Thomson, Stay in the Company and The Manager Position Is Yours

Robert was stunned. Why is the chairman here?

He usually wouldn't even come here once a month. The chairman looks furious, he couldn't have been called here by Caroline, could he?

At this moment, Robert's heart was filled with panic and fear. He didn't know what to do and fear was written all over his face.

Caroline saw her father coming and went forward, taking her father's hand.

She said, "Dad, it's this Robert. He bullied me and even scolded me. He acts like this even with someone he doesn't know. Think about how he behaves with his employees."

Mcavoy Williams was Caroline Williams' father and also the chairman of this company.

I don't even bear to scold my precious daughter, yet a mere manager dared to reprimand my beloved daughter.

Mcavoy Williams opened his mouth and said, "Robert, are you trying to rebel in my company? How dare you scold my daughter?"

Robert was shocked. Caroline was actually the chairman's daughter. This was too much of a coincidence. It seemed he had gotten himself into trouble.

He quickly said, "Chairman, it's not what you think. Let me explain."

Thomson didn't expect Caroline's father to be the chairman of the company. This news was too shocking for him.

What was even more unexpected was that Caroline was really a rich woman. This company that he had worked in was really quite good.

Mcavoy Williams continued, "Robert, you'd better give me a reasonable explanation."

Robert said to his boss, "Chairman, it's all a misunderstanding. The culprit is Thomson. He came over this morning to resign and even cursed at me.

"I'd just argued with him for a while and then your daughter came in. I did raise my voice a little, but I meant absolutely no offense.

"Chairman, on the account that I've worked in the company for so many years, I at least deserve credit for my hard work, if not for merit. Please give me another chance."

"You can take your temper out on my daughter just because you're in a bad mood? You're a manager and a leader. I can't imagine how you treat your subordinates if you can just lash out at someone for no reason. I hear that your department has a very high rate of resignation. Is it because of you?"

Caroline chimed in, "Dad, when I first walked into the company, a lot of employees told me that Robert was very mean, he treats his employees badly."

Robert was terrified when he heard this. This was not good news for him.

Caroline went on, "Dad, Robert usually bullies and oppresses his employees, that's what everyone said when I came over. You can go out and ask around."

Caroline had been constantly attacking the whole time. She had to help Thomson get his revenge.

When Robert heard this, he knew he was done for. He liked to take his anger out on his employees and rebuked them all the time. If the chairman was to go out and ask around, no one would help him. Then he would definitely be doomed.

He sighed and began to regret his actions. He regretted not being nicer to Thomson. He regretted venting his anger out on Caroline. Despite knowing he was wrong, it was surely too late.

Mcavoy Williams ordered his two bodyguards to go out and ask about the employees' condition. If it was really as his daughter said, he would definitely fire this manager.

No matter how long he had stayed in the company, no matter what contribution he had made, such scum must not be kept.

Mcavoy Williams looked at the man beside him and said, "Caroline, the person beside you is?"

Caroline introduced happily, "Dad, this is my good friend. His name is Thomson, and he's also an employee of the company. He had been oppressed and exploited by Robert and came here today to resign."

Mcavoy Williams looked at Thomson. From his looks, he seemed to be very refined and charismatic. His first impression was that this man was not bad.

The two bodyguards were outside trying to understand the situation. No one knew what was going on, so they did not dare to speak.

The bodyguards then assured the employees that the chairman was here to investigate things. If Robert had usually been bullying his employees, the chairman wouldn't let him off easily.

Hearing that the chairman had said so, everyone began to talk about Robert's evil deeds and how he had oppressed and exploited his employees, using them to vent this anger.

The bodyguards conveyed what everyone's words to Mcavoy Williams. They simply repeated everything, they were absolutely fair.

When he was done listening, Mcavoy Williams slammed the table and shouted, "Bastard! Robert, I don't think you have anything left to say."

"I'll let you know now that you're fired. Give me your resignation letter tomorrow morning."

Seeing how furious the chairman was, Robert knew that there was no point in explaining himself. He was doomed.

There was nothing much to say either. Today was a painful day. First, he was scolded by Thomson and then he was fired by the chairman.

Mcavoy Williams also asked his bodyguards to find out more about Tomson. The two bodyguards learned that Thomson was a very serious and conscientious person.

The others were full of praises for Thomson and all spoke highly of him.

He wanted to keep Thomson in the company to observe him and test his character. If he was really good, then it wasn't impossible for him to be a match for his daughter.

Mcavoy Williams nodded and said to Thomson, "Thomson, you're a good employee. I hope you will stay. There's a vacancy for a manager of the company now, the position is yours now."

When Thomson heard this, he would've agreed immediately if this was in the past.

However, things were different now. His livestream career was doing very well and it was enough to support himself. He didn't want to continue being hedged in by the company's regulations and restrictions.

"Chairman, I'm glad that you wanted to hand me this important task, but I'm sorry. I have other plans. I appreciate your kindness."

Mcavoy Williams walked over to Thomson and patted him on the shoulder. "Young man, I have faith in you. If you need any help in the future, you can look for me."

"Thank you, Chairman."

Williams McCavoy looked at his watch. He had a very important meeting in the afternoon, so he didn't want to stay any longer.

After saying goodbye to his daughter and Thomson, he left with his bodyguards.

Robert looked at Thomson with hatred in his eyes. Everything had happened because of him, and he had been fired also because of him.

He bore this grudge deep in his heart and would never forget it. He said, "Thomson, I'll remember you. I won't let you have it easy."

Thomson's joy began to spread in his heart. This was the best news he had heard today.

He replied, "Robert, don't forget me, haha."