. Wearing a pair of round glasses, she gave off a refined and unique beauty.

Compared to Alice, their beauty was completely different.

Caroline's beauty was mature and sensible.

While Alice carried a pure and radiant beauty.

Thomson was very interested in both Alice and Caroline. He was going to take the both of them down.

Both of them were rare beauties.

Caroline chatted happily with Thomson. She knew that Thomson was a humorous man.

He made a great template and could absolutely be written into her own novel. The male lead in her next book could definitely be based on him.

Caroline was especially curious about Thomson. She wanted to have a passionate and intense relationship with him and be as crazy as she wished.

The two of them even talked about work. Caroline was surprised to learn that Thomson was actually working at her dad's company. That surprised her.

She hadn't been to his father's company before. I must go to the company tomorrow to see Thomson and give him a surprise.

As they chatted, Thomson's food arrived.

He told Caroline that he was going to eat his takeout, and do a livestream at the same time. He'd talk to her again.

Caroline couldn't bear to end the conversation. She could not watch Thomson's livestream tonight. She was really busy today, and since she had added Thomson's contact,

she could look for him anytime in the future. She wouldn't have to go to the livestream room and vie with everyone else.

If those women in the livestream were to learn that she had Thomson's contact number, they would definitely be extremely jealous.

Thomson checked his equipment to make sure there were no problems before starting his livestream.

The moment he turned on his live-stream, countless fans flooded in again. The female fans had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

He was pleasantly surprised to discover that his fan favorites had reached 60,000.

This was good news for him. It meant that he was becoming more and more popular.

As Thomson ate his steak, he switched on the microphone and chatted with everyone.

"Hi, everyone. Good evening. We meet again."

After saying this, he quickly took a bite of his steak and a sip of juice.

He looked at the rolling comments on the screen.

The female fans were the happiest when they saw Thomson every day. They couldn't sleep without seeing him.

The comments were coming in waves.

"Thomson, do you know how handsome you looked when you were boxing today? You stole my heart."

"Hubby, do you know how long I've been waiting for you to start the livestream? My heart feels empty when I can't see you, like I'm missing something very important."

"Watching my husband eat every day is like I'm staying by my husband's side. I'll always love you."

"Tom, you didn't get hurt from the fight today, did you? You can't get hurt, I'll be worried."

The livestream was still as lively, with so many fans paying attention to Thomson.

As Thomson ate his steak, he chatted with everyone. Soon, an hour had passed and today's livestream was completed.

It was time for the livestream to end and he bade farewell to everyone. It had been a tiring day and he was very sleepy. He collapsed onto the bed and dozed off.