Thomson Quits His Job

The next morning, Thomson slept in straight until 11AM.

He slept very soundly. Opening his blurry eyes, he rubbed them with his hands.

He got out of bed and stretched himself. This feeling was really great.

Thomson looked at his phone on the table. When he unlocked the screen, there were already more than ten missed calls, all from his superior.

Just as he was looking at his phone screen, another call from his superior came in.

Thomson answered the call.

"Tom, where are you now? Why didn't you come to work?"

"Oh, is this Robert? I'm home now."

"Watch your tone, Tom. I'm your superior. Robert isn't the address you should use."

"Robert, I regret to tell you that you will never be able to lecture me again. I have decided to quit."

"You're crazy, aren't you, Tom? Are you still sleepwalking? Get your ass over to the office. I want you to show up in five minutes, or I'll take it you're skipping work without a valid reason and I'll deduct three days' pay from you."

"Do whatever you want, as long as you're happy, you blockhead Robert."

After saying that, Thomson hung up and got off his bed.

He still had to make a trip to the company later. He had to scold his idi*tic manager in front of everyone.

After washing up briefly, he hailed a cab and headed to the office.

Robert sat in his office chair, even his beard was bristling with rage. He hadn't expected Thomson to dare speak to him like that.

He is crazy. When Thomson comes, I must teach him a good lesson. How dare he address me directly by my name.

I really don't know what that kid is thinking, especially calling me a blockhead?

Thomson arrived downstairs and took the elevator to his office.

He did not wear a suit that he was required to wear. Instead, he appeared in front of everyone in his department in a very casual outfit.

Everyone was surprised to see Thomson coming in at this time and he was even dressed so casually. They all asked questions.

"Tom, why are you so late? Almost half the day has passed."

"Oh my god, what are you wearing? Are you still asleep? Something is wrong with you today."

"I have a suit here. Change into it quickly and apologize to Manager Robert. I think he will forgive you."

Everyone agreed that Thomson was acting abnormally today. He was completely different from his usual self. This fellow must be crazy.

Usually, he would arrive on time on workdays and had never been late for work. He was very unusual today, extremely unusual.

This guy must have been triggered. Otherwise, he wouldn't be like this.

Thomson couldn't help but smile when he heard what everyone was saying to him.

He spoke to everyone.

"Dear colleagues, today is my last day with everyone.

"I've decided to quit the job. I'll throw my resignation letter in Robert's face later."

When Thomson finished speaking, the others all revealed looks of surprise. They couldn't imagine that Thomson dared to make such a decision.

This was very different from his usual self, but everyone was very happy.

They looked forward to the moment when Thomson threw the resignation letter in Robert's face. Robert's countenance would certainly be terrible.

When they passed by Robert's office earlier, someone had seen him losing his temper. He was enraged. It must be because of Thomson.

Would they quarrel? Everyone was looking forward to it.

Robert was a mean manager, all he did was oppress and exploit his employees. If there was a better way out, anyone would also throw his resignation letter in Robert's face and give him a good scolding.

Now Thomson had done it, he was already at Robert's door.

"Thomson, I support you. You must give Robert hell later."

"Exactly. He has become an eyesore to me too. If I were to find a better job, I'd quit too."

"Thomson, where have you been getting rich? Don't forget about us when you make it big."

Everyone was talking to Thomson.

Thomson knew what everyone meant. Everyone couldn't stand Robert, the mean and harsh man too.

He nodded at the crowd and walked into Robert's office.

Robert looked extremely livid as he glared angrily at Thomson.

He roared, "Thomson, do you know what you said on the phone earlier? If you apologize to me now, I might forgive you."

"I'm very sober right now, Robert. I'm telling you, I quit. You're a mean and terrible person who only knows how to exploit employees."

After saying that, he threw a resignation letter in front of Robert.

Robert looked at the resignation letter. He knew that Thomson was being serious. This rascal had really grown audacious and rebellious.

He was just a pretty boy. What future could he have? He would definitely not lead a good life after leaving this place.

"You know what, Thomson? You're not going to have an easy time after you leave. Don't you know your own capabilities?"

"Robert, I can tell you that I'm doing very well now. You don't have to worry about me at all. You should worry about yourself."

"You're really arrogant. Didn't you want to resign? I'll approve it for you now. Do you know how many people want to join the company?"

"Robert, you're as much of a jerk as ever. I came all this way just to give you a piece of my mind."

Thomson and Robert were arguing fiercely in the room. Everyone was secretly watching the situation inside.

Robert slammed the documents and pointed at Thomson. Everyone was enjoying the show, they really hated Robert too.

The two of them continued arguing. Finally, Thomson finished venting his anger.

It was the first time Robert had ever been upset like this. He must make Thomson regret it.

While they were arguing, Caroline came to the office. It was her first time here too. She'd come to see Thomson, wanting to give him a surprise.

Everyone saw a beautiful woman walking over and wondered who she was.

Someone asked, "Madam, who are you looking for?"

"I'm looking for Thomson. Does he work here?"

"You're looking for Thomson, aren't you? He's in the manager's office right now, they're arguing really fiercely."

"Why are they arguing? Is it because of work matters?"

"Manager Robert is very mean. All he knows is how to exploit his employees dry. Thomson can't tolerate him. If we find a way out, we won't stay here either."

"Is that so?"

Caroline realized what was going on here. She walked toward the office everyone was talking about and saw two people arguing in the office. One of them was Thomson.