Caroline Wants to Fire Robert

Caroline saw two arguing inside. She knew it had to be this Manager Robert's fault.

How could Thomson be wrong? If Thomson was wrong, then the world must be wrong.

This Robert dared to bully her husband. She couldn't forgive him. She wanted to see what kind of person he was.

Caroline walked to Robert's office door and knocked.

The door rattled.

Robert was currently in a fit of anger, and he was extremely irritated to hear someone knocking on the door. Who would dare to knock at such a time? They must be tired of living.

He walked over to open the door and found that it was a beautiful woman. He had never seen this woman before. She was not an employee of the company.

He wondered what this woman was doing at the company. Perhaps she was here to look for Thomson?

Robert said loudly, "Who are you? What are you doing in my office? Can't you see we're having a discussion? I advise you to leave now and not disturb us."

Caroline was stunned. She had heard from many employees that Robert had a terrible temper and loved to exploit his employees when she came in.

In the end, she was being reprimanded like this the moment she entered even though they were completely unacquainted. This person definitely had violent tendencies.

From the looks of it, the talks were definitely true. Robert must have bullied Thomson. How had Thomson survived all these years, facing such a manager?

Oh my god, realizing that Thomson had been so aggrieved, Caroline instantly became upset.

Caroline said helplessly, "I'm here to talk to Thomson. I've heard a lot of people say you're mean, and that you keep exploiting your employees. I'm finally seeing it today, things are really like they say."

"Who's badmouthing me behind my back? I think these people don't want to live anymore. Speaking of which, who are you? Thomson's girlfriend? None of those who get together with Thomson are good people." Robert was infuriated by Thomson and was having trouble finding someone to lash out at. If I can't win against Thomson in a verbal fight, would I not be able to win against a woman?

Robert wanted to lash out at everyone he saw. He would scold anyone who appeared before him. Many people in the company were chided by him every day.

Caroline was livid, but she did not choose to argue with Robert. She was a refined woman.

Seeing the familiar face of this woman, Thomson felt that he had seen her somewhere before and started recalling. He had a deep impression of her.

I have indeed seen her before. Isn't she the rich lady in my livestream, Caroline? She had even sent me a photo yesterday.

He did not expect her to be as good looking in reality as she did in the photos. Yesterday, he had mentioned to her that he was working in this company, and today, she had come looking for him.

It was a pleasant surprise.

Thomson yelled at Robert, "Robert, you old vampire, what kind of man bullies a girl? Haven't you been scolded enough by me? Do you want me to continue?"

Robert said excitedly, "Thomson, look at you. You've found yourself a pretty good girlfriend. She looks very rich from her dressing. Don't tell me you don't want to work because you're living off her? That really suits you."

"Robert, you're really harsh. Are you jealous of me? You're in your thirties and still single. Haven't you considered the reasons?"

"Thomson… you, you, you, I don't want to talk to you."

Robert admitted that he was no match for Thomson. This fellow had a sharp tongue, and his words hit the nail on the head. Every comment from him hit his sore spot, they made him miserable.

There was no point in continuing the argument. Robert picked up a pen from the table and signed his name on Thomson's resignation letter.

Then, Robert tossed the piece of paper towards Thomson. The sheet of paper slowly fell to the ground.

Robert shouted at Thomson, "I accept your resignation right now. Quickly go to the finance department and get your salary. You're still considered absent today, and your three days of your salary will be deducted."

"Scram right now, get out of the office right away. I don't want to see you again."

It was only then that Caroline realized how much of a man Thomson was. When he saw someone cursing at her, he immediately stepped forward bravely. Her eyes filled with adoration as she looked at Thomson.

She now hated Robert even more. He gave off the feeling he was very contemptuous and disrespectful.

He actually dared to say those things about my Thomson and even threw his resignation letter on the ground.

She bent down and picked up the resignation letter.

Caroline said to Thomson, "Tom, I'll help you fire Manager Robert. What do you think?"

Thomson was a little surprised. Of course he was delighted that Caroline had said that. He detested Robert.

Caroline didn't look like she was joking. I came here to quit my job today, would Robert really become the one losing his job?

Thomson asked, "Caroline, are you being serious?"

"Thomson, wait for me. I'll go out and make a call."

Caroline nodded and pulled out her phone, looking for her father's number.

Then, she walked out of the office, found a quiet place and dialed her father's number.

Robert couldn't believe that someone had said they could fire him.

He had been in the company for more than ten years and was considered a senior figure. He wanted to know who had more experience than him and who was able to fire him.

Caroline reached her father.

"Dad, I'm at one of your companies right now. I've been bullied."

"Caroline, what's wrong? Who dared bully you? Talk to Dad, Dad will stand up for you."

"It was a manager of one of the departments. His name is Robert, and he's very fierce. He even scolded me."

"Is that so? Robert has grown some guts. I'm coming right now. Wait for me."

"Dad, you're the best. I'll wait for you here. Come over quickly."

When Caroline's dad heard that Robert was such a person, he was enraged and wanted to come over immediately to take a look.

He drove over with two bodyguards.

Caroline ended her call and returned to the office. She looked at Robert.

She knew that there was going to be a good show soon. My father had never been so fierce to me since I was young. How dare an employee under my father treat me like this?

Caroline said to Robert, "Just you wait, Robert. You'll be fired in a while."

Robert smiled with disdain and sat down in his office chair. He turned one round in his chair leisurely and took a sip of coffee.

Then, he said, "Sure, I'd like to see what you can do to fire me. Thomson, your girlfriend doesn't seem to be very smart."

Caroline and Thomson ignored Robert.

The two of them were chatting.

Thomson couldn't help but take a good look at Caroline. She had soft and fair skin and a perfect figure.

She was the type of person who looked thin in clothes, but fleshy without. Especially those twin peaks on her chest, they aroused his endless desire.

As the two of them were chatting, three people directly opened the office door.

Startled, Robert rose from his chair and spoke respectfully.

"Chairman, why are you here?"